[趣味] Kendrick Lamar播報氣象

看板Hip-Hop標題[趣味] Kendrick Lamar播報氣象作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:2

剛才滑ig才看到這個 已經有點腿了

美國很有名的氣象學家Adam Krueger 用not like us 的詞播了一段氣象 笑到岔氣

“Let’s say you wanna travel somewhere cooler how many opps you got? I mean it?

“It’s going to feel hotter for several days, wop wop wop wop wop.”

“We just stocking up on hot days. How many stocks do I really have in stock? 1,

“If it is June, we are talking about the cold front is probably a minorrrr.”

“Not quite hot enough for a heat advisory but if we look further west, they not

最後還發免責聲明:”I am not picking sides. I want no part of this beef.”笑死

網友留言:”Certified whether boy.”

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


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※ 編輯: KAWSman ( 美國), 07/12/2024 14:20:33

pptdog07/12 16:45這老哥有夠讚的 他會接受網友投稿然後隔天加歌詞進去氣象

pptdog07/12 16:45預報 有興趣可以追蹤他ig哈哈

Weasley4007/12 17:42他很猛 K-pop 嘻哈都有

c33200807/12 18:26Certified whether boy超好笑幹

kitty9320607/12 21:06這老哥真的超猛== 超多這種影片

rondo041707/13 10:21好猛 融入生活超嘻哈