[情報] 01/09 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/09 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

Through trial and error, Leo, you have come to know what you don't want, yet you still don't know for sure what you do want. But guess what? That first part - knowing what you don't want - is extremely important in the process of figuring things out. It means that you have tried and discarded certain options, and that you are getting closer to knowing what will be best for you. Be patient with yourself. You may wind up finding a few more "things you don't want" for that list, but that's just fine. When you finally make that decision that'son your mind, it will be the right one.






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※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/08/2022 20:09:20

henei 01/09 00:30

yukinovssho 01/09 12:03