Re: [情報] 2022年Q1全球手機出售量 三星超越蘋果

看板MobileComm標題Re: [情報] 2022年Q1全球手機出售量 三星超越蘋果作者
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※ 引述《awwwe (科科笑)》之銘言:
: Infographic: Q1-2022 | Smartphones | Mobile Market Monitor
: June 3, 2022
: |In Blogs
: |By Team Counterpoint
: Our Q1 2022 Market Monitor report has been published. We release one
: infographic each quarter to summarize the smartphone market activities in a: single page.
: Some quick observations on the smartphone market:
: The global smartphone market declined by 8% YoY and 12% QoQ to 326
: million units in Q1 2022.
: Samsung surpassed Apple to take the number one spot in Q1 2022 with its: smartphone shipments increasing by 8% QoQ to 74.4 million units.
: Apple’s shipments declined 1% YoY in Q1 2022 to reach 59 million units.: Xiaomi, OPPO and vivo’s component struggles continued, causing QoQ and
: YoY declines in their respective shipments.
: HONOR’s shipments grew 148% YoY in Q1 2022 to 16 million units.
: Consequently, its market share rose to 5%, up from 4% in Q4 2021 and 2% in Q
: 2021.
: ------
: 全球手機出售
: 三星出售佔23%
: 蘋果出售佔18%
: ios手機出售佔18%
: android手機出售佔82%
: 82%人口買安卓


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arclenyun06/27 10:53蘋果吃肉,安卓們喝湯,三星有吃到肉渣而已

square406/27 10:59如果還是a1_熱銷,低階機客群不看soc只認品牌?

Freecoins06/27 11:18贏就是贏,更何況三星贏也是傷亡慘重的,急什麼XD

saokie06/27 11:48七傷拳,“先傷己,後傷敵”

dxzy06/27 12:00一大堆的人要吃這碗飯的 什麼傷不傷

opnash06/27 12:04衰退還是贏啊

aegis4321006/27 12:06的確目前三星出貨比蘋果高呀

vitzou06/27 12:08阿三星就是真的比蘋果多啊,這樣也要酸標題在帶風向???

vitzou06/27 12:08

playchicken06/27 12:11標題哪裡帶風向

playchicken06/27 12:11這就是事實啊 人家又沒說三星成長

dieangel00606/27 12:26講的人家內文標題錯誤一樣

boy8042106/27 12:50原文在講出售量就是超越 是你在腦補人家誤導帶風向吧

venusmoon06/27 13:03標題沒錯 不過要注意的是數量是成長還是衰退

Yanten06/27 13:06超越意思是"本來比人家少,後來比人家多" 問題三星本來就

Yanten06/27 13:06是多的哪裏來的超越? 是仍然比蘋果多吧!

graphict06/27 13:11笑死,是有那麼急喔

Annex06/27 13:39好了啦,承認很難嗎?

ntusimmon06/27 13:47這篇文才是帶風向吧

Clarkliu06/27 14:17三星庫存五千萬隻手機 你各位星粉一人五隻買起來阿

PPAPwww06/27 15:24怎麼了,蘋果被超越不開心了是不是?

PPAPwww06/27 15:25

PPAPwww06/27 15:27你才帶風向

Behave06/27 15:37我還是想要能裝安卓的愛縫

fiction456906/28 06:58我就覺得奇怪,三星什麼時候少過蘋果了

fiction456906/28 06:59看來不懂中文的人不少...

FatHouse06/29 13:40中肯推