[外電] Marcus Stroman可能不會逃脫合約 ?

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Chicago Cubs ace Marcus Stroman returned to the team's rotation last week, and is now slated to start Game 3 of a crucial series against the Atlanta Braves.

As well as getting him back in the rotation, Patrick Mooney of The Athletic (subscription required) reported that Stroman is probably going to return to the Cubs next season, writing, "Stroman’s public lobbying for a contract extension probably revealed some apprehension about how he would be viewed on the free-agentmarket, as well as an appreciation for his setup with the Cubs. It appears to be highly likely that Stroman will opt into his $21 million salary for next season."

Bob Nightengale of USA Today also reported, "Chicago Cubs starter Marcus Stroman, who was planning to opt out of the final year of his contract that will pay him $21 million next season, now is expecting to stay in Chicago without an extension."





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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/26/2023 23:27:45

dd1115dd111509/26 23:34下半季投有夠爛

lowl9909/26 23:357月成績太慘,不跳感覺合理

kenkuo168809/27 00:09拜託跳...

zx246800tw09/27 01:35Fluke

GodMune060809/27 03:267月以後就炸掉了

VGuerreroJr09/27 07:41如果維持上半季那樣,絕對跳XDD

iopjklbnm09/27 08:07下半季把自己投沒了 自從去了英國彷彿中邪 跟Smyly

iopjklbnm09/27 08:07一樣開季很殺 後面爛到炸

Roshiel09/27 08:10就算下半季投的爛,他跳脫難道拿不到超過21M的合約?

Roshiel09/27 08:11雖然接受PO對小熊來說不算壞事,但真的懷疑不跳脫

iopjklbnm09/27 08:20還真拿不到吧

Roshiel09/27 09:10我覺得如果他願意的話,拿個40M/4Y應該不困難吧

Roshiel09/27 09:11雖然身為熊迷是不希望他跳脫啦

hongchanghsu09/27 09:37推錯文= = 抱歉請幫忙改一下推文

kingwei52009/27 09:4040M/4Y是打錯嗎?

hdotistyle09/27 09:4540M/4Y也太少

zxc90638309/27 10:04他只要10M的話 我看30隊全部都來搶了

Roshiel09/27 10:44沒打錯啊,我只是想表達他跳脫應該可以拿到超過21M的合約

Roshiel09/27 10:44如果不跳脫就是想要再拚一個養老約

Roshiel09/27 10:45他明年就33歲了,應該就會剩下一份合約了

iopjklbnm09/27 11:39開40M/4y給他 傻子都選一年21M走完

kano252509/27 12:33誰會放棄一年21M,跑去簽40M/4Y的合約?

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/27/2023 13:37:20

h76010809/27 14:12開個56m4y給他

Roshiel09/27 14:16我只是對於他不跳脫感到很意外而已

ashilol09/27 18:11下半季投那樣 沒得跳

KurtZouma09/27 20:39Taillon都可以4Y/68你說他4/40??

KurtZouma09/27 20:40一點概念都沒有==

zxc90638309/27 21:39R大只是舉例說他逃脫一定拿超過21M啦

zxc90638309/27 21:40像大家看到40M就覺得一定更高了XD