[情報] 11/1 (日)Daily Horoscope
Don't rein in your instinct today, especially if it's telling you to kick up your heels and get a little bit wild. It's been too long since you've set yourworkload aside and really cut loose. You're overdue for some fun. Eat ice cream for breakfast or take two naps in one day. It's time to indulge yourself. You won't get in trouble! And if today just isn't the day for goofing off, thenat least schedule in a fun date with yourself in the near future.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 02/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 07 2021 你現在帶著比平常更輕鬆、無憂無慮的心情,魔魔。 因為你負責任的天性, 你總是傾向全心全意在工作上, 把工作和其他義務擺在娛樂前面。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/02是不是感到很懷念過去的時光和老朋友呀?如果有個很久不見的朋友,是你偶爾會想到的,那今天是很適合找他聊聊的日子唷。也許你對這個人持續的思念,是在告訴你你們應該重新聯絡並重新好好認識一下的徵象。找個時間來聯絡一下並看看未來能帶來什麼機會。這些過往的深度交往對你來說可以是很有益處的。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Sep 2 You may be feeling nostalgic about old times and old friends. If there is someone who you have not seen in a long time - someone you think about occasionally - this would be a great day to reach out. Maybe your consistent thoughts about this individual are signs telling you you should get in touch again and reacquaint yourself. Take a moment to get back in touch and see what the future might hold. Those old connections with deep roots can be very good for you. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/05/18今天是一個出行的絕佳日子,無論您是和家人、朋友還是出差,旅程都將充滿令人興奮的 景色和愉快的對話。隨著月亮進入牡羊座,準備好享受一些樂趣和冒險吧,親愛的金牛座 !根據金牛座的每日運勢預測,您此時不會遇到太多困難。但是,在中午12點到下午1點 之間,避免開始旅程或任何新的事業。綠色將是您今天的幸運色。 ——4
[情報] 31/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,『三思而後行 』這句諺語應該是你今天的口頭禪。 雖然你可能急於完成某事,但偷工減料可能導致需要很長時間才能解決的錯誤。 但如果你有耐心,並以正確的方式做事-你確實知道如何以正確的方式做事-那麼在一天結 束時,你會對你所完成的事情感到滿意。 不要為了速度而犧牲效率帶來的良好的感覺。3
[情報] 0604 DailyHoroscopeMuch of the time, Capricorn, you are someone who would rather work intensely o n a project than kick up your heels and have some fun. But the plans you have now for an ambitious project may have to wait. If you receive an invitation or an opportunity to get out and about, you may think it is too frivolous to tea r you away from your mission. But actually, that may be exactly what you need.2
[情報] 0313 DailyHoroscopeMost Capricorns happen to have a very stable and balanced personality. You are someone who can be relied on to get a job done and to be where you say you wi ll be at a certain time. And although that sort of predictable routine gives y ou a good measure of comfort, dear Capricorn, you do occasionally have the des ire to be a bit wilder and more spontaneous. If such an opportunity comes to y2
[情報] 09/29 the daily horoscopeMany people find ice cream delicious and will indulge in it from time to time. But most people know if someone were to have an ice cream sundae every day, i t would not be good for their health or their waistline. You may not think of it this way, Gemini, but pursuing the wrong goals in life can also be a bit li ke eating too much ice cream. There may be something you want, but that isn't1
[情報] 09/05 the daily horoscopeRushing through a fun adventure will make it a lot less fun. For example, if y ou rush through a game of golf, your stroke may suffer, you may miss out on in teresting conversations with other players, and you might not even notice how sunny and warm the day is. You tend to rush a lot, dear Gemini. You move quick ly. It's just what you do. It comes naturally to you. But sometimes that tende1
[情報] 03/27 the daily horoscopeZesty, spicy, peppery, zingy, hot - these are words that could easily describe where your day could go today. Prepare for some excitement today, Gemini - no t that you aren't already prepared! You may find that everything you touch rig ht now has a little extra pizzazz to it. Your interactions with others may rev eal fun characteristics you never saw before and new people who rev the energy- There is something very special about today, Gemini. Have you spotted it yet? If not, then you need to start looking. This may be a bit misleading. It isn't just today that possesses special elements. Every single day offers something that is special and unique, but not everyone notices it or goes looking for i t. If you were to try to seek out what is great about today, you would find it