[外電] 了解Aaron Judge第一節肋骨的疲勞性骨折

看板MLB標題[外電] 了解Aaron Judge第一節肋骨的疲勞性骨折作者
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來源: Forbes

Understanding Aaron Judge’s First Rib Stress Fracture
了解Aaron Judge第一節肋骨的疲勞性骨折

The New York Yankees just can’t seem to escape from the clutches of the
dreaded injury bug.

Yankee’s manager Aaron Boone announced Friday afternoon that 2017 Rookie o f
the Year and MVP runner-up Aaron Judge will be sidelined for at least the
next two weeks after a thorough examination of the right pectoral region
discovered a stress fracture of the first rib. Surgical intervention has not
been ruled out, though Judge will undergo a re-evaluation in the near future
to determine its need, according to James Wagner of The New York Times.
洋基總教練Aaron Boone星期五下午宣布,在經過完整的檢查後,這位2017年ROY以及MVP投票第二名的Aaron Judge的右邊胸部位置發現第一節肋骨有疲勞性骨折(Stress fracture)。目前不排除可能需要手術,但是根據紐時記者James Wagner報導,Judge會在最近再次接受評估,決定是否要接受手術。

Stress fractures are the most severe injury on the stress injury continuum
and occur when the cells that repair bone - osteoblasts - are unable to keep
pace with the cells that break down bone - osteoclasts - after the bone has
been exposed to high amounts of repetitive stress. Stress fractures evolve
from untreated or under-treated stress reactions, which often present with
dull, aching pain or, in some cases, may not have significant symptoms at all.疲勞性骨折是當持續性壓力損傷所造成的最嚴重的傷害,當骨頭持續遭受到大量重複性的損傷時,修補骨頭的細胞--成骨細胞--跟不上那些在破壞骨頭的細胞--蝕骨細胞--的速度時,就會產生疲勞性骨折。疲勞性骨折起因來自於沒有治療或治療不夠的壓力反應,症狀會有鈍痛,在某些狀況,可能根本就沒有明顯症狀。

Stress fractures are common in the foot, shin, hip, and low back among
athletes, however, stress fractures of the rib are relatively rare; previous
research has reported that stress injuries of the ribs and upper extremity
account for less than 10% of all stress fractures among athletes and
non-athletes combined. A study published in 2012 found that 13 out of 70
(18.6%) rib and upper extremity stress fractures among athletes participatingin various sports occurred in the first rib; three of the 14 stress fracturesdeveloped by overhead athletes occurred in the first rib.

The first rib is located underneath the collar bone and attaches to the
sternum - or breast bone - in the front and the first thoracic vertebrae in
the back. The scalene muscles of the neck, intercostal muscles of the rib
cage, and the serratus anterior muscle of the shoulder complex all attach to
the first rib. “Repetitive overhead positioning of the arm” activates these
muscles, placing a fair amount of stress through the first rib.

Pain produced from stress injury of the first rib often radiates to the
shoulder and pectoralis region - as was the case with Judge - and is best
diagnosed with MRI or CT scan. First rib stress fractures can often be
successfully treated conservatively with rest, addressing any muscle strengthand/or flexibility impairments, and immobilization if needed. If symptoms
persist for greater than a month, surgical intervention - including
stabilizing the rib with pins - may be considered, though it is rarely - but
not never - needed. Recovery for first rib stress fractures is variable and
doesn’t lend itself well to specific timelines.

Judge’s injury is just the latest in a string of bad luck for the Yankees.
Star pitcher Luis Severino recently underwent Tommy John surgery on his rightelbow, which will sideline him for the entirety of the upcoming season, and
lefty James Paxton will be out until May or June following a microdiscectomy
procedure earlier this spring. Fellow outfielder Giancarlo Stanton is dealingwith a grade 1 strain of his right calf. Yankees general manager Brian
Cashman suspects that neither Judge nor Stanton will return to the lineup by
Opening Day. The Yankees begin their season on March 26th on the road againstthe Baltimore Orioles.
Judge的傷勢只是洋基霉運的最新一個。明星投手Luis Severino右手肘接受了Tommy John手術,接下來這一季都沒辦法上場。左投James Paxton則是在春訓時接受了椎間盤切除手術,要休息到五月或六月。外野手Giancarlo Stanton則是得處理他右小腿的一級拉傷。總管Brian Cashman懷疑Judge跟Stanton兩個在開幕那天可能都回不來。洋基會在3/26打本季第一場比賽,會到金鶯客場出賽。


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jones21027203/07 11:37專業推

yangzatptt03/07 12:08去年就已經DL大隊了不是?可能是新靈氣~囧

tonyliu5503/07 12:45推 清楚

ocean1103/07 12:58一直以為只要是骨折 X光就可以看清楚 原來不是

JerrieRip03/07 12:58第二段翻譯 “Stress” fracture吧?

謝謝指正 已修

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/07/2020 13:00:34

aweara03/07 13:31是不是全壘打大賽後 開始傷痛不斷

ganhua03/07 14:03好像有去年某一場比賽撲接的影片,懷疑是那場之後@@

Toy1703/07 14:15紐約傷兵靈氣一直都在

whhw03/07 19:08

ultratimes03/08 13:08梅子有DL靈氣 洋基就是IL靈氣