[閒聊] 300-300俱樂部

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Doing one thing extremely well in the Major Leagues is difficult enough.
Being able to do two very different things well is truly special.


That’s why the power-speed combo is such a valuable asset. Typically, those
tools are at odds. The type of big slugger who tends to rack up homers is
often no threat on the bases. And the sort of fleet-footed burner with a
knack for collecting stolen bases rarely is a prime candidate to go deep.


That’s why 40 homers and 40 steals in the same season is one of the game’s
most exclusive clubs. Fewer than two players per year even reach the 30-30


Of course, those aren’t the only ways to measure this rare blend of skills.
Power doesn’t only manifest itself in homers, and the same is true for speed
and steals. But a player who reaches a significant career milestone in both
of those traditional stats clearly has a diverse array of tools.


Through 2019, there were 148 players all-time with at least 300 career
homers. There were 167 with 300-plus steals. But there are only eight who
belong to both groups. Some are obvious. A few may surprise you.


Here are baseball’s ultimate power-speed players -- the members of the
300-300 club. Players are listed in order of career home run total.


Barry Bonds (762 HR, 514 SB)
Well, yeah. Bonds blew so far past the 300 thresholds that you could cut his
totals in half, and he would still almost make it. But it’s worth noting
that even if he had retired at the age of 31, after the 1996 season -- the
year he went 40-40 -- he would have done so with 334 big flies and 380
steals. That made Bonds the youngest to join the club, a good reminder that
while the power peaked late, he was an incredibly dynamic athlete who stole
at least 28 bases in 12 of his first 13 seasons.



Alex Rodriguez (696 HR, 329 SB)
There are, obviously, a lot of parallels here with Bonds, although outside ofhis 40-40 campaign in 1998, Rodriguez never reached the 30-steals plateau (Hedid get to double digits 14 times, however). Where Rodriguez really stands
out is his position: The shortstop/third baseman is the only player on the
list who wasn’t an outfielder.


Willie Mays (660 HR, 338 SB)
The Say Hey Kid never went 40-40, but he did hit 51 homers in 1955 and then
stole 40 bases the next year. From 1955-60, he averaged 36 big flies and 31
steals -- a period when he won all four of his stolen base titles. Mays
generally did not run much after age 33, but somehow he swiped 23 bases in
1971, making him one of six players in modern history to reach that total at
age 40 or older.

傳說中的“Say Hey Kid”從未單季40-40,但他在1955年打了51轟,並且在隔年盜了40

Andrew Dawson (438 HR, 314 SB)
By the time The Hawk was the NL MVP for the 1987 Cubs, the 32-year-old was
much more of a slugger (49 homers) than a speedster (11 steals) after years
of sacrificing his knees to the artificial turf at Montreal’s Olympic
Stadium. But the young Dawson could do it all. In his first seven full
seasons, for the Expos from 1977-83, he averaged 24 homers and 30 steals,
while also winning the first four of his eight career Gold Glove Awards.

在膝蓋飽受多年於蒙特婁奧運球場的人工草皮折騰後,當效力於小熊的32歲“The Hawk”

Carlos Beltran (435 HR, 312 SB)
A 22-year-old Beltran notched 22 homers and 27 steals to take AL Rookie of
the Year honors for the 1999 Royals, and with that ignited a run as one of
baseball’s most dynamic all-around players for the next decade. It was the
first of his seven 20-20 campaigns, tied for fourth all-time. Beltran stands
out not just for his stolen base total, but also his efficiency. His career
success rate of 86.4% ranks first all-time for a player with at least 200


Bobby Bonds (332 HR, 461 SB)
Before there was Barry, there was Bobby. In his first full season in 1969,
the elder Bonds smacked 32 big flies and swiped 45 bases. It was the start ofan 11-season run during which he averaged 28 homers and 39 steals and put
together 10 20-20 campaigns to set a record matched only by his son.


Reggie Sanders (305 HR, 304 SB)
This one might come as a bit of a surprise, because Sanders made only one
All-Star team and generally flew under the radar. But he was a sneaky
power-speed threat throughout his career and was able to just get over the
300 plateau in both categories. While he had a total of just three top-10
finishes in his league in homers and steals, Sanders cracked double digits inboth every year from 1992-2005, when he was 37.


