[情報] 03/10 Daily Horoscope
A little bit of apprehension or skepticism could be healthy for you now as you explore a possible new venture. That's not to say this isn't something you should consider, Leo. It may very well be a good possibility for you. But if you look at it closely and thoroughly, you will get a truer picture of all that's involved in it, and you can make a very informed and wise decision about it.You may discover something that will hold you back or something that will inspire you, but you have to be open to both.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/28保持彈性幾乎一直都是個好選擇,阿牛。當你在談判和跟他人相處時保持彈性,這代表著 你相當願意去理解他人的感受,也代表著你增加了自己的選擇。今天你可能很難妥協,但 你可能會發現如果做出妥協的話,你仍然會獲得自己想要的,也能夠跟某個參與了一項對 你來說是件相當重大的冒險的人保持好關係。 ———2
[情報] 0816 DailyHoroscopeYou can be a bit of a skeptic, Capricorn. You believe in what you can see and prove. But even as a logical thinker, you have to admit that we really know ve ry little about the world and its mysteries. Therefore, it isn't much of a lea p to believe in something you can't prove, especially if you feel inclined to do so. If you wish to protect some new venture from failure, try imagining a g2
[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/10有些人認為對許多事情抱持著懷疑的心態去解讀是正確的行為。 儘管是抱持著好奇的心態去分析所有不利的可能,甚至是開始依此作為茅點用偏激的方式 去解決不利的可能性,都不是最佳的最法。 因為心態上一旦有了負面的成見,那麼只會在你們之間形成屏障,造成隔閡。 若你最近感到過於憤世某些事情,那麼可能是自身無意識的保護機制啟動的緣故。2
[情報] 02/13 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 13 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 13 Try to imagine that you are boarding a train for a destination you are very ex cited about. Perhaps this place you are headed to holds all sorts of wonderful , magical possibilities for you. Then you look at the sign flashing overhead,2
[情報] 07/31 the daily horoscopeYou are in a pioneering state of mind today, Gemini. Well, that could actually be said about you most of the time. You do have a curious, open mind, and you are often far more accepting of unusual ideas and concepts than most people. Today is a great day to explore some novel thing that someone brings to your a ttention, perhaps as a partnership possibility. Although there may be a few th2
[情報] 01/19 the daily horoscopeSomeone unexpected could offer you the insight you have been looking for. This probably won't come to you because you have sought it out, though, Gemini. Mo re likely, it will happen as a conversation unfolds or when someone says somet hing that brings you a "eureka" moment. And whether you know this individual w ell or not, you will sense that it's significant. But in whatever way this may1
[情報] 01/04 the daily horoscopeA risky venture might be far less risky than it appears on the surface. You ar e not averse to risks of course, but this may hold potential problems that you really don't want to deal with, Gemini, and you may be talking yourself out o f something that could actually be quite good for you. Dig in deeper if this i s worth it to you. Don't go by external appearances alone. You may just find t1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/09不尋常的人事物很有可能帶給你一個獨特又非常誘人的機會。由於你是保守地懷抱著合情合理的期待,你通常不太會被奇怪的東西給吸引,阿牛。說真的,你甚至或許會快速地選擇另外一條路來走。但是當事情感覺有點吸引人的時候,你必須保持開放的心態來面對這又新又不一樣的東西,因為一旦你挖掘越多,你越能夠看到它將帶來的許多好處。敞開心胸面對新的機會吧! Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 9 An unusual person or experience could lead you to a unique and highly desirable opportunity. Because you are more of a traditional person with reasonable expectations, you don't always gravitate to things that are out of the norm, Taurus. In fact, you might even walk the other way rather quickly! But you need to remain open to something new and different that is a bit intriguing, because the more you explore it, the more you will see the many benefits it offers. Be open to new opportunities. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 03/08 the daily horoscopeYou may feel that a venture you became involved in some time ago is no longer interesting or exciting to you. You do get bored somewhat easily, dear Gemini . And maybe because of the restlessness you feel, you are considering seeking out something new to do instead. But you have already invested yourself in thi s, and you might as well flesh it out fully. Even though you have reached a po- It is natural to experience doubts about something you believe in. Even if you start out in a new venture feeling inspired and certain that good things are meant to be, dear Gemini, damaging, doubtful thoughts can creep in and disarm your motivation. But the key to success in a current endeavor is distinguishin g between doubts that are grounded in logic and the doubts that are grounded i