[外絮] Rose:Kobe過世至今仍讓我感到受傷

看板NBA標題[外絮] Rose:Kobe過世至今仍讓我感到受傷作者
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Lakers legend Kobe Bryant’s death still hurts Derrick Rose to this day

原文作者:Ashish Mathur (CLUTCH POINTS)

Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant’s death still hurts Detroit Pistons point guard Derrick Rose, who like many basketball players, was inspired by Bryant’s grind and love for the game.

In the newest edition of his autobiography called “I’ll Show You,” Rose talked about how Bryant no longer being with us is something he may never get over. The youngest MVP in NBA history, who has undergone four knee surgeries since 2012, has been using the Lakers icon as an example of how you can adapt your game as you get older and still be effective.
在Rose最新的自傳「I’ll Show You」中提到,Kobe離開這件事可能是他心中永遠無法跨過的坎。

“You can’t know what it was like, going through everything I had to get through with my injuries, my game, my life. I won’t be the last Derrick Rose. But aslong as I tell my story and I’m honest about it, I hope it’s going to touch alot of people.

“That’s why I love Kobe so much. His death, man, that’s something that’s alw
ays going to hurt … It’s a weird feeling, ‘Oh s***, Kobe’s not here. Damn.’
I never tried to copy his moves, but just his grind and his evolution as a player. That’s what drove me.”

Kobe Bryant was this generation’s Michael Jordan. His tragic passing is something many players in the NBA may never come to grips with.

With Los Angeles, Bryant won five championships and two Finals MVPs. As his career went along and he no longer was the most athletic player in the league, Bryant’s game evolved and he still was able to dominate his opponents.

That’s something Rose really appreciated since he’s seen his athleticism decline following his injuries. The former Chicago Bulls superstar has changed his game as the Lakers great did and it’s helping him stay in the league and play ata high level.



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※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 12/02/2020 11:04:28

a221657947 12/02 11:06今年最無法接受走掉的就是老大跟黃鴻升了

DioEraclea 12/02 11:06老大!又想你了QQ

ooxxman 12/02 11:07我也是,遺憾

CurryGOD 12/02 11:08是說rose本來也幾乎都在受傷

icpolonaise 12/02 11:08老大,我想你...

givemeahug 12/02 11:09看來他一直很想Kobe喔

HarunaOno 12/02 11:10看著自己追逐半輩子的偶像驟世 我想很多人都無法接

HarunaOno 12/02 11:10

HarunaOno 12/02 11:11世更正為逝

ChoHaiHai 12/02 11:12老大。。。。

miler22020 12/02 11:14想你了

micbrimac 12/02 11:15老大@@

ya123yo 12/02 11:16QQ

trylin 12/02 11:18老大QQ 想你了

evaliao 12/02 11:18QQ

raywilly 12/02 11:19qq

kevinacc084 12/02 11:19年底了 老大過世已經快一年了...

MK47 12/02 11:21QQ

blairchief 12/02 11:23我到現在還是沒辦法看他的各種懷念影片QQ

findwind082612/02 11:24時間越久越能感受他真的走了的事實

findwind082612/02 11:24不再有新的新聞 不再有新的影片 不再有新的消息

ieyfung 12/02 11:25你不要再說了.jpg

s50101 12/02 11:25QQ

power41 12/02 11:29QQ

aph860212 12/02 11:30我也。。。QQ

tacohung 12/02 11:34我也很想他。我們都一樣

dan2metsheep12/02 11:35

a92005712d 12/02 11:45要1年了 時間好快...

jefflin0824 12/02 11:50很痛很痛 試著不去想 但那些記憶片段又湧上心頭QQ

KBchen 12/02 11:56我這輩子都無法過這個坎

Gasolsister 12/02 11:59我這輩子也無法過這個坎....

Spartan117 12/02 12:00Kobe活在我們心中

uf1276 12/02 12:03快一年了 可是難過的感覺好像沒甚麼減少

cookie0215 12/02 12:11老大QAQ

vince4687 12/02 12:12QQ 還記得老大退休之後還覺得這老人怎麼沒打球還一

vince4687 12/02 12:12堆新聞 結果……

jason862i 12/02 12:16一月底老大就離開一年了QQ

Shmilybaby 12/02 12:17I miss you so much Kobe

LBJ23K 12/02 12:21我也是.... 超級不真實

rojjujj 12/02 12:25我到現在也不能接受

PTTfaggot 12/02 12:27QQ

KevinJohnson12/02 12:27好想念

black205 12/02 12:28唉....該死的意外

asdfzx 12/02 12:38老大

cccman 12/02 12:42老大

coffee112 12/02 12:51QQ

Mei5566 12/02 12:57時間過真快,也要一年了

BryantKobe 12/02 12:59大家不要難過

fan800509 12/02 13:05老大QQ

TonyYo 12/02 13:07老大QQ

ken6136 12/02 13:13老大

molopo 12/02 13:23QQ

k8952000 12/02 13:23如果是小鬼朋友出來懷念小鬼 就被噓爆 雙標台男

TaichungC 12/02 13:25老大

sunnyyoung 12/02 13:33受傷是沒有 但那種震驚其實還蠻難平息的

BusterPosey 12/02 13:36我還記得是大年初三...時間真快QQ

Iguchi2B 12/02 13:47老大.. T_T

kobe143 12/02 14:09QQ

pornstar 12/02 14:20Kobe還活著的話也會被綠共覺青噓舔共, 因為Kobe也

pornstar 12/02 14:20會反川普Chinese Virus的言論

StODf 12/02 14:21老大!

legendd 12/02 14:57老大qq

simo520 12/02 15:28上車

leon82guy 12/02 16:01那天我還以為什麼垃圾媒體在傳假新聞

ganhua 12/02 16:49QQ

peng978 12/02 17:00老大!!!!!!

HS316229 12/02 17:12到現在還是覺得很不真實

originbook 12/02 17:51還是很難接受Kobe離開了 我唯一的偶像

bill6613 12/02 17:55老大QQQQQQQQQQQ

MuLuLi 12/02 18:38大家真的辛苦了

Shawn0439 12/02 18:52QQ

hiarpu 12/02 20:19QQ

bye2007 12/02 20:19老大QQ

hibernate 12/02 20:54QQ 我難過

nicsutian 12/02 20:54老大!

joe22691128 12/02 21:31老大QQ

CS000000000012/03 01:34小鬼是誰

realfade 12/03 10:07我也是

erictt0330 12/03 10:17QQ

austin9906 12/03 11:07看到又哭出來了,真的是因為kobe才愛上籃球和nba,

austin9906 12/03 11:07這也是我們無法跨過的檻

w9515 12/03 12:45唉...當天真的嚇到彈起床

hauhau 12/04 09:24QQ...

mene55555 12/05 18:37Kobe QQ