[外電] 2018ALCS之前的會議預告了太空人作弊的命運

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‘We’re dead’: The ominous ALCS meeting that foretold Astros cheating doom
"我們死定了": 2018年ALCS前的會議預告了太空人作弊的命運

Joe Torre reportedly warned the Astros and Red Sox what was going to happen
if they were in fact cheating.
據報導,Joe Torre曾經警告過太空人以及紅襪若是他們真的有作弊的話,結果會是如

By then, it was already too late.

Torre met with the Astros and Red Sox before they faced off in the 2018 ALCS
and warned them that any secret cheating — like illegal sign stealing —
they may have been doing would not remain a secret forever, according to ESPN’s Karl Ravech. The meeting included the general managers and managers from
both teams — Jeff Luhnow, Dave Dombrowski, AJ Hinch and Alex Cora — and was
led by Torre, MLB’s chief baseball officer at the time.
根據ESPN記者Karl Ravech的報導,在2018 ALCS開始前,Torre跟太空人以及紅襪開會過,並且警告他們任何偷偷來的作弊--像是非法偷暗號--這些行為不會一直都不被爆出來的。那場會議參與的包括兩邊的總管以及總教練--Jeff Luhnow,Dave Dombrowski,AJ Hinch跟Alex Cora--以及主持這場會議,當時擔任聯盟棒球長的Joe Torre。

“Torre basically said to the teams, both of them and those people and anyone
else that was in the room, look, if you’re inclined or have gotten away with
or are doing anything that would violate the rules that you are all aware of
or should be aware of, you’re gonna have to understand at some point, there’
s going to be a player, or players or a front office person that’s going to
leave your team, go to another team and basically rat you guys out. Basicallytell the dirty secrets,” Ravech said on ESPN’s “Baseball Tonight” podcast.

“Whether Joe Torre was aware at that point of what was coming from Mike
Fiers, and there’s no evidence to believe that, but I was told that message
and that meeting scared the heck out of those guys in that room to the point
that they acknowledged ‘we’re in trouble, we’re dead, so we cannot
continue to particular behavior.’ In the case of the person or persons that
told me that, the behavior changed.”
「不管Joe Torre是不是已經知道Mike Fiers的事情,目前的證據也不支持,但是我有聽到那場會議以及會議裡講的訊息真的嚇到那些人,嚇到他們真的了解到"我們有麻煩了,我們死定了,我們不能再繼續做那些奇怪的事了"。跟我講的人他說,他們行為有改變了。」

Of course, it was Fiers — a pitcher on the 2017 Astros now with the
Athletics — who finally went public in November and told The Athletic about
the club’s illegal sign-stealing program. That led to MLB investigating the
claims in full and outing the Astros as cheaters during the 2017 season and
part of 2018.

The Red Sox, who went on to win the ALCS and World Series after Torre’s
meeting, are still under investigation for allegedly using electronics to
steal signs in 2018. The final MLB report on the findings has been pushed
back after commissioner Rob Manfred originally said he hoped to have it done
by the start of spring training.
在跟Torre會面後,紅襪那年是拿下ALCS以及世界大賽冠軍,現在則是因為2018年被控使用電子儀器偷暗號在調查中。原本主席Rob Manfred是說希望在春訓前可以有完整報告,不過目前是暫時推遲的。

The fallout of the Red Sox investigation is not believed to be as harsh as itwas for the Astros, according to multiple reports. But the longer it is drawnout, the more questions surround it.

“The length of time this is taking is uncomfortable, let’s put it that way,
” Ravech said.
「我們可以這樣說, 調查這件事所花的時間讓人很不舒服,」Ravech說。

MLB suspended Luhnow and Hinch for a year — before the Astros promptly fired
them both — fined the club $5 million and docked them draft picks. Cora, who
was Hinch’s bench coach in 2017, parted ways with the Red Sox for his role
in the scandal.


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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/29/2020 23:11:26

c87111111602/29 23:10難怪都在作弊 畢竟看起來沒影響

Valter02/29 23:13真的跟太空人一樣慘感覺也還好耶

noahlin02/29 23:15懲罰這麼輕叫死定了 球員都全身而退

mrlucas889102/29 23:20死定了 可是還沒死 還在外面活蹦亂跳的 安啦沒事

alcard2202/29 23:21說是死定了卻是這種懲罰,連小朋友都笑了吧

k3353602/29 23:21很慘嗎? 目前為止不會啊

alcard2202/29 23:21根本沒什麼好怕的啊XD

flexin02/29 23:34有怎樣嗎?作弊仔爽拿冠軍,還能出來講幹話,開嘲諷,歡

flexin02/29 23:34迎來到真實世界XD

JungLi556602/29 23:44Mike Fiers不是早就跟綠帽球團說.綠帽跟聯盟反應被吃

JungLi556602/29 23:45案才自己找媒體爆料.

