[情報] 台北新竹英文家教錯誤百出的英文
I made a call to Mr. Shepherd who had gone to Shanghai since last week. = I
made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week.
Amy, who was punished for talking in class, received a detention form.
= Amy, being punished for talking in class, received a detention form.
= Amy, punished for talking in class, received a detention form.
Practice doesn't necessarily make perfect, but it makes permanent.
Premature practice (practice beyond the learner's competence) or practice
without error correction makes imperfection permanent.
12/18 18:29
應該先去找溝通家教 學習怎麼把話講清楚
Nobody is concerning about grammar right now!!
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[情報] Kobe Duncan Garnett入選名人堂Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett will be inducted into the Naismith B asketball @Hoophall Class of 2020, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Form al announcements will be made on Saturday. Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan 和 Kevin Garnett 入選2020名人堂。 正式公告會在美國禮拜六發佈。爆
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[Vtub] 鯊鯊 Gura 差點說 N-word? - 同人動畫這片段有段時間了,就是之前鯊鯊玩 GTA V 把 Nigga 改說成 Nya~ 原直播:7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/05人們常說,種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。這聽起來相當正面,甚至是高貴的,但這看起來並不真 實。別忘了,你什麼都沒做,只是把好主意、想法和善意放在某個人或目標上,而你卻沒 收到任何正面的回報,阿牛。但你不會總是以某種線性姿態直接得到你所做的好事的報酬 。有時候你的回報會以不同的形式或來源出現,而最終,這對你來說會是更好的。 ——4
[Vtub] 公視小媒 玩返校Detention【GAME】返校Detention X 公視小媒=恐怖 【尖叫1次,罰寫課文(詩)1次】 開一個多小時了,大家快來看 聊天室有投票今天會尖叫幾次 --1
Re: [問卦] 有沒有師恩難忘或誤人子弟的八卦?I made a call to Mr. Shepherd who had gone to Shanghai since last week. = I made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week. Amy, who was punished for talking in class, received a detention form.- 天文研究所後藤友嗣教授誠徵研究計畫助理 English (or Japanese) speaking assistant NTHU cosmology group is seeking a part-time Chinese-English speaking assistant. Required Qualification:
- 我發了email給info@airlinesettlement.com 說明我目前人在台灣,沒有辦法兌現支票 是否有其他除了支票的方式? 後來接到回信,可以用PAYPAL 以下是他們給我的回信內容:
- I made a call to Mr. Shepherd who had gone to Shanghai since last week. = I made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week. Amy, who was punished for talking in class, received a detention form.