[情報] 5/7(四)DailyHoroscope
Someone who knows your weaknesses also knows how to push your buttons. They can pick up topics that they know will rile you up, Leo, and then what happens? You get riled up, of course. And if that happens, that means you have lost control of yourself because someone else has instigated your reaction.
If you are about to enter into an emotional or vulnerable situation, then the best thing you can do is to be on guard for this. The next best thing would be to overcome this. You do not have to lose your temper or react in a way you'll regret - especially if you are prepared for it.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/13有時你必須對那些看起來對你來說並不公平的事做出妥協。當你看起來失去了所有,或在 對抗一個強大的敵人時,你就會這麼做。但有時這種妥協可以變得偉大,阿牛。有時一個 糟糕的狀況會以一種幾乎無法想像的方式變得對你有利,這可能是其中一個時機。你必須 做出的妥協最終會變成意料之外的幸運。 ——5
[情報] 03/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 05 2022 你比平常更想講出對某件事的感覺。 當某個你不喜歡, 而且涉及到個人事務的事情發生時, 常常就只是笑笑著忍受。3
[情報] 02/14 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期五 2月 14 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 2月 14 You can be impulsive, Gemini. It is part of your nature. And surely you have b een in situations where something went wrong or someone pushed your buttons an d got the better of you. Without thinking, in situations like that, you could3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/13今天你對於某人的煽動性評論或行動做出的反應要非常小心。你生活中的某人可能正試圖 挑撥你,原因並不重要,阿牛。他們可能相當清楚哪個按鈕能夠推動,並且挑起你那不悅 的情緒。但如果你已經學會克制自己,就不會屈服於他們那幼稚的遊戲,也不會做出他們 想要的反應。如果是這樣的話,那你就贏了。儘管這可能很困難。但你可以讓他們消失, 你的日子也會因此變好。3
[情報] 12/14 Daily HoroscopeJust when you thought you had gained control over a turbulent situation, it se ems to be going haywire again. That's because there are other, more difficult personalities involved, and that's something you can't truly control. But what you can control, Leo, is your own reaction to someone else's nonsense or emot ional upheaval. You can remain calm. You can choose to see things rationally.2
[情報] 17/01/2022~23/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope你有大的夢想,你也被其他有大夢想的人所吸引。 你喜歡那種創造力,月之子-那種能讓人以一種方式設想未來的創造力,使他們感到有激 情去爭取什麼。 本週,你可能發現自己對與你分享夢想的人感到迷戀。 無論這只是因為你喜歡他們的能量和想法,還是因為也有一種浪漫的吸引力,你都需要慢2
[情報] 02/18 Daily HoroscopeWe all have said one time or another: "It is what it is." That phrase may seem like giving up, but really it can be a great way of coping with a tough situa tion. You aren't giving up. You're just acknowledging that you have done what you can. You may have done everything within your power to make something happ en, and at this point, it is out of your control. In other words, Leo, it is w2
[情報] 09/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 30 2022 一個在你個人生活的情況中, 可能跟家庭事件有關聯的事情, 並沒有如你所願。 你或許有理由相信最後自己一定會感到不滿足,1
[情報] 22/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone may be urging you to look at a situation logically rather than emotionally and to make a decision based on common sense and reasonable thinking. As an emotional Moonchild, though, that may be a very difficult thing to do for you. Your emotional makeup is the fuel that you run on, and when coupled with your stamina and tenacity, you are someone who- Someone may be trying to convince you that something they want you to do that you see as foolish would actually be quite brave. Since you value your reputat ion as a brave soul who runs to the rescue whenever you are needed, dear Leo, this could be a hard thing for you to overcome. But don't fall for it. If your gun instincts are telling you that what the other party wants you to do is fo