[情報] Aaron Hicks對在洋基的未來感到不確定

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Aaron Hicks unsure about future with Yankees: 'It's not really my call'

The New York Yankees will welcome outfielder Harrison Bader to their active roster in the coming days for the first time since obtaining him in a deadline trade with the St. Louis Cardinals. (Bader has been on the injured list since June because of plantar fasciitis.) Bader's addition will likely signal a reduced rolefor Aaron Hicks, and that reality has Hicks lamenting his situation -- and, perhaps more importantly, wondering about his future with the organization.

洋基用左投先發Jordan Montgomery從紅雀那交易來的Harrison Bader

終於要歸隊了,而這也代表Aaron Hicks的出賽機會可能會被擠壓到

"I expect [Bader] to come in and start playing every day, as he should," Hicks told Dan Martin of the New York Post on Saturday. "He got traded here to help uswin. We need him to be himself to win a World Series. When I get opportunities,I'll try to make the most of them, but it's extremely hard when I play a game and then I'm off for three days and now there's another outfielder out there."

Aaron Hicks告訴紐約郵報記者Dan Martin說




Hicks, who will celebrate his 33rd birthday in October, has authored a second consecutive rough season. Dating back to last year, he's batted .209/.319/.307 (79 OPS+) with 10 home runs in his last 541 plate appearances. His contributions have been worth an estimated 0.6 Wins Above Replacement, per Baseball Reference.

十月滿33歲的Hicks,本季繳出 .209/.319/.307的打擊三圍(OPS+79、十轟)

勝場貢獻值(Wins Above Replacement)為0.6

When Hicks was asked if he might benefit from a change of scenery, he offered the following answer: "I don't know. The Yankees are gonna have to make a decision and I'll wait for whatever happens. It's not really my call." He also cited Joey Gallo's improved play with the Los Angeles Dodgers, curiously crediting manager Dave Roberts' ability to get the most from his players.




For whatever it's worth, the Yankees don't have much of a call to make, either.

Hicks is guaranteed $30.5 million through the 2025 season. It seems unlikely that teams will be lining up to trade for Hicks based on his contract, his recent play, and his advanced age. The Yankees could, in theory, retain some of his money to facilitate a deal; they could also release him and eat the entirety of what remains on his contract. It's unclear if either possibility will be on the table this offseason, however.

Hicks, then, may have no choice other than to play better or get accustomed to a reduced role.


2023 $10,500,000
2024 $9,500,000
2025 $9,500,000
2026 $12,500,000(1M買斷)


