[情報] 7/26 Daily Horoscope
You do not have to be in charge or in a position of authority to contribute
an enormous amount to a new venture. You are a natural leader. You are great
at leading others toward success. However, you may be in a seemingly lesser
role right now, and that may not feel right to you. However, from where you
are, you will actually have more power to be creative and to use your charm
to finesse others into seeing how great your ideas really are. You have all
the power you need, Leo. You just need to use it.
[情報] 0303 DailyHoroscopeJust because someone has a role of authority or a position of power, does not mean that you can trust them to know what they are doing or to be judicious in their dealings. You may have questions and doubts now about what someone with power or authority is asking you to do, Capricorn. Don't feel bad about quest ioning what someone in authority position is asking you to do. Don't just assu4
[情報] 03/27 Daily HoroscopeIdeas are swirling through your mind right now, and your thoughts may be captivating and colorful. You are often great at coming up with brilliant ideas, but you sometimes become so swept away by thoughts of what could be that you take on too many ideas at once. This time, narrow it down. What appeals to you the most, Leo? Choose one or two goals and get started. Stick4
[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你很可能很快就會有機會與一個有巨大影響力的人建立友誼。 這可能會成為與一個有權力地位的人的非常密切的聯繫,他實際上可以幫助你最終實現某 個夢想。 關鍵是首先要認識到這個人,然後要自由和開放地說出你是誰。 月之子,說出你的心聲,敢於發揮你的創造力,展現你的激情-他們會理解並有同樣的感4
[情報] 03/22 Daily HoroscopeYou may have to listen to or accommodate someone who you see as foolish or ign orant. This may be someone in a position of power, and so you may not have muc h of a choice. But what you can do, Leo, is to present your own point of view on the matter - in a respectful and delicate way, of course - and then leave i t at that. Although the authority figure may scoff at you and refuse to take y1
[情報] 02/08 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 8 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 8 Where there is life, there is hope. No matter what kind of problem you are fac ing now, Gemini, you need to recognize that this is a great big world with any number of answers and possibilities. The key here is to not lose or underesti1
[情報] 01/18 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling too old, too inexperienced, too frustrated, or too somethin g today to feel very good about yourself. You may feel that you are diminished when you compare yourself to somebody else. But why would you do that, Leo? Y ou are unique and important just as you are. If you are "too" anything at all, and there is something you wish you could change about yourself, then change- Just because you don't feel completely confident about an idea you initially f elt good about does not mean you should just toss it out of the metaphorical w indow. Your original thoughts were inspiring and hopeful, and that's a great s tart. If you don't yet feel sure of yourself and certain about going forward w ith this, that's not a bad sign. It may just mean that you need a bit more inf
- You probably realize that a venture you are getting involved in could go off i n the wrong direction if everything doesn't go as planned. If you are okay wit h that risk, Leo, then why not go with it? Even the seemingly safest choices w e make can't always be always fully predictable. And great success often comes with risks. But if you do choose to go forward knowing this, just be sure you
- Today, Leo, you will have to travel the fine line between being a tough leader and compassionate friend. There is a person or an organization that needs wha t you have to offer, either at work or in your neighborhood. Your brilliant ch arm will be instrumental in getting diverse personalities on the same page, an d your compassion and natural charisma will help with that. But you will also