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The news story on Cleveland hiring Stephen Vogt to replace Terry Francona as
its manager. Vogt, sources told ESPN, received a three-year deal.

守護者簽下去年剛剛退休的 Stephen Vogt取代Terry Francona,預計是三年合約

PS. 他應該沒太多執教經驗吧?? 直接空降總教練有點特別

The New York Mets are hiring Carlos Mendoza as their new manager, sources
tell ESPN. Mendoza, 43, has served as the New York Yankees' bench coach for
the last four seasons and has been a coach in the organization for the last
15 years.

大都會新任教練則是過去四年在洋基擔任板凳教練的 Carlos Mendoza


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Fitzwilliam11/07 16:25Vogt今年在水手當牛棚教練,評價聽說不錯

※ 編輯: tyrone0923 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2023 16:26:26

tyrone092311/07 16:26謝謝一樓補充

ashilol11/07 16:27不戴打擊手套的男人

lowl9911/07 16:49這樣以後Boone以後被趕出去誰要頂他

catsondbs11/07 17:44哇 Vogt也當總仔了

ZaneTrout11/07 18:53我猴會換誰

eric76120111/07 19:00結果還不換XD

mirrorlee11/07 20:34萬一明年Mendoza帶出成績 洋基管理階層又要被糗了

abyssalpoet11/07 22:32Vogt在勇勇那年的休息室評價很高,希望他能勝任

lightmei11/08 09:22看標題還以為互換,嚇到

philluke11/08 11:50對啊,看標題還以為兩隊互換+1哈哈

acerow8311/08 16:49粉柯南是退休嗎?

Fitzwilliam11/09 00:55