Re: [情報] 小熊目前最被看好交易到Kyle Tucker

看板MLB標題Re: [情報] 小熊目前最被看好交易到Kyle Tucker作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:12

Bowden & Phillips on MLB Radio

"Word is Suzuki has a full NTC and will not wave it to go to Houston & Cubs nottrading Shaw, Phillies offered Castellanos & Bohm for Tucker, Astros said no, Gil is the guy they want but Cash is reluctant to move him, maybe he offers Schmidt"


小熊不想給Matt Shaw

費城人提出用Castellanos + Bohm 換Tucker被拒絕


費城人那包是XD 真的不差包


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cplusplus42612/13 22:23洋基不換 那打線怎麼補?

zxc90638312/13 22:25809啊

zxc90638312/13 22:26小熊願意吃些錢送走他

fan022612/13 22:30如果小熊需要工作馬,那肯定是先發跟被臨檢互換最

fan022612/13 22:30實際,但是小熊不一定樂意

CPBLlincecum12/13 22:33費城人這包是MLB版的萬用包嗎,爛爆了XD

ashilol12/13 22:34費城那包不如再加個走路人好惹

qiu9912/13 22:37+走路人費城要貼錢吧

Cubs circling on deal that would send Paredes and Cam Smith to Houston for Kyl e Tucker.If completed,it would leave Yankees without Left handed bat (enter Bell inger) to slot in for Juan Soto. So Cubs and Yanks both in on Tucker and also ta lking to each other. 小熊可能開 Paredes + Cam Smith

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/13/2024 22:38:34

laking12/13 22:39費城那包是超像丟垃圾==

l5i9hbba12/13 22:41費城那包當我鼓盤子?

warchiefdodo12/13 22:48Tucker沒想像搶手?提出包裹一個比一個爛欸

cplusplus42612/13 22:57只剩一年的關係吧 還是受傷有影響好情

cplusplus42612/13 22:58行情

Sulstan12/13 22:59Waive not *waive!Editing......

Sulstan12/13 23:00*wave

Eriri12/13 23:00一年約本來就只有隔年想挑戰冠軍的球隊有興趣 而且Paredes

Eriri12/13 23:00 + Cam Smith已經很不錯了

ct1357912/13 23:15洋基不想動GIl也是能預期

sampsonlu91912/13 23:18白忙一場XD

JackSmith12/13 23:19感覺塔克不會在這時候被交易,等明年看看吧

ap3053895412/13 23:22小熊像明年有挑戰冠軍的樣子嗎

ap3053895412/13 23:22國中酒鬼還比較有機會 塔克感覺太空人不會丟

captain0312/13 23:24費城那包是打算挨家挨戶問剩下29隊有誰想買嗎XD

Eriri12/13 23:28所以才有人說小熊意義不明

antineutrino12/13 23:31每年會更難動 除非季中太鼓人就確定無緣季後賽

ray091612/13 23:34費城那包可以跟教士換XB lol

yuwen5112/14 00:13費城那包侮辱性極強啊