[情報] 蛇蛇和市府討論蓋新球場
Diamondbacks in Active Talks on New Phoenix-Area Stadium
WIth their stadium lease up after the 2027 season, the Arizona Diamondbacks areassessing their options.
“Obviously the city [of Phoenix] doesn’t want to lose us and the impact that we make on downtown,” team CEO Derrick Hall told the Phoenix Business Journal.“So we’re having good conversations, and I would say within the next couple of months, we want to know.”
蛇蛇和目前主場Chase Field的租約是到2027年到期
Remaining at Chase Field is an option, but one that would require “hundreds ofmillions” in renovations, per Hall, who mentioned that it would be easier to generate revenue at a new site.
看是要翻新Chase Field或是蓋一座新的
對此蛇蛇CEO Derrick Hall表示
The team is in active discussions to build a new ballpark at a different location in the Phoenix area.
Whichever path it takes, the team is looking to follow the trend of building a commerce area around its stadium.
“It’s not just about the ballpark,” said Hall. “It’s about having retail an
d hotel and office space. We want to see what the opportunities are here or anywhere else so that we can activate 365 days a year.”
Chase Field於1998年落成
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/20/2023 21:07:42
$$$$$$ What have you done for Phoenix recently????
except for ungodly unis??????
跟著GG腳步炒房 有考慮過如果GG停止設廠就被套在最高點?
唉 人家球場真漂亮 反觀
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[問題] 該如何入手亞利桑那響尾蛇的比賽?如題,肥宅我朋友最近剛隨著公司在亞歷桑那的新據點而搬去了鳳凰城。 他看了一下Google ,公司開車去蛇蛇Chase Field好像半個小時就可以到,應該時常有機 會過去? 我只知道卡仔,還有在小聯盟的台將玉米,跟Chase Field右外野的泳池。 蛇蛇還有其他看點嗎?想問一下該如何入手蛇蛇比賽?7
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