[情報] Kyle Wright 將接受肩膀手術 明年球季報銷

看板MLB標題[情報] Kyle Wright 將接受肩膀手術 明年球季報銷作者
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Braves' Kyle Wright: Out for 2024

Wright will undergo shoulder surgery that would cause him to miss the entire
2024 season, Mark Bowman of reports.

Wright landed on the 60-day IL on Friday with a right shoulder strain.
Considering he already suffered the same injury earlier this season, he'll gounder the knife to address the issue directly. When healthy, Wright wasn't
very effective in 2023, posting a 6.97 ERA and 1.84 WHIP alongside a 34:17
K:BB through 31 innings.

勇士隊先發投手 Kyle Wright



今年球季一共出賽九場,其中七場擔任先發,戰績為一勝三敗 防禦率 6.97




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turkeyma10/08 09:582015-17勇士重建期前幾輪選的投手除了AJ Minter 全都倒

turkeyma10/08 09:59了 Ian Anderson 或許還有機會回歸 其他兩位..

dd1115dd111510/08 10:15勇士一堆投手痛痛

lowl9910/08 10:16早日康復吧

KReuvbiyn10/08 10:21肩膀...

MapleLeaf15110/08 10:30痛痛人

angelawen10/08 10:45唉,曾經的新人王QQ

hdotistyle10/08 11:32哭啊 又倒了

ashilol10/08 11:55才剛回來的說

haloducks10/08 12:082022 會是曇花一現?

robinkidd10/08 13:13美國吳哲源

turkeyma10/08 13:21曇花一現的可能性高

eee6010910/08 13:43QQ

Sechslee10/08 13:47肩膀 拜了

cloud24110/08 14:19肩膀 G

nuggets091610/08 15:22就猛那一年 宇宙勇投手養成也蠻慘

oncee10/08 15:22Soroka也回不來了嗎?

nuggets091610/08 15:23Gohera Soroka Anderson Wright Newcomb….

turkeyma10/08 15:54Soroka 不能排除有胸廓出口症候群的可能性

MKAngelheart10/08 17:16命運多舛的一隊

Aaronko10/08 17:28養成也不慘吧,畢竟也有養出Fried/Strider兩張Ace

turkeyma10/08 18:43養成不慘但生涯因為傷病都偏短 不過剛看到Wright 是關

turkeyma10/08 18:43節囊 可能將來還有機會回到賽場 … as a middle relie

turkeyma10/08 18:43ver

turkeyma10/08 18:46雖然這樣講好像是唱衰, 但個人覺得Fried 已經在懸崖邊

turkeyma10/08 18:46,運氣好的話明年底騙到一張大約後可能炸裂,運氣不好

turkeyma10/08 18:46就…

r51104210/08 20:05Soroka本來很期待的…結果直接痛痛到快消失了QQ

zerosaint10/08 23:32祝福阿對明年養傷順利

saiulbb10/08 23:36有點可惜 如果勇士他跟Soroka健康 先發超整齊超可怕

basketone10/09 14:41大聯盟投手好辛苦

ZaneTrout10/09 15:28MLB平鎮

Asucks10/09 19:17打擊超強,投手超痛,這樣很難奪冠

wuchianlin10/09 22:41這種事情實在是沒辦法,阿炸的水泡不聽話

wuchianlin10/09 22:42傷病這種事運氣運氣的,勇士用投手也沒特別操

Sasa10/10 00:092022 fantasy沒選到懊悔中,2022年真的是勇士很關鍵的一年

Sasa10/10 00:09Fried今年也是痛痛的

purification10/10 09:50勇士今年季後賽SP輪值真的很薄