Steve Finley (304 HR, 320 SB)
He and Sanders make a good pair. The two outfielders’ careers overlapped
almost exactly, both bounced around to eight teams, and both were productive
for a long time without ever being considered big stars (though Finley won
five Gold Gloves in center and played a major role in Arizona’s 2001
championship). So it’s fitting that Finley reached 300-300 in the same month
as Sanders (June 2006), a time when he also happened to be teammates with theNo. 1 player on this list.


Closest calls
Another eight players have reached at least 275 homers and steals without
quite cracking 300-300. But since some of their combined totals are arguably
more impressive than a few members of the 300-300 club, here is a quick look
at these honorable mentions.


Rickey Henderson (297 HR, 1,406 SB): The all-time leader in steals also hit asmany as 28 homers in a season twice.

(編按:1991年的今天,美國時間五月一日,Henderson超越Lou Brock成為史上盜壘王;而當天稍晚,Nolan Ryan投出他生涯第七場、也是最後一場無安打完封)

Craig Biggio (291 HR, 414 SB): He needed just a handful of his 668 career
doubles (fifth all-time) to carry out of the ballpark.


Alfonso Soriano (412 HR, 289 SB): He didn’t get to 300-300, but he did get
to 40-40 in 2006.


Bobby Abreu (288 HR, 400 SB): His nine 20-20 campaigns are the most all-time
in the non-Bonds division.


Don Baylor (338 HR, 285 SB): He put it all together for the Angels in his
1979 MVP season (36 HR, 22 SB), when he also led the AL in runs (120) and
RBIs (139).


Eric Davis (282 HR, 349 SB): Before injuries got in the way, his breathtakingability yielded astonishing numbers, such as 47 homers and 98 steals over one162-game stretch between 1986-87.


Ryne Sandberg (282 HR, 344 SB): At different points in his career, he posted
seasons of 26-54 (1985) and 40-25 (‘90).


Mike Cameron (278 HR, 297 SB): He averaged better than 20-20 over a 13-year
stretch (1997-2009) in which he played for six teams.



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borriss05/02 04:28棒子根本點錯點數,慢跑就能上壘(BB或是直接得分(HR

Tokuseki05/02 05:3947轟98盜...

Sulstan05/02 06:05Collusion & Blank Contract

cha12297705/02 06:29BB爺還是唯的一400-400/500-500成員…

Roshiel05/02 07:04優文推推

davidex05/02 07:36鱒魚還有機會嗎??

鱒魚目前285轟200盜 全壘打部分是沒啥問題 盜壘部分雖然乍看之下過了2/3門檻,但接下來會多常盜壘又是另一回事

geneaven05/02 08:20Rickey說Rickey真的hen棒

Rickey打破Lou Brock盜壘紀錄後的演說,直接翻最後一段:

“Lou Brock was the symbol of great base stealing. But today, I'm the greatest of all time. Thank you.”

「Lou Brock在過去是偉大盜壘專家的代名詞。但今天,我,才是史上最偉大的。謝謝。」 題外話,當天稍晚Nolan Ryan投出了生涯第七場無安打完封

TRosenthal05/02 09:1547轟98盜是什麼鬼......

查了一下Eric Davis在這兩球季間的成績 86年:出賽132場,27轟80盜 87年:出賽129場,37轟50盜 所以文章裡的47轟98盜指的應該是這兩年間取一段比較精華期間、共計162場的數字 然後從1990年至2001年他退休前的12年間只有四年出賽數破百場 1995年甚至整年沒出賽

wangmytsai05/02 09:16鱒魚越來越不常跑 可能很難

Idiopathic05/02 09:18*BB跟AROD這兩個吃藥仔虐的其他人不要不要

JustinIdiot05/02 09:27Eric Davis真的很可惜 受傷後就回不去了

edhuang05/02 09:42推 Henderson那個297放在1406前也夠扯了XD


willywasd05/02 09:46Rickey: 我才是GOAT

Coetzee05/02 09:52Trout因為滑壘拉傷左手大拇指韌帶後,隔年其實也盜了24次

Coetzee05/02 09:53他說不會改變自己的比賽風格,不過去年只有11次盜壘 lol

ganlinlowsu05/02 09:55辛苦了

jojo214705/02 10:25乾500-500是什麼鬼

vg17505/02 11:40Reggie Sanders 少一個s


lingsk05/02 11:53Biggio吃了285顆觸身球 這到底是

zero020205/02 11:54雖然差的有點多 但生涯210-315的Brady Anderson 也有著

zero020205/02 11:56很有趣的紀錄 他曾經分別繳出過單季50-20和20-50的紀錄

carrhung05/02 12:0147轟98盜好扯...

