[情報] 馬林魚簽下 Yuli Gurriel, Jose Iglesias

看板MLB標題[情報] 馬林魚簽下 Yuli Gurriel, Jose Iglesias作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:4

Along with Yuli Gurriel, Marlins have also signed José Iglesias to a
minor-league deal with an invite to spring training, source tells me and

Yuli Gurriel’s deal is a minor league deal, as expected. Roster movement
soon. Pitchers such as Bender, Meyer, and Enright need to be added to the IL
which will open up multiple 40-man spots.


馬林魚隊在今天網羅 Yuli Gurriel 以及 Jose Iglesias




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kenkuo168803/10 10:32Yuli 好可惜 前年生涯年 合約年大澇賽

angelawen03/10 12:21小鷹俠也只剩小聯盟約了?

sppray03/10 12:45在台灣的古巴隊少了這兩個,還有Abreu+Chapman,快變成a

sppray03/10 12:46組第一個淘汰

ptk981110703/10 13:58歧視仔

k2201598703/10 15:00一_一

AnitaHailey03/10 15:37不會啦 還有中華隊 古巴怎麼會是第一個淘汰

Beantownfan03/10 15:50歧視仔活該

holypiggy03/10 15:58作弊還歧視嘲諷 真的下去剛好

saiulbb03/10 19:05便宜小補強 反正也不會貴

melissalewis03/10 19:15古巴騎士

ohmyya03/10 21:44離家鄉比較近

mirrorlee03/11 21:57他那年紀 就算去年高檔或是沒受傷 也簽不了多大約啦