[外絮] 熱火決定不攤提蘿莉、Strus 交易乳摸

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原標題:Heat makes one of looming decisions on Lowry. And potential Strus
bidders emerge
(熱火隊就 Kyle Lowry 作出重大決定。另,Strus 的潛在競爭者出現)


作者:Barry Jackson

前情提要:#1acuJzuh (NBA)


After considering multiple options with Kyle Lowry, the Heat has decided
against one of them: waiving and stretching his contract. The Heat instead isnow focused on using his salary in a trade for Damian Lillard or another
potential deal, according to a league source.


Miami also is comfortable beginning next season with Lowry on the roster if
he isn’t traded this summer. More trade opportunities could open before next
February’s trade deadline.


Two people in contact with the Heat said Miami had considered using the
waive-and-stretch provision on Lowry, which would have meant absorbing cap
hits of $9.9 million each of the next three seasons instead of a $29.7
million hit on next year’s cap, should he remain with the team.


But the Heat ultimately has decided against that, according to a source, in
part because the $9.9 million cap hits in 2024-25 and 2025-26 would be
burdensome. Lowry’s salary could be used as ballast in a trade for Lillard,
who remains Miami’s No. 1 offseason target.



If Lowry isn’t included in a deal with Portland, Miami could re-engage with
the Clippers, who are seeking veteran point guard help. A combination of
power forward Marcus Morris and either Robert Covington or Terance Mann couldsatisfy cap rules, but the Heat might need to offer something else.

如果蘿莉沒有被納入拓荒者的交易中,熱火隊可能會選擇與正尋求控球後衛支援的快艇隊重新開啟談判。一個包括大前鋒 Marcus Morris Sr. 和 Robert Covington 或 TeranceMann 的交易包可能能夠符合薪資上限要求,但熱火隊可能需要提供某種東西。

Ideally, the Heat would like to be able to trade Lowry either in a Lillard
package, or to a team that can absorb his salary and send Miami back a usefulplayer earning significantly less - a scenario that would lower the Heat’s
tax bill. But that second option might be difficult to pull off because a
limited number of teams have the cap space to take back a lot more money thanthey send out.


The Heat appreciates Lowry’s contributions during the playoffs and how
professionally he handled himself when moved to a bench role. Attempts to
move his contract are financially-driven more than anything.


(下面是 Max Strus 的交易乳摸)


- Indiana, Detroit and Chicago are expected to be among the suitors for Max
Strus when free agency begins at 6 p.m. Friday. A source close to Strus
expects he will command the $12.3 million mid-level exception or potentially
something higher from the Pacers or Pistons.

溜馬、活塞和公牛預計將成為Strus 在自由市場開啟後的競爭者。一位接近他的消息人士說,他預計會獲得1230萬美元的中產階級薪資,或者從溜馬或活塞得到更高的薪資。

- The Heat very much values Caleb Martin and it could be a point of
contention if Portland insists on acquiring him in a Lillard trade. While it’s doubtful that a request for Martin would torpedo a deal, the Heat would
like to keep him.

熱火隊非常重視 Caleb Martin,如果波特蘭堅持要在小李的交易中獲得他,這可能是一個爭論點。雖然對 Martin 的要求可能會破壞交易,但熱火隊還是希望能留下他。

-’s Chris Mannix reported that Portland is “lukewarm” about Tyler
Herro in a package for Lillard. If the Blazers prefer a package not involvingHerro, that could necessitate the need for a third team (that likes Herro) tobe included or a package not involving Herro. ESPN’s Tim Legler, on why a
Lillard/Heat marriage makes sense:

《體育畫報》記者 Chris Mannix 報導,拓荒者在把英雄哥放進小李交易包的事上是「微熱」的。如果拓荒者隊想要一個不包括英雄哥的交易包,這將需要對英雄哥有所需求的第三隊加入,或者找出一個不涉及他的交易包。ESPN 記者Tim Legler 在就小李加入熱火隊的可能性作出分析時,其中提到:

“If Lillard really wants to add to his legacy as a player, you want to see
him play on the biggest stage. I look at Miami. The infrastructure is in
place assuming it would not mean Butler or Bam is not there. If you put
Damian Lillard with those two players and what that organization does year
after year to reinvent themselves with their supporting cast. And we know theculture we’ve talked a lot about with Pat Riley and Erik Spoelstra.

