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[情報] 大聯盟和倫敦宣佈長期合作The city of London & @MLB have formed a long-term strategic partnership that inc ludes MLB playing regular season games in London in ’23, ’24 & ’26. MLB Eur ope will also conduct fan events, expanded UK-focused content, baseball particip ation programs, and more.12
[情報] 2023倫敦戰組合:小熊VS紅雀大聯盟剛剛正式宣佈2023倫敦戰的對戰組合 It’s official. The @Cardinals & @Cubs are heading to London for a two-game seri es June 24-25! @LondonStadium will host this epic rivalry as part of MLB World Tour: London Ser11
[情報] 大聯盟和倫敦宣佈長期合作The city of London & @MLB have formed a long-term strategic partnership that inc ludes MLB playing regular season games in London in ’23, ’24 & ’26. MLB Eur ope will also conduct fan events, expanded UK-focused content, baseball particip ation programs, and more.11
[情報] 2023倫敦戰組合:小熊VS紅雀大聯盟剛剛正式宣佈2023倫敦戰的對戰組合 It’s official. The @Cardinals & @Cubs are heading to London for a two-game seri es June 24-25! @LondonStadium will host this epic rivalry as part of MLB World Tour: London Ser4
[問卦] 倫敦跟東京奧運 哪場輸德國人比較難過?倫敦奧運 桌球男單銅牌賽 小將莊智淵對德國人 當時是民視轉播 8點檔直接延後 全國都在看小莊打銅牌賽 結果最後輸球 現在東京奧運又一樣輸球 兩次有參與中華男單奧運桌球銅牌賽的觀眾