[閒聊] 大家覺得Red Velvet的Killing Voice沒唱

看板KoreaStar標題[閒聊] 大家覺得Red Velvet的Killing Voice沒唱作者
時間推噓51 推:51 噓:0 →:27

大家覺得Red Velvet的Killing Voice沒唱到哪首歌最可惜?


原po我覺得是I Just

來源: theqoo

1. 我全部都想聽,但是Future沒有現場版的影片,所以我想聽Future TT TT TT

2. Rookie..... Rookie Rookie Rookie

3. In & Out

4. 為什麼沒有Umpah Umpah

5. Day 1

6. My Dear、Day 1、Campfire...


8. Umpah去哪了~~~

9. Zoo

10. Somethin Kinda Crazy

11. Candy!!!!!! 真的是非常甜又好聽的歌!!!!!!!!! T T Candy Candy Candy Candy

12. 我真的很想聽現場版的Future TT TT

13. 我覺得Queendom唱太短了很可惜 T T

14. Sunny Side Up....

15. 如果能唱Time Slip就好了....

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※ 編輯: Master5566 ( 臺灣), 11/15/2023 22:57:56

ssss06 11/15 22:58Pose 呢QQ

ying4sho 11/15 22:58Future…真的好想聽…

Punipuni 11/15 23:02真的好想聽candy 嗚嗚嗚嗚

cryy 11/15 23:03太多神曲了

therealntu 11/15 23:04light me up, so good, butterflies,

therealntu 11/15 23:04 somethin kinda crazy, in&out!!!

yoche2000 11/15 23:04我也覺得要 Umpah & Rookie

cky0963 11/15 23:05So good, in my dreams, time slip

cky0963 11/15 23:05還有好多首都好想聽

aztec1830 11/15 23:11豪想聽Perfect 10

dacinwin 11/15 23:11絕對是So Good!!!!!!!!

aa2191290616 11/15 23:13RBB ,good bad ugly, BYE BYE

reddvelvet 11/15 23:14也是I just!!!

skylock 11/15 23:15太多了舉不完

skylock 11/15 23:15光是跟kingdom come幾乎其名的la rouge沒

skylock 11/15 23:15take it slow, candy, camp fire, day 1,

skylock 11/15 23:15talk to me, lucky girl, sunny afternoo

skylock 11/15 23:15i just, look, moonlight melody..太多啦

selen0330 11/15 23:16Cool word la rouge perfect 10

Vincent10247 11/15 23:20future沒現場版 超想聽的

chloe97462 11/15 23:21In&out,celebrate ,remember forever

chloe97462 11/15 23:21,campfire 太多了

pankup1023 11/15 23:22還有Be natural

xxchichi 11/15 23:24In&out…超級喜歡..

iamseanx 11/15 23:30zoo

iamseanx 11/15 23:32little little

AnnHeeYung77 11/15 23:34想聽So Good 而且發現原本會有更可

AnnHeeYung77 11/15 23:34惜QQ

x213320x 11/15 23:40

x213320x 11/15 23:40Light Me Up

x213320x 11/15 23:41

x213320x 11/15 23:41La Rouge

SEASEE 11/15 23:44Candy!!!

x213320x 11/15 23:45 Body Talk

harrybbs 11/15 23:48Knock Knock (Who's There?)

harrybbs 11/15 23:49這首氣氛營造超級好

x213320x 11/15 23:50至少還有30首UP

harrybbs 11/15 23:50感覺很適合萬聖節w

cheesecake93 11/16 00:11Candy!!

hinata728 11/16 00:37RBB神仙轉音結尾

gogoskevin 11/16 00:39in &out跟zoom

maytony27 11/16 00:40sunny side up

Fratercula 11/16 00:44So good, Light me up, Hear the s

Fratercula 11/16 00:44ea, In my dreams, Celebrate… 還

Fratercula 11/16 00:44有好多 根本說不完

dacinwin 11/16 00:49可以展現唱功跟合音的歌好多都想聽,數

dacinwin 11/16 00:49都數不完

DEAKUNE 11/16 00:53簡單說,全部的b-side

baby5731 11/16 00:53太多了......

DEAKUNE 11/16 00:54RV:去聽吧!我把大秘寶藏在非主打了

b2305911 11/16 00:57遺珠們在拍下集唱完算了

sweetmita 11/16 00:59Butterflies, Perfect 10跟Zoo

ly102530 11/16 01:01笑死 舉不完

wwwwm7 11/16 01:11In&out ,perfect 10, cool hot sweet lo

wwwwm7 11/16 01:11ve, bamboleo ,bye bye ,zoo,celebrate,

wwwwm7 11/16 01:11I just,elhl,butterflies

Snoopyyap 11/16 01:22little little

larryphan 11/16 02:14超多好聽非主打……有選到的很棒 但遺

larryphan 11/16 02:14珠超多

telescopy 11/16 07:51butterflies

jetun0718 11/16 08:04恨不得所有歌都唱一遍XD

celya6223 11/16 08:15我可以再列20首

Azu 11/16 08:38推look、good bad ugly、celebrate 太多了選

Azu 11/16 08:38不完,也想聽這次的underwater跟will I ever

Azu 11/16 08:38 see u again

ohclover 11/16 08:43Rookie跟RBB

ohclover 11/16 08:45Blue Lemonade . I Just 好歌真的太多了

ohclover 11/16 08:45,可不可以出第二集>_<

baghdad123 11/16 09:09B side全部!所有的!每一首歌!

onthehill 11/16 11:26Sunny side up跟little little

stu60432 11/16 11:27真的舉例不完:)

god123456789 11/16 12:25最好的解決方法就是再拍個2集把所

god123456789 11/16 12:25有都歌唱一遍XD

aa2191290616 11/16 13:07真的超想聽RBB 溫蒂的ending

IrritaBowel 11/16 13:21想聽Be Natural+1

usuar 11/16 16:39Power up

nanaer07 11/16 17:55想要rbb…那個尖叫聲哈哈

hyc0725zz 11/16 22:41個人覺得是My dear