[閒聊] Kuz成為湖人那年整天都祈求能跟Kobe見面

看板Lakers標題[閒聊] Kuz成為湖人那年整天都祈求能跟Kobe見面作者
時間推噓59 推:59 噓:0 →:17


“From the day I became a Laker, I had one thing on my mind.

I had to have a sit down with Kobe.

That whole summer I was banging down Rob Pelinka’s phone every damn day trying to get hold of Mamba.
整個夏天,我每天都在打電話請求Rob Pelinka,讓我可以見上曼巴一面。

I’m hitting Rob all the time like, ‘Come on, help me out. I’m trying to tal
k to him.’ And this goes on for like a minute.

Then finally one night, we’re in Minnesota for a game the next day. It’s alm
ost 11, I’m stretching in my hotel room, and I get a random text, just out the blue.

‘Yo, this is Bean. Let’s do dinner. Sunday when you guys get back.’

I’m like, This is Kobe….. texting my phone. What the fuck is going on right

So I show up at the restaurant that Sunday.

I’m always on time for dinner, but tonight I’m 15 minutes early. I’m just s
itting there for a while, until his security shows up. They walk in, and they’re like, ‘Hey, we’re gonna take you back to the table. Kobe’s almost here
. Driving in right now.’...

All of a sudden Kobe walks in, and it’s literally like Moses spreading the ocean. Everybody in the restaurant is just looking at him. And he comes to the table, and he’s like, ‘Kuz, what up man?’ Just completely chill. But I’m li
ke, Oh shit, Kobe knows my name.
突然間,Kobe出現了,而這簡直就像摩西分開了紅海一樣。餐廳裡的每個人只是盯顧著他看。然後他來到桌子幫,非常愜意的說「怎麼了,Kuz?」 。 但我整個腦袋只有「該死,Kobe竟然知道我的名字。」

We’re at that table for about two hours. And we’re just talking about life,
basketball, how I grew up, how he grew up. The ups and downs of his career. We talked about his business life. Things that really influenced him.

The cool thing with Kobe — he was always trying to get smart. He was always trying to gain knowledge, and he’d find that from anything. So he’s not just
sitting there answering questions. He’s asking me all this stuff, too. Man, just like, ‘How has your upbringing shaped you? How do you think it’s helping
you in your pro career right now?’ Things like that. And he didn't have to do those things, but he did.

That was a really cool night for me. It’s a memory that just gets more important and more special to me as time goes by.”



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※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 01:23:11 ※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 01:24:42

s88030308/11 01:28沒新聞就開始蹭

蹭嗎? 內文講得很真誠喔!這個網站也是許多球員會拿來寫文章或者公佈重大消息例如 退休等等事情的地方。

danson55508/11 01:28一樓有什麼問題嗎...

※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 01:31:10

jetloading0008/11 01:34推褲子真誠!一樓快滾吧

israelhello08/11 01:36推褲子真情流露

d6235308/11 01:39這不是隊版嗎?po這個很不錯啊

hyc0725zz08/11 01:45老大QQ

kobe3041808/11 01:48好懷念老大

kobe82072108/11 01:48推我大Kuz

giantkobe08/11 01:58一樓可以桶了吧

sthho08/11 02:03希望可以拿最佳進步獎

ilove0shanya08/11 02:03

po1936508/11 02:05推喜歡褲子 希望可以再更進步

Russ08/11 02:05想老大 也希望kuz能有好的表現

a335371608/11 02:08A~恭喜一樓的發言直接先黑名單封鎖

a335371608/11 02:08愛亂嘴就黑單 順便祝福Kuz 到巫師有更好表現

bemjamen12308/11 02:10某樓滾去總版找高狼跟他的小夥伴 少來隊版耍憨

L1ON08/11 02:16很好啊 蹭個屁==

yjhuang08/11 02:30老大真的是一個很認真,又很願意給意見的前輩

yjhuang08/11 02:31職場上遇到這樣的貴人,總是充滿感激

kkl52260808/11 02:32Kuz 感謝啦!

