[外絮] KD對於可愛受傷的看法

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圖 KD對於可愛受傷的看法

Kevin Durant’s honest take on Kawhi Leonard injury


I’m more disappointed that Kawhi is injured again moreso than the matchup,” Kevin Durant said of Kawhi Leonard. “Obviously, that’s always fun playing against an all-time great. I don’t know Kawhi that well, but he seems like he loves the game, loves to play, he just loves to hoop on this stage, especially around the playoffs. I’m more disappointed for him that he’s not doing what he loves.But it’s also fun getting a chance to compete against him. Well not fun, it’sa challenge getting a chance to compete against someone like Kawhi. I hope he gets back out there soon. I hope him and PG get back healthy soon.”


When asked why exactly it isn’t fun to play against Kawhi Leonard, Durant couldn’t help but chuckle.


“I mean, sh*t you’ve seen how he plays,” Kevin Durant added with a laugh. “H
e’s tough. You gotta be ready every possession. It’s nerve-wracking is the word I would use.”


“Getting older in the league, getting more comfortable, you just get more responsibility. And I think that’s what the name of Kawhi’s career has been. Development. I think that’s what a lot of people look at, how he came into the league and where he is now, you wouldn’t expect him to be a superstar like he is when he came in, so for him to develop his game and develop his mindset, to be thisplayer he is today, it speaks volumes to his work ethic and his love for the game.”

在聯盟中逐漸老去且變得更加自信時,你的責任也會變得更大,我認為可愛職業生涯的代名詞就是 進化 。許多人看著他進入聯盟時和現在的成就,都沒有預料到他會成為像現在這樣的超級巨星,他發展出自己的球技和心態,成為今天這樣的球員,這證明了他對待工作的態度和對於籃球的熱愛程度。

“You prepare for this time of the year all season, so it’s just frustrating,” Kevin Durant explained. “Some stuff that you wish you had more control over. It’s just a tough situation. You want to be out there with your teammates, you want to grind at this part of the year. You feel like you’re letting a lot of people down that spent their hard-earned money to see you do what you do. The organization. There’s a lot on your mind at that time. You just try to focus on rehabbing and getting better, getting out there as quickly as possible.”



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ted010233 04/24 00:11記得可愛當初去快艇組團有問過KD?

yusuke362 04/24 00:12得體

dwiee 04/24 00:13可愛好像先問KD/吉巴 最後才輪到PG

sillyxsilly 04/24 00:15可愛沒打過國際賽,跟很多明星都不熟

vince7123 04/24 00:15可愛第一找KD 第二JB 第三PG,記得是這個順序

vince7123 04/24 00:16前兩個當時是自由球員,PG有約在身

vv22hh 04/24 00:18這兩場看下來kd被可愛屌打

apple15518 04/24 00:1924年 可愛 咖哩該打奧運了吧

jfs 04/24 00:20只記得17馬刺差不多最後的輝煌,後Duncan時代季後打

jfs 04/24 00:20宇宙勇,可愛一波打神硬是領先十出頭分,然後zaza墊

jfs 04/24 00:20了一下,就沒有然後了...

peace305 04/24 00:20得體

hbkhhhdx200604/24 00:21在暴龍有奪冠啊

Nakata0911 04/24 00:22zaza一腳可能讓他生涯少拿兩三冠

cor1os 04/24 00:24圓仔跟可愛不熟才沒組

cor1os 04/24 00:26真組起來圓仔也會起肖,可愛在破艇的出賽比聲仔還少

gp03dan 04/24 00:27QQ

webberfun 04/24 00:33可愛在快艇出賽平均50幾場 KD大傷後的出席率40幾場

webberfun 04/24 00:33 KD確定會崩潰????

