[外電] 聯盟 球隊以及售票網站因沒有退款被告

看板MLB標題[外電] 聯盟 球隊以及售票網站因沒有退款被告作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:3

來源: LA Times

MLB, teams, ticket partners sued over failure to provide refunds

Major League Baseball, its teams and its official ticket resale partner were
sued Monday in federal court by two fans who have tried and failed to get
refunds for games called off because of the coronavirus crisis.

The suit, which seeks the class-action certification that would enable all
fans to join, demands a refund of ticket costs and ancillary fees for games
that have not been played.

“While many businesses across this country have acted lawfully and ethically
by providing consumers with refunds for events that will never occur during
this pandemic, sometimes at the risk of bankruptcy, it remains notable that
America’s pastime — baseball — is refusing to do right by its fans,” the
lawsuit reads. “As stadiums remain empty for the foreseeable future,
baseball fans are stuck with expensive and unusable tickets for unplayable
games in the midst of this economic crisis.”

The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. According to the
suit, “well over 100" fans are prepared to make claims and alleges the “
amount in controversy ... exceeds $5 million.”

The suit purports five legal violations, three specific to California law:
one under the state’s consumer legal remedies act, the other two under the
unfair competition law of the state’s business and professions code. The
defendants are MLB, each of the 30 teams and four ticket companies, includingStubHub — the league’s official resale partner — Ticketmaster, Live Nation
and Last Minute Transactions.
Nation跟Last Minute Transactions。

The 2020 season was scheduled to start March 26. No new date has been set,
and in the meantime, the league has floated proposals to play games without
fans in attendance, including one in which every game would be played in

The league has advised teams to list unplayed games as postponed rather than
canceled and said it hopes to play as many games as possible. In turn, teams
generally have advised fans to retain tickets and await a rescheduled date.

“Even if some games can be played for the 2020 MLB season, it is near
certainty that no fans will attend,” the suit reads. “As such, at a
minimum, the defendants should acknowledge this and recognize that its loyal
fans cannot bear the entire brunt of the economic hardship of the pandemic
while team owners and ticket companies keep the plaintiffs’ money.”

MLB spokesman Pat Courtney did not immediately return a message seeking
聯盟發言人Pat Courtney對於此件事情沒有即刻的回應。


#1RelwrS2 (MLB)
標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14


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willywasd04/21 12:42直接給退了吧 要打也是閉門打

abc1281204/21 15:00聯盟這下慘了 票退完現金流直接GG

chucky04/21 15:09隔壁 NBA到現在也還沒退票,煩

Sechslee04/21 15:29聯盟寧願打官司拖著吧

leegogo04/21 16:47American Pastime = 吉人

whhw04/21 19:08推翻譯

RBC5432104/21 22:42我也還好幾張NBA和MLB在手上

RBC5432104/21 22:43NBA的其實可以趕快給人退了 就算打也不可能給人進場

Sulstan04/21 23:23我也有一張票不給退,真想罵人。就算球季真的開打,估計

Sulstan04/21 23:24球迷也無法進場...