lork022208/11 02:41Kuz加油,繼續圍建,忠實老大粉

ELF00708/11 03:19這網站是JETER成立的媒體 給各大職業運動選手發表文章

ELF00708/11 03:20裡面的文章很多都很有價值 值得一讀 KUZ選在上面發表

ELF00708/11 03:20而不是接受其他媒體專訪 就表示這對他很重要 絕非是要

ELF00708/11 03:20來蹭的

munchlax08/11 03:35笑了 我還轉出去看 自己是不是點到總版 希望Kuz在DC也

munchlax08/11 03:35有好表現

cutejerry2508/11 03:40

chuanche08/11 03:57不太理解那句的意思是在說求見Kobe這回事大概持續了有一

chuanche08/11 03:57分鐘

chuanche08/11 03:58小孩一直在吵糖吃的感覺

jemmak62908/11 05:29想老大

kkb512sk08/11 06:45老大!!!

matsuwu08/11 06:57誇飾法呀。表意思他極度的想要

KyleKuzma08/11 07:03老大我想你了

Eloye08/11 07:05當年跟著老頭的紅茶英滾都有打出來,老頭廚的褲子一定也可

Eloye08/11 07:05

LBJKO08/11 07:16希望kuz在巫師持續發光發熱!

jzbobby08/11 07:35一樓蹭小小小?

Kaiokevin08/11 07:52推褲子嗚嗚嗚嗚

tonyparker1808/11 07:54Kuz有冠軍了 去刷個大約吧!

lyfenanook08/11 08:01一樓有病要去看醫生

jetloading0008/11 08:20另外褲子今天受訪表示原先收到的消息是基本確定要被

jetloading0008/11 08:20交易到國王 ~

Verlander3508/11 08:22這代表龜龜交易確實來的挺突然的

matsuwu08/11 08:28哇.. 那真的所有人都鬆了一口氣XD

jetloading0008/11 08:33包裹是褲子哈肉22籤的樣子,還好有龜拯救…

jetloading0008/11 08:34但褲子說原本也很期待到國王 應該很想找我疼

matsuwu08/11 08:43這幾年KUZ早就知道怎麼在媒體前講話了XD

lakb2408/11 08:49老大

oncedown08/11 08:56

v0000108/11 09:10想找我疼? 難道會懷念打中鋒的時光嗎XD

wilson0016408/11 09:17"in a minute"在這邊應該不是專指一分鐘,是指他持

wilson0016408/11 09:18續要求見Kobe持續了一小段時日。

wilson0016408/11 09:19整篇正能量滿滿,一字不提在網路上被各種攻擊酸爆。

XperiaArcS08/11 09:19請板主水桶一樓好嗎?

leolovejoyce08/11 09:36該死的KUZ,讓我又想念老大了,嗚~

destinyx208/11 09:47Kuz在DC加油啊~

babyface197708/11 09:50希望Kuz在外面打出好成績+1,他目前在LAL雙星下發展

babyface197708/11 09:50真的有限

crayon5608/11 09:54老大!!

ebv08/11 09:55很感人阿~蹭個屁啦~~

vigilante66608/11 10:54那邊單純是說褲子求Rob求了一分鐘吧XD

melomelomelo08/11 11:03老大~

bluespin08/11 12:27祝福褲子,想念老大了~

gooljasper08/11 12:36轉隊起飛

matsuwu08/11 13:51如果季後賽巫師vs綠賽,能爆打對方一波就是喜上加喜了

lovemj8808/11 14:01我們都很難接受老大不在了,可以想見對褲子的打擊有多大

KBchen08/11 14:30Kuz加油

KBking08/11 17:14這哪有蹭..

ymca808/11 18:14真的 昨晚在playerstribute 只有感動

ymca808/11 18:15看到這篇

ptychodera08/11 18:54可以想像Kobe摩西分紅海的氣場

opoos08/12 01:10喜歡這種小故事

tweence08/12 01:14

nockyouout08/13 21:24這就是我為什麼這麼喜歡Kobe的原因了