[情報] Acuna賽前緊急結婚

看板MLB標題[情報] Acuna賽前緊急結婚作者
時間推噓35 推:36 噓:1 →:12

Ronald Acuña Jr. planned to get married in the offseason. But his fiancée’s visa was set to expire, keeping her and the kids away for 3 months. He wanted them here for the stretch run. An LA wedding was arranged in 24 hours.

Then Acuña made history.

今天創下30轟60盜的Ronald Acuña Jr





Acuña, 25, and Maria, 23, met about four years ago and got engaged in January,but her Venezuelan visa only allowed her and the children to visit Acuña for three months at a time. They were set to leave again at the end of this week, unable to return for a stretch run that, given the way this season has played out, could result in either a World Series championship or an MVP or both.



Acuña didn't want to experience any of that without them.


Getting married sooner would have solved the problem, but he needed to act quickly.


At 10 a.m. on the East coast, Acuña called his business manager, Nick Drbal ofXample, asking him to schedule the fastest wedding imaginable.

他就打給自己的商業經理Nick Drbal


It needed to happen in Los Angeles, the site of the Braves' upcoming road series. Within 24 hours, a venue, Whispering Oaks in Agoura Hills, California, was booked, a pastor was found and a full-fledged ceremony was taking place.


Drbal flew the family out to L.A. on Wednesday afternoon. Acuña arrived at theteam hotel at about 2 a.m. the following morning, awoke five hours later and was driven 35 miles north to tie the knot, expediting a wedding that was initiallysupposed to take place in their native Venezuela over the winter.



老婆名字叫Maria Laborde,現年23歲



2019 21歲 $1M
2020 22歲 $1M
2021 23歲 $5M
2022 24歲 $15M
2023 25歲 $15M
2024 26歲 $17M
2025 27歲 $17M
2026 28歲 $17M
2027 29歲 $17M(球團選擇權 & $10M買斷)
2028 30歲 $17M(球團選擇權 & $10M買斷)



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/01/2023 15:25:17

terminator309/01 15:28結婚當天還上班 可憐啊

prostitute09/01 15:42便宜到炸爽雙

lowl9909/01 15:44他跟阿比真的超便宜,但勇士之後約到期會不會續約,就很難

Carmelo309/01 15:44早買早享受

lowl9909/01 15:44

WildandTough09/01 15:50勇士眼光真好 便宜爽用好幾年

carmeraljohn09/01 15:56換方式說勇士是唯一跟看他練球球隊和簽約 新人年後

carmeraljohn09/01 15:59給長約 年薪也不算低 不覺得有到童工 至少不是uggla

oralboralb09/01 16:04勇士先發打幾乎除了Arcia Rosario Ozuna都還五年以上

dcshoecousa09/01 16:13我勇不敢說10年,至少5年內都是強權

oralboralb09/01 16:26但也可能不到5年集體退化 有好有壞 但球迷應該會喜

oralboralb09/01 16:26歡這種操作 不用擔心喜歡的球星離開

simonown09/01 16:53退化一兩個可以理解 集體退化這種假設真的碰到..就認了

KB1999KB209/01 17:04緊急結婚 XD

TrRosenthal09/01 17:19勇迷:結了婚之後有風險

JIWP09/01 17:27他這麼便宜喔

MookieBetts09/01 17:35這薪水叫不低,根本自願當奴隸

ts01210809/01 17:36歷史第一位30轟60盜 這約當然便宜到炸

simonown09/01 17:47童工約這老梗議題了 有沒有要在生涯最前期賭一把而已

simonown09/01 17:49Inciarte在勇士打完一年也續了一張30M/5y被說超便宜

simonown09/01 17:51後來只靠手套維持了2~3正war年最後也是DFA

simonown09/01 17:52不過勇士近年的操作很講求平衡跟長期穩定性是沒錯

shuncheng09/01 18:00結婚也很快 強者

ck32609/01 18:29不要只看成功的例子,Evan White....

jack8632609/01 18:31J.Crowder又被鞭屍一次了

Knicksmelo09/01 18:50J尻:

oncee09/01 19:40爽翻了

cha12297709/01 23:06已經雙贏了 1.2億鎂絕大多數人一輩子賺不到

vf309/02 00:16事實上這種約敢簽的也沒幾個,誰敢保證一定真貨?

vf309/02 00:16所以說這是童工約,就問現在敢賭的有哪幾個

vf309/02 00:17勇士的球探最近真的是火眼連發才能找到酷比

zxc90638309/02 00:20他這張約是拿新人王後簽的欸

zxc90638309/02 00:21跟White這種還沒上大聯盟就簽的差很多吧

zxc90638309/02 00:33新人王後來變假貨的比例低很多吧

zxc90638309/02 00:33

dk21009509/02 00:48老婆長得有點像前一哥Freeman

Hans247909/02 01:23Freeman XD

sam959509/02 05:30這約就真的對球團風險小 沒什麼好說的

BlackCatXI09/02 08:07靠北真的有像Freeman欸XDD

eji5k6u0609/02 08:2136樓這麼一說 XDD

holypiggy09/02 08:51回不去了

gemboy09/02 09:36如果成績雪崩下跌風向又變成薪水小偷了

sunnyyoung09/02 10:13XD 像Freeman

julians09/02 10:4931-60了,道奇球迷還狂噓

whhw09/02 12:40厲害

wtt16809/02 13:12 31-63

Car1osCorrea09/02 14:58這個薪水盜壘盜身體健康的

TrRosenthal09/03 11:43拿Evan White來比懶覺比雞腿喔

pp09941909/03 14:44勇結童薪