[閒聊] 球員到底可以賺多少?

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Of the 1,453 players to accrue at least one day of service time last season,
590 (40.6 percent) have made less than $1 million in career earnings,
according to the MLBPA’s breakdown. The median career earnings of that group
was $357,718.

對至少有打過一天大聯盟的球員 中位數生涯所得大概是35萬鎂

Last year’s players with at least one but fewer than two years of service
tended to have topped $1 million; the 199 players in that category had a
median career earnings of $1.24 million. And every subsequent duration of
service had even greater total earnings. But total earnings don’t tell the
whole story: They leave out taxes.

對1-2年中堅球員來說 所得大概是百萬鎂出頭

Scahill said if a player is savvy, he could save 25 percent of what he earns
after taxes. If a player has $1.31 million in major league earnings, like
Scahill, and is able to save a quarter of take-home pay after taxes and unionfees, he would leave his career with $156,200 in cash savings from his major
league salary. If such a player instead saved about 8 percent, the average
U.S. savings rate before the coronavirus pandemic, he would finish his careerwith just $50,000 in the bank from his baseball career.

不過扣掉稅和工會會費以後 能存25%就算不錯了

以Scahill為利 他31歲離開大聯盟時賺了1.3M 但存款僅有15萬鎂



“Most grind out on a split career between Triple-A and the majors unless you
’re a contract guy,” Scahill wrote via text. “For the vast majority of
players, every dollar counts for the rest of their lives.”

Though it’s not entirely clear how much owners stand to lose in a season
without fans at games, they are voicing concern about what will happen to
their clubs. But the players’ camp believes that their athletes —
particularly the nonmillionaires — are not as well positioned as owners to
take a short-term financial hit in 2020. That’s why they are so entrenched
in their negotiating position — namely, demanding prorated pay and at least
a half season of games.


對大部分雜魚球員來說 每一塊錢都很重要



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※ 編輯: abc12812 ( 美國), 06/06/2020 04:46:44

bkm106/06 09:56打出固定先發成績 一張FA合約 夠你吃三輩子了

saidon06/06 09:56arod:我靠老婆沒差

svuper06/06 10:13arod靠老婆?

svuper06/06 10:15Arod那兩張各兩億多的根本領先MLB10年...靠什麼老婆?

mrroot06/06 10:30這個稅跟存款的計算大有問題

mrroot06/06 10:43隨便說一個好了 存款率是跟薪資相關 因為大不份的美國人

mrroot06/06 10:43一年不會花超過五萬鎂 這還包括貸款 其他更多的薪資大部

mrroot06/06 10:43份都到存款跟投資 這表示高薪資存款率要比一般人高太多

mrroot06/06 10:44就算假設扣稅扣公會費還有一半 60萬左右 只存5萬那一兩年

mrroot06/06 10:44內就燒了55萬 這樣的花費跟本不是常態

ChrisDavis06/06 14:07阿肉是要靠什麼老婆,他到現在還是薪資總和排名第一的

ChrisDavis06/06 14:07男人

ChrisDavis06/06 14:10第二名開始全部都少他兩億,這還是扣掉禁賽一年的數字

ChrisDavis06/06 14:10XD

borriss06/06 14:26 Rob Scahill 連續7年有出賽 1年5萬就35萬低消了吧(

Edison117406/06 15:01A-Rod 生涯大聯盟薪資441,285,104美金

Edison117406/06 15:04英文WIKI給的數字又更高一點 $445,159,552

svuper06/06 15:05禁賽那年少了35,000,000

Edison117406/06 15:05第二名普神$285,040,436 沒輸2億那麼多 1.6億「而已」

svuper06/06 15:07恩啊。 輸了大概50億台幣而已WWWWW 說Arod靠老婆XDDD

svuper06/06 15:09但是這幾年約都300M的。這些選手如果能簽下一張大概能破

svuper06/06 15:10阿肉紀錄

mirac1e06/06 15:10那個年代可以簽這種合約太誇張 天時地利人和都有

saidon06/06 15:45jlo還在大撈阿 而且沒jlo你敢說退休前黑的要命的arod後來

saidon06/06 15:45能事業第二春?

borriss06/06 15:50 二樓 完美的歪樓之力(

svuper06/06 16:20退休黑又怎樣...現在是在講生涯賺多少錢存多少錢。你再那

svuper06/06 16:20邊第二春

ChrisDavis06/06 16:49事業第二春跟他生涯賺錢有啥關係?

StephonA06/06 17:542F是在凹什麼

cthjk06/06 19:13一直硬凹很難看......

zaqwsxcde06/06 21:07阿肉還是有在工作 而且自己有品牌

saidon06/06 22:41隨便拉這種花邊怎凹也沒差

victor3306/07 03:20笑了

JackSmith06/07 10:08我記得你簽哪隻球隊的稅率也有差,像NYY稅率就很高

JackSmith06/07 10:10但像TEX的州稅就是0 (不課稅)

Sechslee06/08 09:40宮三洨 ARod洗白跟JLo有個鬼關係 事業第二春完全是靠他

Sechslee06/08 09:40的專業