[情報] 紅襪/巨人開始徵求交易報價

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時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:13

Jon Heyman:
Red Sox are now listening on veterans. Maybe not a committed
seller yet but they are seriously considering it. JD Martinez,
Nate Eovaldi, Christian Vazquez all free agents to be and
among the candidates to go. Bogaerts was told he stays.

紅襪考慮交易 JD Martinez, Nate Eovaldi, Christian Vazquez 等老將
但不會賣 Xander Bogaerts

#SFGiants also now listening on their veterans. Carlos Rodon
and Joc Pederson are among obvious candidates if they do sell.
Rodon has an opt out and Pederson is free after the year.

巨人也開放交易 Carlos Rodon, Joc Pederson 等老將

Hearing similarly that SFGiants open for pretty much anyone
not Logan Webb on roster (have few 10-5 guys too). But doesn't
guarantee will sell. Didn't sell walk-yr MadBum/Will Smith in '19
when teetering in playoff race. Rodon is health concern but
high-end SP is in big demand

巨人的 Logan Webb 和符合 10-5 的老將以外,都可以交易


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a1ibooda07/31 08:44巨人幹嘛突然放棄

saiulbb07/31 08:46Webb若我是GM會想留 他好強

themis120807/31 08:49巨人應該是除了Webb都可以賣吧

missweet07/31 08:50Webb2026才FA 感覺應該不會賣 聽聽報價這樣

polanco07/31 08:50不包含Webb吧

Aaronko07/31 08:51明星賽後9戰8敗 明顯拼不贏道奇教士

dinos07/31 08:51巨人還能拼吧,還有很多場對躲教酒可以打耶

missweet07/31 08:52看錯 想說怎麼可能賣Webb= =

kingwei52007/31 08:57Webb..勇士應該很有興趣

bkm107/31 09:16巨人近況那麼糟 而且落後外卡三跟四有四場勝差 開賣不意外

ck32607/31 09:26pretty much anyone "not" Logan Webb on roster

ccpz07/31 09:28修正一下句子好了

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 07/31/2022 09:29:49

ccpz07/31 09:31Heyman後半段說 (不確定是他自己推論,或是球團內部想法)

ccpz07/31 09:32'19年打的不上不下,又沒賣 MadBum/Will Smith 虧大了

ccpz07/31 09:33所以今年賣家少,可以賣高價趕快賣

ck32607/31 09:37應該是記者自己的看法ㄅ

kingwei52007/31 09:38說真的,巨人賣Webb可能性不高

abc1281207/31 09:43那句話的意思是Webb以外的人都可以談 = 不會賣Webb

CrazyStone07/31 10:22要坦了還不賣XB,留著當神主牌嗎

BrandonX07/31 10:22webb是巨人近幾年的未來 不太可能近期賣

smooth092007/31 10:23我襪今年終究還是要開賣了

polanco07/31 10:25不賣XB是有信心能留他嗎

ramiraz61507/31 10:32要留小胖 XB同時有可能嘛? 一堆洞要補

QOO914207/31 10:39襪傷兵一堆 戰績跌破5成 不賣XB真不解

terminator307/31 11:07巨人那破爛投手群根本沒救

terminator307/31 11:07只能叫波西出山回來引導

lookers07/31 11:13所以本來以為巨人也是跟太空人道奇洋基一樣強在後勤

lookers07/31 11:13結果是強在POSEY

GleybeTorres07/31 11:26webb去年跟今年都很穩怎麼可能賣

GleybeTorres07/31 11:26很少突然大爆炸

Yofu07/31 13:10去年聯盟頂級的球隊就這樣瓦解了

woodgatel07/31 13:17巨人的野手實在太老了 很難保持穩定

Werth07/31 13:21主要是老人加上傷兵問題 體質和農場還算不錯

Aaronko07/31 13:29波西影響很大啊,看今年面具鐵爺2.0上來後金鶯也要起飛

Aaronko07/31 13:29的感覺

Chtgo07/31 17:20web 便宜又強 應該非賣品 可以用好幾年

SouLanPara07/31 18:27巨人去年一票老人回春才有107,這季要保持本來就不可

SouLanPara07/31 18:27

whhw07/31 21:18賺爛了

Drzowy07/31 22:09波波一退 你巨現出原形