[情報] 留下Rafael Devers是紅襪目前的頭號目標

看板MLB標題[情報] 留下Rafael Devers是紅襪目前的頭號目標作者
時間推噓41 推:43 噓:2 →:27

One big beneficiary of the free-agent largess — and particularly the $280M deal for Xander Bogaerts — is his longtime Red Sox teammate Rafael Devers. And sources say a Devers extension is Boston’s “No. 1 priority,” which never seemed true for Bogaerts.

和Rafael Devers簽下延長合約是紅襪目前的頭號目標

They have to give him whatever he wants,” one baseball exec said. “Can they
really let him go too?”


Regarding Devers, Red Sox Chief Baseball Officer Chaim Bloom said by text, “Our efforts are only intensifying — but it’s something we’ve really wanted to do for a while and hopefully we’ll be able to find that path.”

Chaim Bloom:我們留下他的決心只會越來越強

The Red Sox were offering Devers in the mid $200Ms after already bumping it quite a bit, but now his $300M asking price seems reasonable. After all, he’s fouryears younger than Bogaerts.

最一開始紅襪開Matt Olson和勇士的那張(8yr/168M)給他


While we know about Boston’s spring offer to Bogaerts to add one year and $30Mto make it $90M over four, they offered to bump his deal to $120M in October, and as the Boston Globe reported, they floated a deal for close to $170M at the winter meetings (about $28M a year for six years).









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ChrisDavis12/17 11:18語畢,哄堂大笑

k38547691612/17 11:18Bloom不要再說幹話了 留不下來就拿去交易

saiulbb12/17 11:18Bloom的操盤下覺得留下的機率不高

destinyx212/17 11:18小胖再留不住就說不過去了吧

kirax20a12/17 11:20可以開盤看Bloom何時要滾蛋了吧…?

appshjkli12/17 11:21祝福明年季後變成空氣 Devers拿大約 皆大歡喜 齁

QOO914212/17 11:27CB還要讓球星變空氣?湖人:抗議你抄我

aborwang12/17 11:31沒有開比XB高都不用談了

Adam661312/17 11:33210M 不要拉倒

ctbdog12/17 11:34Bloom是不是適合從政

dinos12/17 11:372024才27y,起碼開個500M/15y吧,200M是擺明不想留吧

appshjkli12/17 11:38我猜Devers應該是不喜歡紅襪 不然怎麼可能不續約呢

Mogami8812/17 11:43Bloom 操盤要留下很難吧

kingwei52012/17 11:4415年是誇張了點啦XD

polanco12/17 11:51好奇紅襪有沒有可能出到210/7

JustinIdiot12/17 11:56重點不是年限 而是多少錢 一個球員37、38進FA能拿什

JustinIdiot12/17 11:56麼約?所以現在對球員來說 超過十年約總額才是重點

JustinIdiot12/17 11:56還有是否給跳出

dieshort12/17 11:57不愛紅襪超酸XD

yw100212/17 12:03打擊天才阿 跟Betts有得比

yw100212/17 12:04是說沒留下那洋基未來幾年在美東又更舒服了

Aaronko12/17 12:05300M沒搬出來就不用談了

appshjkli12/17 12:11很多迷迷在酸Devers沒拿過MVP前幾名 不值得啊

appshjkli12/17 12:11放到FA就知道值不值了 齁

luckywang12/17 12:15對XB是不是也講過同樣的話?

bmwnyy87091512/17 12:17紅襪一場空味濃

JJHu12/17 12:28酸個頭,現在終究是在討論Extension跟FA哪能比

JJHu12/17 12:29之前是說Devers能不能拿到AAV30M的長約,我覺得以Extension

JJHu12/17 12:30跟他打出來的成績來說本來就很難,FA要拿多大根本不可能預測

JJHu12/17 12:32不過他能拿到大約大家也是給予祝福阿

a215670012/17 12:39沒事兒 交易也很香吧

j0724205412/17 12:41交易起來

k2201598712/17 12:58沒300M就別講出來讓人笑了

JustinIdiot12/17 13:03他明年就FA了 現在簽延長跟FA幾乎是差不多的意思...

oncee12/17 13:04說真的年均沒25M真的說不過去

polanco12/17 13:11這個時間點談續約要給接近市價了吧 參考今年季前洋基給

polanco12/17 13:11法官那張

mayzn12/17 13:13不覺得Bloom會給Devers方想要的,準備等著看他變成N個新秀

xoxo812/17 13:20Bloom在不用想太多

Mogami8812/17 13:20以他的年紀跟表現,300M真的基本盤

Minihil12/17 13:22現在就算紅襪出合理價 Devers也會想進FA試水溫吧

Minihil12/17 13:23除非真的合約給超好 不然有留下來一起坦的誘因嗎

ocean1112/17 13:24客家GM?

manson66612/17 13:29沒其他人了xddd

Sechslee12/17 13:32200M/8y 這到底是想要簽誰啊

HaiTurtle12/17 13:36#不相信Bloom了

es9114ian12/17 13:39希望Devers趕快離開美東,不然他每次看到Cole就狂轟猛

es9114ian12/17 13:39

new7105012/17 13:39上一個頭號目標已經

MedEngineer12/17 13:58200M跟本只是基本盤 不要拿出來給人笑 他在自由市場

MedEngineer12/17 13:58上有拿300M的本錢

travis91511712/17 14:08明年野手FA大咖大概只有他跟可能跳出的Machado 這

travis91511712/17 14:08開價大概連地板都摸不到吧

appshjkli12/17 14:21Machado應該是確定會跳了

warchiefdodo12/17 14:25Devers這年紀你不給他300M他看都不看一眼的...

hank1324112/17 14:25未來幾年美東看金鶯吧,紅襪總感覺都講講而已

tyrone092312/17 14:27200M拿去簽Swanson,以今年FA的價碼可能都還簽不到

Minihil12/17 15:13Swanson應該不用200M啦

Cueto12/17 15:21沒事啦 最多搭個痛痛拍賣哥或吉田 跟躲人換一包百大

c87111111612/17 17:24Extension跟FA是差在哪 球員就是要一張保障長約

c87111111612/17 17:25還管你現在身分是啥喔==

leosky4112/17 19:18Bloom根本是紅襪敵隊派來臥底的吧,一堆決策笑死人

iAsshole12/17 21:09可以不要再用制服組這種西臺灣來的瞎雞巴說法了嗎?

whhw12/17 21:22穩了

Hans247912/17 21:39制服組到底是啥小

siliver12/17 21:41自己要用啥就用啥,管別人用啥??

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/17/2022 21:50:45

hhll556612/17 21:52打擊真的超猛

JustinIdiot12/17 23:06制服組就是FO啊

brewer813212/18 00:20Bloom:我們一直跟他談,只是不一定會簽

Chtgo12/18 00:207樓 哈哈哈 有像

lmgallf12/18 12:155年1500萬,再多就是貪心

n61301112/18 16:06交易比較快 不要又兩頭空