TRosenthal05/02 12:10Brady Anderson就那年五十轟,超莫名的

whhw05/02 12:36

doraemon870905/02 12:37

mouz05/02 12:40鱒魚目前兩百盜,再打十年的話一年10盜,蠻有機會的啦

TaiwanNeko05/02 13:55想不到A-Rod的329 SB在名單中已經算多的了

Roshiel05/02 13:58鱒魚去年才11SB耶,要他打十年+每年10盜難度不低

Roshiel05/02 13:58題外話,天使去年SB最多的是那個手斷掉的投手

terminator305/02 16:09Soriano居然沒

louis1358505/02 17:06邦茲父子和教父真的是史上最強的棒球世家

arashicool05/02 18:14Barry Bonds的兒子棒球是不是只打到高中?

arashicool05/02 18:14不然可以靠三代完成千轟千盜

Fenixbroken05/02 18:45我還以為Larry Walker或是Bagwell上榜

Walker:383轟230盜;Bagwell:449轟202盜(Bagwell還是史上唯一兩次30-30的一壘手) 至少分別有300-200、400-200 標準不要太嚴的話也算是腿砲了

ultratimes05/02 18:49500-500也是唯一400-400.

nuggets091605/02 20:41現代棒球不太會跑了 跑了還容易受傷效益也不好

linmath05/02 21:29神鱒應該是看要不要盜壘...

PaulAllen205/02 21:39阿土伯和耶律齊都有機會啊

ultratimes05/02 22:22^^^^^^ 看蜂鳴器震不震動來決定盜不盜嗎?

Altuve目前128轟254盜 全壘打方面看起來還需要趕進度 有趣的是他砲管這四、五年長出來的同時,盜壘數也開始下降 2012-17年間每年都有30盜、14年甚至單季56盜,18年剩17盜,去年甚至僅6盜 至於同樣是砲管這幾年長出來的Yelich目前則是139轟124盜 離300-300門檻都還有段差距 就看現年28歲、理論上正在邁入巔峰的Yelich在未來五年左右能累積多少數字

kenny78155805/03 11:32鱒魚前年有一次盜壘受傷休了一個月,天使比較謹慎

tomho120205/03 11:36好帖我頂

austin703705/03 11:38好文推

mepass05/03 13:29神鱒光棒子就夠強了 不用盜壘沒差

timidwei05/03 19:55為啥內野手比較少腿砲?

LedZeppelin05/03 21:07話說Gary Sheffield也有253次盜壘

LedZeppelin05/03 21:08Sammy Sosa也跑了234次

borriss05/03 23:21Ryne Sandberg不就2B嗎

ChrisArcher05/04 01:51但Sandberg沒達成300-300啊,所以內野只有A-Rod

wtsph05/04 11:28300-300-300 XD

gs20048383105/04 18:32Dawson the show19超好用

n6120805/04 18:38我還以為有馬桶哥Bagwell

n6120805/04 18:39最能轟擅跑的一壘手

n6120805/04 18:40原來才400/200

borriss05/04 18:55Howard Johnson 200/200裡 倒是有3次30/30 (內野

ultratimes05/06 17:20因為內野手敏捷但未必跑得快啊,敏捷和速度是兩回事

ultratimes05/06 17:21敏捷的球員=側面移動比較快 外野手通常是正面移動

MSEstar05/07 13:54是不是還有小享利?

MSEstar05/07 13:55好像也有接近的數字

Hanley Ramirez嗎? 他生涯271轟281盜 然後生涯前兩完整球季(06、07)都各有51盜 並且08年有33轟35盜的成績 之後盜壘數就很穩定下降 30歲後就很少跑

※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/08/2020 03:36:31

peace30405/12 01:22看一看 那種一年用轟的 後一年用盜的,然後平均n年 還可

peace30405/12 01:22以30-30左右的選手 真的是百年一見的棒球奇才啊