[情報] Patrick Mahomes入股皇家

看板MLB標題[情報] Patrick Mahomes入股皇家作者
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hiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has found a way to spend a little of the
money coming his way.

Mahomes signed an extension through 2031 earlier this month that can pay him
up to $503 million and he’s using some of that cash to become a professional
team owner in the other sport that is close to his family’s heart. The
Kansas City Royals announced on Tuesday that Mahomes has become a part-owner
of the team.

“I’m honored to become a part owner of the Kansas City Royals,” Mahomes
said in a statement. “I love this city and the people of this great town.
This opportunity allows me to deepen my roots in this community, which is
something I’m excited to do.”

Mahomes’ father Pat spent 11 years as a pitcher in the major leagues, but
never had a stint with the Royals.

北美職業運動史上最高薪運動員 Patrick Mahomes 入股皇家



Yes I know Syndergaard is throwing 90 mph change ups.
Don't @ me please.
by ithrow88


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※ 編輯: ChrisDavis ( 臺灣), 07/29/2020 01:16:58

saidon07/29 01:17川普:恭喜偉大的堪薩斯州

abc1281207/29 01:52堪薩斯城其實不在堪薩斯州 而是在密蘇里

對XD 不管是酋長還是皇家都是在密蘇里的堪薩斯城

ZaneTrout07/29 01:52以後選堪薩斯州長

ZaneTrout07/29 01:53看看有沒有機會挑戰成為NFL GOAT

※ 編輯: ChrisDavis ( 臺灣), 07/29/2020 02:16:00

saidon07/29 02:18但其實今年年初酋長贏sb時 川普第一時間的推文是'恭喜偉大

saidon07/29 02:19的堪薩斯州'雖然馬上改了但到處都找得到備份和相關梗圖

Sulstan07/29 03:04Missouri & Kansas都有Kansas City 呵呵


saiulbb07/29 08:58對NFL不熟 查了一下 靠邀 他才24歲欸 !!!

※ 編輯: ChrisDavis ( 臺灣), 07/29/2020 10:01:42

Sulstan07/29 10:59所以Kansas City, KS不是Royals & Chiefs的市場歐 zzz


saidon07/29 11:25可是人家根據地就是kc,mo而不是kck阿

saidon07/29 11:26酋長和皇家封王遊行也是辦kc,mo而不是kck

※ 編輯: ChrisDavis ( 臺灣), 07/29/2020 11:46:23

n6120807/29 14:12請問他是NFL屆的ARod嗎?