[情報] Buster Posey保證:巨人要大撒幣

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By USA TODAY Bob Nightengale

While Giants minority owner Buster Posey met privately with third baseman Matt Chapman the day before signing his six-year, $151 million contract, it had little to do with contract negotiations but everything to do about answering Chapman’s questions about the future of the franchise.

Buster Posey 並沒有參與Matt Chapman實際談約

但在簽約前一天有去和Matt Chapman聊球隊的未來

Posey assured him that the Giants plan to spend, and spend big, turning the organization around as quickly as possible.

Posey向Matt Chapman保證


The only contractual issues that were unresolved before Posey’s involvement was agreeing to give Chapman a complete no-trade clause and compromising on a $1 million signing bonus. Chapman was originally seeking a $2 million signing bonus since he had a $2 million buyout in his original three-year, $80 million deal with a buyout.





原本 Chapman是要求2M,也就是原本逃脫能拿到的買斷金

If the San Francisco Giants dismiss Farhan Zaidi, president of baseball operations, at the season’s conclusion, look for them to reach out to former Miami Marlins GM Kim Ng and Minnesota Twins GM Thad Levine as potential replacements. TheGiants have missed the postseason in all but two years since winning the 2014 World Series.

另外如果巨人決定炒掉Farhan Zaidi

那他們可能會去接觸馬大魚前GM Kim Ng

以及雙城GM Thad Levine



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Movice09/23 18:23看來要搶Soto了

Darvish556609/23 18:41Soto搶起來 Boras雪恥的一季

zehow09/23 18:57撒幣也只是把蝸牛留下來而已吧 Soto別幻想了

BayAreaUnite09/23 19:08應該還是續約Snell優先

borriss09/23 19:16 巨人最大贏家 這次不用等別人不要的了(X

saiulbb09/23 19:36雖然Posey講的比較有公信力 但還是對巨人能搶到大咖悲觀

bear1532809/23 19:40誰管你 沒季後賽的隊伍

charlie0109/23 19:40巨人又

lowl9909/23 19:41紐約有富爸爸,巨人怎麼可能搶得贏,還不如想辦法留蝸牛

RBC5432109/23 19:48上次和洋基搶法官 這次難道也要?

bmwnyy87091509/23 19:50問題是搶不贏

shigurew09/23 19:52價是可以出,但人家在紐約刷很爽應該不會換隊

ken72033109/23 20:00治安問題

tony548109/23 20:02巨人這兩年開價都在開,但大家都不去啊

myeunji09/23 20:05巨人可以搶村上宗融

Mikufans09/23 20:11大撒幣沒錯,但誰要來

captain0309/23 20:12每年都這樣說 結果呢

pukokimo09/23 20:14沒人要去啊 董仔你復出可能比較快

Minihil09/23 20:23Soto沒意外要和2支紐約球隊競爭 巨人想都沒機會

cool254809/23 20:25治安爛 誰想去?

borriss09/23 20:27這幾年 空簽Correa就算了 今年三月兩個都算賺了(

laking09/23 20:37我是覺得撒再多都不可能吸引Soto來

laking09/23 20:38而且近期打出成績的超級新星基本上都被球隊綁住未來了

laking09/23 20:38而且說實話,撇除紐約雙雄躲人都比巨人更有機會拿下Soto

Alexander1309/23 20:44

tyrone092309/23 20:48結果是花大錢去搶Pete Alonso