Hicks在2018年打出 .248/.366/.467 27HR OPS.833 OPS+127的成績後



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/19/2022 21:56:55

Zhang27409/19 21:57打這麼__,餵了一堆pa的結果是這樣,不能怪球隊吧

appshjkli09/19 21:59我想問有誰要一個打得爛有手傷防守還擺爛散步的外野手

Hakase556609/19 22:00Gallo去躲人確實有變得更好啦 wRC+從82變成95 XD

Movice09/19 22:00boo總愛將擔心什麼

appshjkli09/19 22:00Gallo最大的貢獻大概是從躲人換來一個不錯的新秀

appshjkli09/19 22:01不過考慮到換他丟了一堆新秀 還是大虧特虧

Hakase556609/19 22:02躲人還把gallo的薪水全吃了 真的是個好人

Hakase556609/19 22:05換gallo的小將包今年全都打的很糟就是了

saiulbb09/19 22:07洋基吃個一半薪不知道能否交易出去

RBC5432109/19 22:11看到個中外野頂級手套回來了 開始擔心中年失業了

domoto010109/19 22:11滾希 @@

RBC5432109/19 22:11雖然錢照樣領 但球員還是很怕沒上場機會XD

Werth09/19 22:16那包期待度不高 沒換到Gallo大概還是會拿去跟雙城做交易

NYYLG09/19 22:23要出怪聲了嗎

atmmaxing09/19 22:25看看光芒掛機那場 你就知道了

es9114ian09/19 22:27聲仔滾吧

catsondbs09/19 22:40Hicks簽7年合約時很多人都說佛心 結果論是他賭對了

phenom4209/19 22:40這顯然是有什麼誤會

travis91511709/19 22:41爛是爛啦 他講這樣就叫聲仔也是很可笑

helmet1084509/19 22:43

helmet1084509/19 22:432017年打更好,以為開竅了,發現19跟20比想像中的好

helmet1084509/19 22:44,長打破四成~ 就是那個傳球吧…懷念當年的雷射肩

slyheart09/19 22:44看他上場球迷也覺得難過

nangaluchen09/19 22:49他主要是2021後開始崩壞 不然頂多是痛 但能用

nangaluchen09/19 22:50其實若bader真能補起這個洞 那丟芒果很值得

jim1244109/19 22:58要不是他身上還有30M這個鳥成績跟心態早就被DFA

c87111111609/19 23:09我也不太確定你今年在幹嘛

fan022609/19 23:22WAR還是正的

fan022609/19 23:22還可以用啦

tomsawyer09/19 23:36真假佛心?

CrazyStone09/19 23:42捧著那肚子開季說要30-30,我也不知道在想什麼

CrazyStone09/19 23:44寧願交易來一個傷兵頂你位置不就表示FO真的看不下去了

AHEAD09909/19 23:57說啥呢 這種表現應該要對自己在MLB的未來感到擔心

hdotistyle09/19 23:57布總愛將 怕什麼

CrazyStone09/20 00:02六月爆打一波+幫Gallo守左外野刷了一波好感度阿,誰叫

CrazyStone09/20 00:02洋基外野除了Judge沒一個能打的

CrazyStone09/20 00:05比起Hicks,我覺得Florial應該要更擔心自己的未來才對

CrazyStone09/20 00:05,很少有外野手能比Hicks還沒期待感了

AHEAD09909/20 00:06散步防守幾年了都沒改 還妄想改變環境會有用喔

AHEAD09909/20 00:09Florial的option用完了 明年可能要說再見了

hjs0609/20 00:12給太多機會了,上場機會是靠成績來爭取的

delnet09/20 00:15瞎揮仔

BlakeSnell09/20 00:29換來Bader就是不要你了啦XDDD

ypw09/20 01:23看你連三天上場守備還有之前的關鍵DP跟K,身為基迷也很艱難啊

ypw09/20 01:23

sumo331009/20 03:41他爛成這樣還能先發才扯...

YU015809/20 04:06這咖有資格講話?

DeepRed041209/20 07:55吹密

ignativs09/20 08:11我覺得Gallo會變好 是因為之前在洋基太爛

ignativs09/20 08:11狀態在谷底 很容易轉隊就變好

ignativs09/20 08:13Hicks轉隊或許也會變好

mschien829509/20 08:28要不是他爛成那樣,現金人也不會想弄來受傷的外野手

makotohsia09/20 08:32他也沒說啥,也是有自知之明,看來台灣人價值觀是工作

makotohsia09/20 08:33績效差嘴巴不能吐出一個字

dufflin09/20 09:10笑屎 隔空表忠喔 宇宙躲要變第一志願了嗎

jkry09/20 09:13領錢不幹事,要怪誰?而且散步前都暢打耶!

pujos09/20 09:33績效差要說什麼?解釋、推託還是表忠心,沒有人需要這些東

pujos09/20 09:33西,其他人需要的是你把你自己事情做好就好

b230591109/20 09:35還好我們家兩個Aaron一個有出息

dinos09/20 09:46Aaron Boone:有出息的是這個Aaron沒錯吧?

Sechslee09/20 09:53暢打多久了在那邊打一休三很艱難 笑死 要不是你打這麼爛

Sechslee09/20 09:54+散步守備 FO有必要去換一個DL到現在的人嗎

cocytus3909/20 10:15Gallo其實成績還是蠻鳥的欸

xxoo294009/20 10:42Gallo去道奇後成績也沒多好

leoncurry3009/20 10:53當小倫還怕別人搶工作

c87111111609/20 11:40他可以講啊 阿講了被嘴不是正常

AHEAD09909/20 11:54講了不改被噴正常

Zoomyoyo09/20 13:58最近打得還行 有拉尾盤的話 季末再來論斷

Roronoa556609/20 14:10自己上場時的各種散漫…

devilsky09/20 22:35我確定你沒什麼未來....