「如果小李真的想增加自己作為一個球員的榮譽,你會想看到他在最大的舞台上打球。我 看了一下邁阿密。基礎設施已經到位,假設這並不意味著吉巴或阿德巴約不會留在那裡 。如果你把小李和這兩名球員放在一起,以及該球團年復一年地用他們的輔助陣容重塑 自己的做法。我們知道我們已經談了很多關於萊利和濕婆的文化。」

“To have a chance to play for who I think is the best coach in the NBA to
maximize yourself as a player, if you’re Damian Lillard and have that
opportunity to force Portland’s hand and find your way to Miami you have a
much better chance to be an NBA champion. Miami would be the best place and
they have a lot of things in return they can potentially make that deal

「如果要有機會為我自己認為是NBA 最好的教練打球,最大限度地發揮自己作為一個球員 的作用,假如你是小李,你可能會想著迫使拓荒者出手,找到你的方式來到邁阿密,這 樣你有更好的機會成為NBA 冠軍。邁阿密將是最好的地方,他們有很多東西作為回報, 他們有可能使這個交易發生。」

Lillard has not asked for a trade but has said that the Heat and Nets would
appeal to him if he does. Lillard reportedly is giving the Blazers more time
to try to build a championship team.





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Chanlin01 06/29 09:16熱火不差包是DR 馬丁 蘿莉嗎

CHADA 06/29 09:18想要留martin的情況下拿小李 好狠喔

roywow 06/29 09:19為了小李換走馬丁 陣容也是崩了…. 進退兩難

TT 06/29 09:21不差包你只放蘿莉和乾麵 就成了很差包啦

matsuwu 06/29 09:21結果是不想要英雄XD

musichour 06/29 09:22熱火的籌碼很不吸引人 第三隊很難找吧

gameow1124 06/29 09:23熱火什麼都不想放,什麼都想要

a28200266 06/29 09:24要馬丁喔 便宜而且好用

AterPin 06/29 09:25可能三方交易吧 你要給第三方啥好處

a28200266 06/29 09:25就看有沒有第三隊想要英雄啊 英雄還是不差 給他球

a28200266 06/29 09:25權打得出20+

seemoon2000 06/29 09:27第三段攤提 那個是不是說如果不繼續留隊阿

laptic 06/29 09:32解讀是在留隊的情況下吧

humbler:轉錄至看板 PACERS

06/29 09:32

keny372 06/29 09:32看看湖人那顆滷蛋困擾多久

gg8n8nd34ss 06/29 09:34英雄感覺跟Kuzma定位很像 給球權能打出20+ 但季後

gg8n8nd34ss 06/29 09:34賽不怎樣也無法單獨帶隊 可是這種數據薪水不會便宜

gg8n8nd34ss 06/29 09:34 有行無市

jackie65527906/29 09:38褲子至少還是側翼,英雄比起來是真的很尷尬

capsspac 06/29 09:39西普東希

nekoten 06/29 09:40不然熱火再去跟黃蜂拿另一個馬丁來啊

TheoEpstein 06/29 09:41西普去東區了

ohsho62 06/29 09:43熱火連續殺入東冠跟總冠,但就是補不了強

LukaDoncic7706/29 09:44熱火衝個小李R

wade59420 06/29 09:48挖 那Strus肯定留不住了

Giovinazzi9906/29 09:48油頭真的可憐 蘿莉想換小李 沒貼個4首輪誰要換

UD305 06/29 10:08Strus明明超爛,不過還是恭喜

yyes5210 06/29 10:14我覺得熱火要衝了 東區強權基本上陣容都固定了,你

yyes5210 06/29 10:14今年這套能打總冠,升級成小李真的有希望奪冠

shargo 06/29 10:14爛約倒給別人 只拿想要的 很棒~

yowhatsupsli06/29 10:15鎮重物不是減緩衝擊是壓艙石啦,這裡是交易薪資包的

yowhatsupsli06/29 10:15意思啦

kamasawa 06/29 10:16整篇文章都在肖想一個還沒提出交易需求的球員…寫作

kamasawa 06/29 10:16文嗎?

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 06/29/2023 10:19:38

laptic 06/29 10:19@yowhatsupsli 已修正

yeustream 06/29 10:28評估認為有機會就預作準備不是很正常嗎?

lovesinker 06/29 10:33拓荒者放走小李再收兩個後衛進來 有病嗎

Ayanami5566 06/29 10:56沒差吧痛一年就好了 攤提才虧

Ayanami5566 06/29 10:57反正熱火87%就原班人馬繼續打 頂多少了Max 繼續當

Ayanami5566 06/29 10:57季後賽的underdog

Ayanami5566 06/29 10:58看英雄能不能在季後賽證明自己 希望別再受傷了

www2967 06/29 11:04湖人滷蛋可是被笑好幾年 現在誰敢亂攤啊QQ

clkdtm32 06/29 11:06公牛需要他的三分啊

tigerface 06/29 11:39熱火這套就是季後賽發力可以打爆東區所有隊,但是全

tigerface 06/29 11:39員燃燒到最後也沒力了

r124195181 06/29 12:14馬超要留吧

Childishan 06/29 12:23大屁股感覺很好躺

RoyeC 06/29 12:35蘿莉去火箭帶新人應該不錯吧

abop65913 06/29 19:14熱火總想著搶劫