[外電] 洋基開給紅雀的Arenado交易包

看板MLB標題[外電] 洋基開給紅雀的Arenado交易包作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:28

With first baseman Christian Walker off the free-agent market after agreeing tosign with the Astros, the Yankees’ interest in adding veteran first baseman Paul Goldschmidt is rapidly increasing, sources told on Friday.


洋基對Paul Goldschmidt 的興趣正在快速增加

If the Yankees do indeed sign Goldschmidt, it might prove to be doubly beneficial for New York.


Sources added that the veteran first baseman’s potential presence in New York could have a strong influence on former teammate Nolan Arenado waiving his no-trade clause and agreeing to play for the Yankees if New York pursues a trade withSt. Louis for the 10-time Gold Glove winner.

能讓Nolan Arenado會想放棄NTC去洋基

A sticking point in any potential deal with the Yankees is that the 37-year-oldGoldschmidt is seeking a multi-year deal, per sources. That might cause some pause, considering that Goldschmidt registered career lows in several major offensive categories each of the past two seasons after winning the National League Most Valuable Player Award in 2022.



The D-backs are another possible destination for Goldschmidt now that Walker has agreed to a deal with the Astros for a reported $60 million over three years, a source said


Arenado, 33, has three years and $74 million remaining on a deal he originally signed with the Rockies and carried over to the Cardinals while playing for St. Louis the past four seasons. Colorado is on the hook for $10 million and another$12 million is deferred, lowering the potential commitment for a new team to roughly $60 million over three years.



Arenado has a full no-trade clause in his contract and exercised that option earlier this week to squash a proposed deal between St. Louis and Houston, one that would have seen the Cardinals pay down an additional $15-20 million of the third baseman’s salary, sources said.


Arenado would have to approve any trade between St. Louis and New York, and he would be far more likely to do so with Goldschmidt signed to play for the Yankees, a source said.



The Yankees expressed an interest in trading for Arenado earlier in the offseason, a source said, proposing a swap of Stroman and Arenado. St. Louis declined the offer without even presenting it to Arenado for approval, according to the source.




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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/21/2024 12:53:17

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/21/2024 12:54:23

polanco12/21 12:56Stroman明年薪水跟紅鳥願意吃的數字差不多 再貼個人換納

polanco12/21 12:56豆可行?

decorum12/21 12:59洛磯會吃22M 12M是延遲支付

zxc90638312/21 13:02但74-22=52 跟後面講的60對不起來

zxc90638312/21 13:03老實講我一直搞不清楚納豆的合約結構 每個地方寫的都

zxc90638312/21 13:03不一樣XD

Antepadleton12/21 13:03還好被拒絕了

zxc90638312/21 13:03洛磯到底是每年吃多少啊

saiulbb12/21 13:06乾脆兩個一起包 Jazz去二壘 如何?

fan022612/21 13:06網站算AAV3千萬也

fan022612/21 13:06payroll怎麼算才是重點

zxc90638312/21 13:07交易後到Payroll是看你剩下合約均薪啊

zxc90638312/21 13:08不會是3000萬啦

fan022612/21 13:10可是Col只吃接下來兩年各五百而已

fan022612/21 13:10(沒交易的話

KyleLowry712/21 13:14第4隻MVP??

laking12/21 13:20他沒拿過MVP

phoenix28612/21 13:25Judge Stanton Bellinger Goldy 4MVP

anomic2412/21 13:27Goldy明明2年前就拿過MVP

Minihil12/21 13:32我看Arenado一直被嫌 1年15~16M買3年會很差嗎

Minihil12/21 13:32每年貢獻個2.X WAR 有比他更好但不貴的?

Minihil12/21 13:33如果回春一年尻個2~30發很賺欸

Hypsilence12/21 13:39洋基買這兩隻都比現在的陣容好吧 沒什麼好嫌的

phoenix28612/21 13:45有種觀點是手套堆的WAR沒價值 棒子打的才有

Hakase556612/21 13:47手套會比較快退化

Minihil12/21 13:49就去年特別爛啊 16轟 OPS剩0.719

Minihil12/21 13:50說錯 是今年才對

taxlaw199112/21 13:52年紀和今年成績都預示成績很有可能繼續崩盤 遠低於你

taxlaw199112/21 13:52說的2 WAR

polanco12/21 13:52去年就剩108 OPS+了

Minihil12/21 13:53那這樣怎又會看好Bellinger

Minihil12/21 13:54喔大概是年紀吧..

es9114ian12/21 13:55之前交易Donaldson時也是這樣說的

polanco12/21 13:55809就比較年輕 賭左打能在洋基主場反彈吧

Minihil12/21 13:57當初就不看好Donaldson的年紀了 我以為那個交易重點是IFK

Minihil12/21 13:58不過適應不良打不出來

Minihil12/21 13:58而且他更貴 一例歸一例啦

Minihil12/21 13:59IKF打錯

aiyoway12/21 14:14洛磯真的是慈善事業欸 看的他們每年還要出納豆的薪水就覺

aiyoway12/21 14:14得很好笑

cchhuu12/21 14:19Arriman是洋基的Bohm嗎

cchhuu12/21 14:19Stroman

travis91511712/21 14:25當然不是 完全不同狀況好嗎