[情報] 02/01 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 02/01 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

You may be in the process of discovering that a strong opinion you once held about something or someone is different now. You may not be sure whether therewas an actual change or if you were wrong about it all along. But it doesn't really matter, and you shouldn't waste any time trying to figure out that partof it. If your current stance feels right and is well thought out, then that's what you have to go with, however, it applies to your current situation. Be confident of that, Leo.

獅子們,你可能發現曾經對某件人事物懷抱的的強烈想法,現在稍微有些不同了。 你可能不確定實際上它們是否發生了什麼變化,或者你一直以來(對此人事物)都有著錯誤的印象;但這並不重要,你不用耗費時間思考,只為了證明這改變從何而來。




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oceanfishwu 02/01 16:50新年快樂!

kingq 02/02 23:24新年快樂