Re: [情報] Gerrit Cole去照MRI
Hearing the word “precautionary” regarding Gerrit Cole’s elbow MRI. One never knows what an MRI shows, but initial feeling is not one of extreme concern. Sofar, no impact on Blake Snell btw
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[討論] 柯柯明天要照MRI今天柯柯在對方上籃時嘗試阻攻,然後肩膀就受傷了,目前不知道狀況,Kerr說明天預計 MRI。 拜託要沒事,集氣!!! --82
[情報] Gerrit Cole去照MRIGerrit Cole is having an MRI on his pitching elbow, Aaron Boone told reporters i n Clearwater. 布瓜剛剛講的 Cole的右手肘接受MRI檢查77
[情報] 大谷賽後手臂不舒服,照MRI檢查Shohei Ohtani expressed discomfort in is pitching arm after today’s game. The club has sent him for an MRI, no results yet. 大谷翔平在今天投球之後,賽後表示手臂不舒服,球隊也讓他去照MRI,目前還沒有結果 --75
[情報] Zach LaVine明天照MRIChicago Bulls guard Zach LaVine will get an MRI on his left knee Saturday, but there's initial confidence that he hasn't suffered a serious injury, sources tell ESPN. It was described as "discomfort" and erring on side of caution with MRI tomorrow.63
Re: [情報] 大谷月初曾拒絕進行MRI檢查這GM是不是在自打臉? 說通常不會有人在手指抽筋就去照MRI 今天又說球團有在8月初,大谷抽筋退場時,安排大谷去照MRI 然後認為抽筋和韌帶撕裂無關的話,還會說8月初有要大谷去照MRI?39
[情報] Chris Clemons初診為右跟腱撕裂消息來源: 內容:Initial diagnosis on Rockets guard Chris Clemons is a torn right Achille s tendon, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. MRI on Wednesday morning to c onfirm. 初步診斷為右跟腱撕裂,週三上午照MRI確認。17
[情報] Frankie Montas 去照 MRIlder-discomfort/amp/ Frankie Montas is going to get an MRI. More details soon 洋基在季中從綠帽拿到的 Montas 覺得手臂不太舒服,今天去照 MRI18
[花邊] Randle右肩脫臼 將缺席數週Sources: Knicks star Julius Randle is expected to be sidelined for at least a few weeks with a right shoulder dislocation. Appears to be a sigh of relief fo r New York as initial reviews of MRI reveal no significant damage.12
[情報] 達比修有MRI檢查結果Yu Darvish has a bone spur in his elbow and got a cortisone shot, Bob Melvin said. He’ll be shut down temporarily. Still a chance he pitches this season, but that’s probably contingent on something changing in a big way in the standings. 前幾天手臂不適去照了MRI檢查,好消息韌帶沒大礙2
[閒聊] Cole右手去照MRI 還以為他都蠻健康的 原來只是還沒到 --