Fw: [情報] 太空人預期會請Dusty Baker 續留

看板MLB標題Fw: [情報] 太空人預期會請Dusty Baker 續留作者
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作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball
標題: [情報] 太空人預期會請Dusty Baker 續留
時間: Sat Oct 22 23:23:20 2022

Astros Expected To Ask Dusty Baker Back For 2023 Season

Dusty Baker’s contract is up whenever the Astros conclude their playoff run, marking the second straight year that the veteran manager has entered the offseason with uncertainty about his future. However, it looks like Baker might be staying put in Houston, as Jon Heyman of the New York Post hears from sources that“Baker will be invited back to manage in 2023.”

Dusty Baker在季前和太空人續約一年

而目前預期太空人會再請Dusty Baker 明年繼續續留了

The Astros have reached the ALCS in all three years of Baker’s tenure as manager, and are two wins away from their second consecutive American League pennant.


2021 球團執行選擇權
2022 續約一年


The GM will also be out of contract after the season, and there have been rumors that the Astros might be looking to make a change in the front office, despiteClick’s success in the job.



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Sulstan10/22 23:23Click Chemistry要下台了嗎 呵呵

barber10/22 23:38Baker sucks

zx246800tw10/23 01:12貝克街的

forsell10/23 06:08太鼓達人之後,太空人還是很有競爭力

cplusplus42610/23 08:49太空人可怕的是團隊薪資沒頂 競爭力每年都超強 根

cplusplus42610/23 08:49本夢幻隊

globekiller10/23 09:06中南美那幾個CP值太高

henry31810/23 09:14怎麼知道沒繼續xx? 都是事後證據不是嗎

gn0253064010/23 09:34無罪推定啊,不然樓上舉幾個證據來瞧瞧

gn0253064010/23 09:38不是站在"正義"的風口上就可以含血噴人耶,不爽他們曾

gn0253064010/23 09:38經作弊是一回事,現在的太空人就真的強啊,那幾個先發

gn0253064010/23 09:38投手一字排開來防禦率都2字頭要怎麼輸

lookers10/23 09:58二號先發還沒上 3:0這什麼東西

tigertiger10/23 10:25球迷講球隊哪來的無罪認定 你是法官喔?

s88003610/23 10:37二號上過了啊,Valdez

yuenwwjd10/23 10:38太鼓人拿到冠軍 會不會噴全聯盟 好期待

josephh10/23 10:58太空人只能說 在座的各位都是垃圾

gn0253064010/23 10:59沒證據就隨便影射別人在XX的球迷也沒有比鼓人高尚到

gn0253064010/23 10:59哪去啦,五十步笑百步

gn0253064010/23 11:03講2017鼓人冠軍成員就算了,影射別人現在繼續XX,

gn0253064010/23 11:03那Pena這些人不就衰小,躺著也中槍

tigertiger10/23 11:43好氣

fa8852010/23 12:19那時候肯定不只太空人作弊,只是抓一個殺雞儆猴而已好嗎

blacklittle10/23 12:34鼓迷要開始到處潑髒水了嗎

ts01210810/23 13:01到底為什麼那麼強還要作弊..不作弊就虐了 哭啊

polanco10/23 13:53真的 太空人好委屈

crow080110/23 13:53沒證據就講 那叫毀謗 在各國刑法都有的

laking10/23 15:02如果當年不是鼓人靠作弊走到最後......而是其他作弊隊

ylrafale10/23 15:12本文討論已嚴重偏離主旨,將鎖文處理