[閒聊] 想躺平

看板MenTalk標題[閒聊] 想躺平作者
(listen with open mind)
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:4

就會想到killing eve裡的一段話

Most of the time, most days, I feel nothing. I don’t feel anything. It’s so

I wake up and I think “again, really? I have to do this again?” And what I r
eally don’t understand is how come everybody else isn’t screaming with the b
oredom too.

I did try to find ways of making myself feel something more and more and more, but it doesn’t make any difference.

No matter what I do, I don’t feel anything. I hurt myself, it doesn’t hurt.
I buy what I want, I don’t want it. I do what I like, I don’t like it. I’m
just so bored.



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voohong11/22 16:53找人報價訂製衣櫃啊,看了報價就有動力了

ken72033111/22 16:54生個小孩就會有動力了(>﹏<)

yggyygy11/22 16:54+1

mavis82511/22 17:00生小孩是被推著走的動力

ken72033111/22 17:02沒錯.....

a871543811/22 18:57支持你

NelsonFang11/22 21:25需要在背上裝個發條