[情報] 老虎隊新任GM - Jeff Greenberg

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The Tigers announced Thursday morning that they’ve hired Jeff Greenberg as their new general manager. The 37-year-old Greenberg worked with current Tigerspresident of baseball operations Scott Harris with the Cubs, serving as the team’s director of pro scouting, director of baseball operations and assistant
general manager during an 11-year career there. In 2022, Greenberg was hired away from baseball entirely, joining the NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks as an associate general manager, but he’ll return to MLB and occupy a critical role as the No. 2 name on the Tigers’ revamped baseball operations hierarchy.

老虎隊在剛剛稍早宣布聘請現年37歲的Jeff Greenberg 擔任球隊GM,他曾與老虎隊現任總裁Scott Harris 在小熊隊共事過,11年的制服組生涯曾擔任過球探總監、棒球事務部營運長以及助理GM等職務。

2022年,Greenberg 離開棒球界,轉往擔任NHL芝加哥黑鷹隊的副總經理,不過他現在又回到MLB將擔任老虎隊的二把手,協助過去的好搭檔Harris。

“I’m thrilled to add an executive of Jeff’s quality to our baseball operati
ons leadership team,” Harris said in a press release this morning. “Througho
ut this search, it was important for me to find someone who can fit seamlessly into the culture we’re building here. I also wanted to bring in someone with a fresh perspective and new ideas that could challenge us on a daily basis and make us all better as we strive towards our goal of bringing postseason baseball back to Detroit. We’re excited to welcome Jeff, his wife, Erin, and their sons, Leo and Sam to the Tigers family.”

老虎隊總裁Scott Harris 在一份新聞稿中提到,我很高興我們的棒球營運團隊能加入像Jeff 這樣的高管。在這個找尋人才的過程中,對我來說最重要的是找到一個能夠完美融入我們正在重新建立球隊文化的人。我另外還想引進一位具有新視角和新想法的人,我們很高興歡迎Jeff和他的家庭加入底特律這個大家庭!




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ichiro8004809/22 11:37等紅襪的GM了

iverson096809/22 12:12好年輕