[情報] Torii Hunter與不可交易條款

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Torii Hunter played 19 major-league seasons between the Minnesota Twins, Los
Angeles Angels, and Detroit Tigers. One team he made a point never to play
for was the Boston Red Sox.

Torii Hunter在明尼蘇達雙城隊、洛杉磯天使隊和底特律老虎隊間共經歷了19個賽季。

Hunter had a no-trade clause built into every contract that would prevent himfrom being sent to Boston because fans at Fenway Park directed racial slurs
at him, he said Thursday on ESPN Radio's "Golic & Wingo."

Hunter在星期四的ESPN Radio節目"Golic & Wingo"中提到,他在每一份合約都加註了不可交易條款以避免被送往波士頓,因為芬威球場的球迷會用種族歧視的言論詆毀他。

"I've been called the N-word in Boston 100 times, and I said something about
it," Hunter said. "(People would say) 'Oh, he's just a militant, he's lying,
this didn't happen.' No, it happened. All the time. From little kids. And
grown-ups right next to them didn't say anything. ... So I had a no-trade
clause in everything I had not to go to Boston. Not because of all the
people, not because of the teammates, not because of the front office.
Because if you're doing that and it's allowed amongst the people, I don't
want to be there. And that's why I had a no-trade clause to Boston. Every
contract I've ever had. And I always wanted to play for them. It sucks."


It's not the first time Boston's been associated with racism, particularly inbaseball. Former Baltimore Orioles outfielder Adam Jones said he was targetedby racist taunts and had peanuts thrown at him while playing at Fenway Park
in 2017.

外野手Adam Jones提到當2017年在芬威球場打球時,曾經遭到球迷種族歧視的嘲諷並且

Additionally, Yawkey Way was renamed Jersey Street in 2018 because of its
association with former Red Sox owner Tom Yawkey. He oversaw the team during
the integration era and the Red Sox didn't roster a black player until 1959,
12 years after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier.

除此之外,Yawkey路因為和前紅襪老闆Tom Yawkey的關聯,在2018年被重新命名為
登錄了第一位非裔球員,就在Jackie Robinson打破膚色藩籬的12年後。




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abc1281206/06 14:13新英格蘭美國天龍區 你敢嘴?

sustainer12306/06 14:16作弊又74 嘻嘻

ChrisDavis06/06 14:19真天龍國只能說_____

es9114ian06/06 14:21波士頓不意外?

lyk19194706/06 14:24改名叫波士頓騎士隊好了

whhw06/06 14:36推翻譯

TrRosenthal06/06 14:41真的波士頓不意外,Adam Jones也被罵過

TrRosenthal06/06 14:41原來文末提了

Zuleta06/06 15:03之前還有住波士頓的台灣人說根本沒有歧視 真是奴慣了

k3353606/06 15:33JBJ:

saidon06/06 15:37不能說人家奴八 搞不好只是剛好沒遇到 這本來就都個人經驗

kevinduh406/06 15:41波士頓不意外

AaronJudge06/06 16:17還以為是討厭警衛 (w

a215670006/06 16:27球團不能處理嗎

Griffey16806/06 16:31Big Papi表示:

mygoing06/06 17:24講實在點 表現好就沒事了

不能這樣講吧 種族歧視跟表現好壞沒什麼關係

※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/06/2020 17:47:23

es9114ian06/06 18:01樓上這啥鬼話

n6120806/06 18:01木屐因為這樣去LA嗎? 才怪

Tkukevin556606/06 18:15木屐不是被交易的嗎樓上

sustainer12306/06 19:25他被交易又不是他能決定去哪

edoggiagia06/06 20:31作弊之都不意外

percy9072306/06 20:34波士頓跟天母真的一樣==

Asucks06/06 21:08波士頓相當不意外y

saiulbb06/06 21:39休季就是要戰起來???

mrlucas889106/06 21:41那NY跟LA對膚色的包容度會比較高嗎 好奇

hydreigon06/06 21:47聽說麻州整個大白人至上?

Car1osCorrea06/06 22:40結果在la自己家中被警察盤問www

ultratimes06/06 22:59紐約只會更嚴重吧哈哈 而且波士頓也沒有想要你

Report: Hunter Signs 2-Year Deal With Tigers The Red Sox were said to be among the teams interested in Hunter, with DH David Ortiz attempted to recruit his former teammate in Minnesota. 據稱紅襪隊是對Hunter有興趣的球隊之一,Ortiz試圖招募他在明尼蘇達的前隊友。

※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/07/2020 00:10:35

Econometrics06/07 00:37棒球足球都作弊 不意外吧

mose5678906/07 00:38www U大師又被打臉

Absioute06/07 01:12老爹也有被歧視嗎

combro4006/07 02:39紐約這種大城市絕對是包容力最好的地方吧 形形色色的人

combro4006/07 02:40都有 少秀下限

aaron9706/07 03:28劈哩啪啦劈哩啪啦 啪 啪啪啪啪

helmet1084506/07 06:40紐約是球迷現實與媒體壓力,種族歧視波士頓屌打好嗎

helmet1084506/07 06:40… 我記得發生過汙辱Cliff Lee老婆讓他不想去紐約

addisonwu06/07 07:11麻州真的不用意外

visda06/07 08:08A rod成績好的時候還不是被噓爆,關成績什麼事?

charlie0106/07 09:53Cliff Lee那件事雖說不假 但影響他沒到紐約最重要的原

charlie0106/07 09:53因恐怕還是扣了稅之後洋基的合約錢根本沒比較多

bestteam06/07 11:26獵人年輕時超強 怎麼可能有球隊會不想要

andy880036s06/07 12:50我城老獵人QQ

maydayholic06/07 13:40U大濕供三小 洋基球場在Bronx還歧視黑人是不是搞錯了

maydayholic06/07 13:40什麼

ClaireDanes06/07 17:13洋基球場那附近我覺得黑人以外的人超少

TsukimiyaAyu06/07 17:20在紅襪打球的黑人都沒資格當黑人

paselalps06/07 23:24

Shauter06/08 00:51人家費城比波士頓還要天龍 人家頂多爪爪了一點......

TrueTears06/08 01:58新英格蘭不用意外

ultratimes06/08 18:31咦奇怪,我從頭到尾只說紐約 沒有指明洋基喔

ultratimes06/08 18:32你又可以自動代洋基?搞不好我說大都會啊

ultratimes06/08 18:32至於我當時是講啥,我蓋牌啦

Roshiel06/08 23:22凹大濕別凹了

maydayholic06/10 00:09Mets在Queens黑人也是超多 還想凹啥

GerritCole06/12 10:21整個NYC除了曼哈頓白人明顯多之外,Bronx 跟queens 超

GerritCole06/12 10:22多少數族裔的好嗎?u大師..