[情報] 01/09 Daily Horoscope
Through trial and error, Leo, you have come to know what you don't want, yet you still don't know for sure what you do want. But guess what? That first part - knowing what you don't want - is extremely important in the process of figuring things out. It means that you have tried and discarded certain options, and that you are getting closer to knowing what will be best for you. Be patient with yourself. You may wind up finding a few more "things you don't want" for that list, but that's just fine. When you finally make that decision that'son your mind, it will be the right one.
[情報] 02/21 Daily HoroscopeUnanswered prayers or requests to the universe are often a blessing. Sometimes you can feel very certain that you know what you want and what is right for y ou. You can pour your heart and soul into something, though, only to discover that it was not the best thing for you after all. When the universe intervenes and stops you, it can be upsetting - but later on, you may discover that a so7
[情報] 0316 DailyHoroscopeYou can guess and estimate and hypothesize all you want about a certain compli cated matter in your life, dear Capricorn, but none of that is going to provid e you with absolute truth. That may be because there is no one right answer to this matter. It may be open to opinion. Or, it may be different for everyone. The most important thing right now is to figure out what will work best for y7
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2021 你現在可能有一些對於金錢的困擾, 或某種程度上對財務感到有一點不安全感。 無論你是擔心已經犯過的錯誤, 或需要增強開源能力,魔魔,7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/13你離一個沒預料到的好運只剩一個問題的距離了。這就對了,阿牛。如果你向正確的人提 出正確的問題,你將會擁有你確實需要的來體現你所想要的。但棘手的是,你並不想帶著 這個特定的問題去找那個特定的人,而這讓你陷入困境。但它確實不會以你所想像的方式 展開,事實上,它將是相當容易的一件事。不過你當然不會知道這件事,直到你將問題說 出口,今天,鼓起勇氣來做這件事吧。