Re: [討論] 李政厚會比吉田正尚強嗎?

看板MLB標題Re: [討論] 李政厚會比吉田正尚強嗎?作者
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Scouts compare Lee to Masataka Yoshida of the Red Sox, who signed a five-year, $90 million deal with Boston last offseason. Yoshida was 29 years old when he signed, while Lee is only 25, so it’s not surprising that Lee landed an extra year at a slightly higher average annual value. Lee also has an opt-out clause thathe can trigger after four years, allowing him to test free agency again at age 29 -- the same age Yoshida was when he signed with Boston.


Because NPB is seen as a higher caliber of league than the KBO and because Yamamoto is seen as more of a true elite talent, his expected contract will naturally be higher than Lee’s, since some scouts aren’t entirely sold on how Lee’s bat will translate to much power against MLB pitching. Some comps have been madeto Masataka Yoshida but with a higher defensive ceiling, even if Lee might not stick in center field. Lee’s platform year was also limited to 86 games due toseason-ending ankle surgery, and while he should be healthy for Spring Training, he missed a critical chance to further showcase himself for any doubting evaluators.






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※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/17/2023 14:11:09

zxc90638312/17 14:12感覺球探報告不會準

EEERRIICC12/17 14:17個人不看好,但球探當然比較專業

EEERRIICC12/17 14:17但還是 希望他打超出身價

b9920207112/17 14:22球場不同

cplusplus42612/17 15:54如果是能CF的吉田 那約感覺反而小賺

Roshiel12/17 16:19李的模板應該是秋山比較適合

Sizemore2412/17 16:27有另個可能李比較合適的對比球員:Steven Kwan

c87111111612/17 16:36Kwan也有聽到別人在講 感覺是比較合理的

tyrone092312/17 17:12Kwan的防守很好耶,李的防守等級有這麼高嗎

WasJohnWall12/17 18:20李的缺點就GB%很高+初速很低

Roshiel12/17 18:43GB%高+初速低,不就是高概率水貨嘛?

JustinIdiot12/17 18:46對呀XD

JustinIdiot12/17 18:47除非他真的有像Kwan這麼好的approach啊

c87111111612/17 18:58這樣講起來是不是感覺跟當初金賢洙的風向滿像的啊

a215670012/17 19:28簽破隊史合約 應該是當成韓國一朗吧

Roshiel12/17 20:26印象中金賢洙很早就被認定守備不行了