[情報] Jose Reyes 正式宣布退休

看板MLB標題[情報] Jose Reyes 正式宣布退休作者
時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:11

Shortstop Jose Reyes, who starred with the Mets, officially retires

Shortstop José Reyes, who has not played in the major leagues since 2018,
officially retired Wednesday, he announced on Twitter.

Reyes, a four-time All-Star, played 16 seasons, starting and finishing his
career with the New York Mets, with stints with the Marlins, Blue Jays and
Rockies in between.

He was the NL batting champ in 2011 and a three-time NL stolen-base leader.
Reyes, 37, had a .283 lifetime batting average, with 2,138 hits and 517
stolen bases.

"Mets fans, what can I say?" Reyes wrote. "We never got the ring we hoped we
would get. But I can't imagine playing in front of any better fans in the
whole world."

Jose Reyes 今天稍早在個人推特上發文宣布退役,正式結束職棒球員生涯




通算打擊三圍 .283/.334/.427 OPS 0.761





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gustavvv07/30 11:26QQ

Strasburg20k07/30 11:26hof

online3307/30 11:26只記得他為了打擊率王,打出安打就下場了

shadysaid07/30 11:38只記得Drop the ball

tsaichenyo07/30 11:40抓了波不是Castillo嗎(?

Sulstan07/30 11:43原來他也打了16年。。。。

blacklittle07/30 11:50抓了ball不是他

hoos89140507/30 11:52記錯人了啦

yeng121707/30 12:09抓了波是卡斯提歐吧

saiulbb07/30 12:21藍鳥迷JoseReyes出來玩

chaobii07/30 12:29抓了波已經坐牢了

ChrisDavis07/30 12:510708年的梅子打線也是一絕,只是輪流痛

sonesnsdsosi07/30 12:58一代名將

JerrieRip07/30 13:17當年梅子打線很強....而且最健康的是David Wright....

JerrieRip07/30 13:18Reyes、Castillo、川哥、Delgado、Wright、Alou

TrueTears07/30 13:19抓了ball是Luis Castillo (不是紅人那個

msn04007/30 14:15一代腿哥

JimmyBlue07/30 16:14美國抓了波有嚴重到要坐牢喔...在台灣還可以當秘書長耶

addisonwu07/30 16:242K8的封面

ROCAF07/30 16:25抓了波不是被指控洗錢嗎

tnl071607/30 17:39邦邦不考慮簽他來打身體健康嗎 至少賺票房

tomclusu07/30 18:20當年國小最愛的球星啊 0708又帥又強

uranusjr07/30 18:39退休不打球, 那回家還打老婆嗎?

davidistw07/30 19:12建仔時代的超強腿哥

Arsenalhenry07/31 00:07大都會核彈頭+7號SS

hoos89140507/31 00:30可惜當年DL隊陣容太豪華

hoos89140507/31 00:31川哥現在也黑了

meowgy07/31 03:39一直覺得他很像演 hbo baller中的一個球員

lover1907/31 17:40還以為他有機會打出HOF成績的說,看起來是進不去

hyc0725zz08/01 22:56當年梅子的看板球星之一啊啊啊

adamas042208/02 02:25太感傷惹

ancientmoon08/26 01:49一代長槍腿哥