[情報] MLB & MLBPA 談判結果草稿

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Twitter 有幾個記者已經把大略結果整理出來

1. 選秀:

Amateur will be five rounds in 2020 but can be increased at MLB’s
discretion, source tells The Athletic. MLB will decide date but
draft will be held no later than late July. Also: Players get to
sign off on scheduling.

There will still be a draft, though shortened. League will have
right to keep it to 5 rounds. Undrafted players can sign for 20K.

MLB可以縮短到只選5輪, 其他球員都視為自由球員,可以用最高 $20k 的簽約金簽下

MLB has the right to decide the date of the draft, but can’t hold
it later than July 20 and a signing deadline no later than Aug. 1

最晚 7/20 選秀,8/1前簽約。

2. 年資 & roster

No agreement yet on spring training or roster size. Service time
worked out as previously reported: Full year of service for those
who are active or on injured list for entirety of shortened
season, regardless of length. Same service as that earned in ‘19
if season is canceled.


沒有調整26, 28, 40人名單的共識

One reason you saw teams optioning players in the past few days is
because this agreement will put in place a transaction freeze
until further notice. So no options, trades, signing players, etc.

雙方正式同意後,就不能再變動 roster

3. 薪水

2020 salaries will be prorated depending on number of games. #MLB


For MLB the key was that it advanced $170M but owes nothing else
if there is no season and MLBPA agreed not to sue for lost wages.
MLB players make roughly $4B in total, so owners know they will
pay none of that beyond the $170M without a season.

之前MLB已經預付了 $170M 的薪水,不會要球員繳回。
所以 MLBPA 才會同意按比例算薪水,就算整季沒打至少有這筆錢入帳。


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Roshiel03/27 09:55這樣子算MLBPA勝利嗎?

ccpz03/27 09:59各退一步吧,資方可以少付錢,勞方拿到年資

ccpz03/27 10:00不過這樣對太空人算賺到?後段選秀不用一輪輪等著挑

abc1281203/27 10:01170M給全聯盟分 每個球員拿到的很少

abc1281203/27 10:01等於大家都減班休息了 慘

ccpz03/27 10:02可以去說服好幾個 6~10輪之類的一次簽下

a1ibooda03/27 10:11不調整名單 是要操到死 還是覺得會取消

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 03/27/2020 10:13:20

ccpz03/27 10:14應該說沒有調整的共識比較正確,大概是 MLBPA 提,資方拒絕

Roshiel03/27 10:28按照比例付錢就是無薪假了啊(就只有之前那些薪水)

Roshiel03/27 10:29勞方爭取到比較寬鬆的計算年資方式

larusa03/27 10:37年資對即將進入FA市場的影響比較大。

JerrieRip03/27 11:08勞方賺到未來FA的時間,資方減少今年的虧損

genteme03/27 11:12那我們這些買mlbtv的盤子怎賠啊

joua10103/27 11:14有我躲盤嗎

borriss03/27 11:4620k能簽什麼?本來沒機會打的當陪練組嗎?

dinos03/27 12:11賣貝茲和Kluber爽翻了

ShockHo22203/27 12:13躺一年對Betts身價會有影響嗎?

whhw03/27 12:25幫躲人qq

sikerkuaitai03/27 12:50Treinen: 一場沒打又進FA撈錢

vg17503/27 14:58對Treinen這種需要證明自己的很不利才對吧

vg17503/27 14:59真的一場不打他不但拿不到薪水還又老一歲

saiulbb03/27 15:05這樣中段的新秀不就很衰 最多也只能拿$20K? 求解謝謝

borriss03/27 15:54今年可能沒得打 選了也不知道塞哪 但是大霧還是要的(X

t1016d03/27 23:24不調整是指沒比賽期間不能調整吧 怎麼可能開季了還要鎖

burdette03/27 23:33有沒有可能大聯盟趁此機會 把選秀改成只剩五輪?