freezeraven02/29 23:49說個笑話 2017WS

Roshiel02/29 23:54Manfred:喔。(挖鼻孔)

plug03/01 00:03死定了的是MLB的收視群收視率,觀眾發現被騙走人

fhsf03/01 00:08不是阿,我看你們現在也是過的挺好的呢:)

c87111111603/01 00:09剛剛才看到原來昨天某粉專還開群嘲

c87111111603/01 00:09看來從上到下都過得很好呢~

kltnlious03/01 00:24拖瑞爺應該作主席才對..

JustinIdiot03/01 00:36某角落表示:

Redchain03/01 00:46聯盟也怕被抖出來說「當年早就知道」才那麼軟嗎?

starchiang03/01 01:23大聯盟重新定義「死定了」

catsondbs03/01 01:412018年肯定已經有人跟大聯盟爆料了吧 只是隱瞞不處理

wx19003/01 01:42是我標準高還是這篇標準低 這樣死定

edhuang03/01 01:49不認為跟太空人一樣慘………太空人有慘?

a215670003/01 01:50完全沒事啊 爽

a215670003/01 01:50還好當時有偷

aikotoba03/01 01:54所以官方早就知情 藏不住才處理?

Parazicecum03/01 02:07嚇到啥? 根本沒受罰啊 還囂張的咧

bestteam03/01 02:21狹路相逢勇者勝 怕的就輸了

whhw03/01 02:24沒事兒沒事

MoWilliams03/01 02:48MLB得處罰很輕阿 哪有死定了的感覺

ennakura03/01 03:41打錯了辣 We 're Dad才對 阿曼跟克仔是老爸會罩你

ennakura03/01 03:43所以代表其他被影射的四隊下庄了? 沒被聯盟找啊

ennakura03/01 03:44啊沒事 單純這兩隊互打所以沒任何關連

youngpaper03/01 07:43we是說這兩隊以外的人吧 拉基

justlovean03/01 07:46作弊的還嗆人 過得很爽啊

synchron03/01 07:52問題是結果論也沒有死定了啊

MFultz2003/01 08:31壞掉的只有名聲,但是好名聲有可能拿不到大約跟冠軍,作

MFultz2003/01 08:31弊可以

chen551203/01 09:23看起來不作弊是拿不到冠軍的

Roshiel03/01 09:24Manfred:太空人已經得到了規定上限的罰金,而且他們會

Roshiel03/01 09:25一直承受大眾的質疑,一想到那些認真打球的太空人球員

Roshiel03/01 09:25他們的努力被抹煞,我就覺得痛心疾首。

Roshiel03/01 09:26我們應該向前看,不要再糾結於過去的事情了。

EngivalLirva03/01 09:30重新定義死定了

andwhose03/01 09:34感謝翻譯。沒拔太空人冠軍我超失望

u9596g1203/01 10:10馬照跑 舞照跳 還真是死定了

dinos03/01 10:22死定了是指不思長進的其他28隊吧

BlakeSnell03/01 10:47寧可放過 不可錯殺 沒事兒

ramiraz61503/01 11:20罰則詭異 公開回答詭異 怪誰

jimmy1228203/01 11:44死定了 笑死

jschen0171103/01 12:11早知道是這種懲罰我就不停了

antonio01903/01 13:27

taxlaw199103/01 14:07這種懲罰當然是繼續作好作滿

o0kk0ogreen03/01 16:17笑死 哪裡慘

BMW740Li03/01 18:58重新定義 死定了

ThomasHSNU03/01 21:17 MLB早被通知Astros的事沒行動

whalefirst03/01 21:34不痛不癢的懲罰。。。

Syd03/01 21:57死定了? 誰?

hpisok03/02 00:06死定了死定了(翹腳摳鼻)

a215670003/02 01:03辣雞聯盟

Sechslee03/02 02:27笑死的嗎?

moc99903/02 10:28罰這麼輕叫死定了XD

yeng121703/02 13:20HBP多吃幾顆再來哎

nomo161603/02 18:47好弱的死定了

BARGARYARLOO03/03 00:11有個疑問 去年世界大賽太空在主場有作弊嗎

Roshiel03/03 07:03樓上,七場全作弊

ennakura03/03 08:05我們死定了 伊莎貝爾