[情報] Twins to sign Nelson Cruz 1yr/13M

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時間推噓11 推:15 噓:4 →:3

Designated hitter Nelson Cruz and the Minnesota Twins are in agreement on a one-year contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.

Cruz, 40, has been a linchpin of the Bomba Squad Twins' lineup. And he'll be back right in the middle of it in 2021.

Nelson Cruz will receive $13 million this season with the Twins, as @Feinsandsaid. While a reunion with Minnesota was long expected, the likely lack of a designated hitter in the National League this season hastened the agreement and brought Cruz back to where he is beloved.

雙城和40歲的Nelson Cruz續約一年13M


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※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 02/03/2021 13:00:18

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