[閒聊] 道奇隊連續30局無失分追平歷史紀錄道奇隊連續30局沒掉分 Jack Flaherty 目前封鎖大都會打線、 而且Jack Flaherty 還是2021年以後道奇季後賽第一個投滿6局投手 連續無失分局數有可能繼續增加5
[情報] 教士季前就和Merrill談過延長合約Padres, Jackson Merrill Reportedly Discussed Pre-Debut Extension A report from The Athletic’s Dennis Lin earlier today revealed that San Diego b rass discussed the possibility of an extension with Merrill last offseason, befo re the youngster had even made his MLB debut. The sides, of course, did not wind up coming together on a deal.29
[閒聊] 接下來哪一隊有機會解除冠軍荒??目前大聯盟尚未奪冠的球隊: 光芒、洛磯、水手、教士、釀酒人 釀酒人跟教士今年有打季後賽,但還是走不到第二輪 以目前來說,剩下這五隊誰有辦法拿到隊史首冠呢?? --