supreme0731 04/24 00:34兩三冠太吹了

biss0220 04/24 00:37可愛怕的是季後賽也有機會輪休,KD復出後 季後賽倒

biss0220 04/24 00:37是沒缺席

julian42 04/24 00:39順位kd 吉巴 pg 看來可愛選腿眼光不錯

OliverJin 04/24 00:39以前KD還說可愛是受惠體系之類的 現在狂吹特吹

lichingJHIN 04/24 00:45可愛前兩場守KD都守得不錯

h5t6566556 04/24 00:47KD第一輪系列戰在太陽的定位 更多的時候就是吸怪創

h5t6566556 04/24 00:47造給隊友機會 多傳導球讓隊友更舒服獲得出手機會

h5t6566556 04/24 00:48 更進一步融入體系吧 太陽教練也說這是他的策略方針

h5t6566556 04/24 00:48 說他是場上最貴的誘餌 看來成效不錯 書人也很好回

h5t6566556 04/24 00:48應了這個系列戰

ginopun1047704/24 00:49kd加油啊

gigiii1134 04/24 00:50可愛糾團的時機太晚了,忘了是誰說聽到很訝異,雖然

gigiii1134 04/24 00:50不錯但平常沒私交又晚講,有交情的早就約好了

h5t6566556 04/24 00:50謝g大 祝可愛 PG早日康復啦

vinc4320 04/24 00:51可愛什麼時候季後賽輪休了 心地不用這麼壞 真的

h5t6566556 04/24 00:51陽艇這賽程真的對雙方主將的年齡 過往傷病因素很不

h5t6566556 04/24 00:52友善…

biss0220 04/24 00:52不是輪休啦 傷病

VL1003 04/24 00:54印象那個乳摸就是說 KD 說很驚訝可愛找他組阿。

qwert860921 04/24 00:55我不太認識他XD

doa2 04/24 01:04@jfs什麼領先十出頭分,是領先超過20分好嗎?

foolishbi 04/24 01:06沒Zaza馬刺50勝紀錄可能還在延續

n924127 04/24 01:09KD應該很能感同身受吧 因為19年他就是跟KT接連受傷

n924127 04/24 01:09然後就輸給可愛的暴龍了

vinc4320 04/24 01:12KD就是從原本出勤率很高結果硬帶傷打導致大傷後 直

vinc4320 04/24 01:12接運動能力跟出勤率都打對折

gnl1n 04/24 01:17哪裏有被屌打?

Wall62 04/24 01:20得體

aljust12 04/24 01:20KD:我不太認識他...以下略 → OS:別亂Q我

(saturday5566 刪除 andy26002863 的推文: 違法連結)

GGFACE 04/24 01:27打不成真的可惜

dirtywestwes04/24 01:28樓上上看起來好毒

spursmanu 04/24 01:45不太認識?之前不是聽說可愛有招募KD嗎

k2215777 04/24 01:54這兩個都是受到勇士影響才開始痛的 唉。。。

cetus 04/24 03:19可愛真的強,但太痛

qoqocat 04/24 05:18低調個頭,盜版連結下去

ignativs 04/24 07:10可愛很有經驗了

imlingary 04/24 07:34原來可愛跟其他球星沒有很熟 感覺就是班上成績超好

imlingary 04/24 07:34可是又超邊緣的人

tim0703 04/24 08:16得體!

Alipapa 04/24 08:18不只其他球星 可愛可能跟自己隊友都沒有很熟吧XD

linfon00 04/24 08:26得體

linfon00 04/24 08:26現實生活模式的大哥就是這麼得體

woko 04/24 08:46twitteKD:就像KD當年幫勇士拚3連霸失敗那樣的沮喪

a11011788 04/24 08:51KD得體 跟以前講綠葉差好多

ga502020 04/24 09:13暖男KD

a894392000 04/24 09:30方蓋打這麼多年了KD還是不熟 真的低調

LMgogo 04/24 09:48不熟的組才好 上班好同事 熟的就解散惹

LMgogo 04/24 09:51可愛很難打奧運了 傷成這樣誰會放他

yellowboy 04/24 10:45可愛當初應該先問zaza要不要組團

wailman 04/24 11:20快艇應該是要放暑假了

ok771105 04/24 11:34舒適

hit0123 04/24 13:03聽起來是真的不熟啦

friends29 04/24 13:15我不太認識他 那個時候Zaza踩下去了

sinben 04/24 14:25人真好 還幫他說話