[情報] 03/07 Daily Horoscope
The choice to move forward with an endeavor or to stop it in its tracks is entirely up to you, dear Leo. You can probably think of a few reasons on either side of this, and that is what makes it so difficult. If you stop short, simply based on a fear that you can only go so far, then you might wind up living with regret if something comes to light to show you it could have worked. But if you keep going, you will know that you have exhausted all efforts, and whether you succeed or not, you will know that you tried. Given your proud nature, Leo, the latter seems like the better choice.
[情報] 12/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 16 2020 You may have gotten to the point in a frustrating endeavor where you are starting to feel that good enough will be good enough. Prior to that, you had given it your all, Capricorn, only to feel unappreciated and overly frustrated. Why bother when things aren't going your way? Because you take6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/28你最近花費最多時間的事物已經到了十字路口。你可能擔心自己走錯路,但這些都是好事 ,阿牛。如果根據自己在生活中想要的東西來選擇,而不是根據恐懼的話,這些選擇中的 選項都可以是正面的。換句話說,你只有好選擇。這取決於你是否能夠找出對你更好的選 擇。哪條路會為你帶來想要的事物?哪條會更令人愉快?這是你現在該考慮的問題。 ——4
[情報] 07/08 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 08 2022 你最初認為是困難、尷尬或甚至是痛苦的對話, 結果可能完全不是如此,親愛的魔魔。 事實上,你從這場交流中學到的, 最後會變成鼓舞人心、有啟發的,4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/20一個人的意見與選擇往往是基於他們周圍的環境,而這並不令人意外。如果你希望改變某 個人的意見或影響他們的選擇時,必須牢記這點。你可能認為對這個人來說,某個選擇比 另一個更好,但你也認為自己沒有能力說服他們,但事實上你有,親愛的阿牛。如果你能 幫助他們改變環境,你就能為這個人的生活帶來相當大的改變,想一下你能如何做到這點 。3
[情報] 08/22 the daily horoscopeYou are probably someone who prides yourself on living in the present moment r ather than dwelling in the past. But sometimes the past catches up with all of us, and it can cause us to pause and wonder what might have been. If you are there now, Gemini, and you are wondering how a certain choice in your life cou ld have turned out radically different - and for the better - then you need to3
[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscopeIf you had a time machine, Gemini, you would probably choose to travel back to the past right now. Despite your adventurous nature, the thought of traveling ahead might scare you. You may have fears that things will not be as good in the future as they were in the past. Recent experiences may have also contribu ted to this line of thinking. But today, or very soon, you will receive a glim2
[情報] 03/15 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 15 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 15 An experience of feeling disillusioned or deeply disappointed in the past may be affecting a choice you are making now, Gemini. The problem with this is tha t you may not even recognize it for what it is. You may be coming up with reas1
[情報] 08/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be on the verge of taking on a big responsibility, Moonchild. And as you do, you may be feeling a bit intimidated. You may wonder whether you will have enough time, energy, and money. You may be concerned that it will go on for longer than you think or be more complicated than you hope. But worry will only cause sleepless nights - it won't accomplish anything.1
[情報] 20/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能有很強的直覺,而且你通常可以用你的直覺來幫助你度過最困難的情況,它有時候 會是無懈可擊的。 如果你超級緊張或擔心,或者恐懼在你試圖做出的決定或選擇中起作用,你的第六感可能 更難進入和依賴,因為這些東西會影響你的感覺。 不過今天,你的敏感度是相當強的。- If you choose not to move forward with an opportunity because it feels overwhe lming or because you are afraid of failing, you will almost surely regret it. That's because any feelings of being overwrought or moments of feeling fearful will eventually dissipate and be replaced with pride and happiness; while the opportunity at hand will probably be gone, and perhaps forever. If you weigh