[情報] 02/14 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 02/14 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:0

Your muse may be knocking at your door now, dear Leo, but you don't have timeto answer it. You have so many other high-priority things to do that you can't set aside your work and obligations to answer a higher, more creative calling right now. However, you can still take a few brief notes! If some intriguingcreative thoughts are stirring your imagination, you don't want to lose them in the pursuit of your responsibilities. Write it all down, and come back to it later.



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BigCat 02/13 23:50(看帳號部的事情覺得這篇好準 O_Q)

soulknight 02/13 23:52拍拍 別太累 盡量就好

joy7681 02/14 07:20謝謝~

yuanfan 02/14 09:50謝謝

taxitaxi 02/14 17:54感謝提醒