PTT評價 mingonly 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 馬龍:湖人整個不一樣換了教練又得到77Michael Malone on the differences he's seen from the Lakers since the trade: 馬龍談到湖人近期的變化時表示: Different players, different coaches. There's a lot of change within the Lakers. .. They're a different team. JJ is coaching them and his fingerprints are all ov er this team. They've added another MVP candidate in Luka and the most amazing t6
[問片] 被自己人殺的黑幫片我要找一部 80 年代類似義大利黑幫電影,記得的情節如下: 兩個男人一起進入一間屋子執行刺殺任務(忘記是不是) 他們原本是互相信任的夥伴 進屋後,他們發現目標人物不在,其中一人轉身準備離開 就在這時,另一個人從後方開槍,槍殺了他96
[花邊] Jokic談他的耐心Nikola Jokic on his patience: Just because I scored 40 today, that doesn’t mean I played good…I don’t think we need to question my patience, because I’m with the guys. I’m not separate from them…I think we all need to play better. Jokic談他的耐心:17
[咒術] 借鑒這樣完結咒術 真的江郎才盡嗎責編之前在一次訪談中提到,劇情的結局非常有趣。當然很多讀者也表示責編所謂的有趣是 讀者的「反應」。但我想深入討論的是,責編所說的「劇情有趣」,究竟有趣在哪裡? 是借鑒成功「騙」了責編,還是類似於一般人看到朋友或同事的小孩不夠可愛,卻只能說「 看起來很乖」這樣的客套話?有些讀者認為借鑒已經實現財富自由,所以不在意劇情走向。 但我不相信誰會嫌錢多,顯然問題出在後期劇情突然崩壞。29
[閒聊] 未來特蘭克斯篇也太慘了看原版z 知道大特未來世界很慘 今天看了龍珠z 劇場 未來特蘭克斯篇 這..劇情也太悲慘了吧 看了整個心情超不好 尤其是悟飯這一幕 看了很不舒服...12
[咒術] 虎杖最後要怎麼死?虎杖爺爺的遺言 就是要虎杖在眾人的簇擁下死去 但剩下2話 水餃們幾乎都活著 儺儺掛了 腦花沒了 爺爺的遺言是不是在歐北共嗎?39
[外絮] Curry:對KD的表現一點也不意外Curry:能與KD再次合作,還有像Lebron和AD這些我以前沒一起打過球的隊友一起打球,我 真的是享受著這每一刻。 對KD的表現一點也不意外,上半場就打的如此完美,好像得了21分吧。他對這種大場面早已 習以為常。他是美國籃壇歷史上的得分王不是沒原因的。 看到他很開心,我知道他在所有的熱身賽期間都快坐不住了,所以看到他能這樣打球、享受爆
[外絮] LeBron:2028會離開洛杉磯 不會參加奧運洛杉磯湖人隊的明星詹姆斯本週接受了NBC節目的採訪。在訪談中,詹姆斯被問及是是否會在2028年洛杉磯奧運會再次參賽。 詹姆斯肯定地回答說他不會參加2028年的奧運會,並補充說當奧運會在洛杉磯舉行時他甚至會離開那個城市。 不,我不會去。當奧運會來到洛杉磯時,我已經離開那座城市了。我會在那裡住一年。但在2028年時我會離開洛杉磯。 詹姆斯今年39歲,將成為美國男籃歷史上年紀最大的奧運選手,此次他將在巴黎奧運會上場。此外,詹姆斯已經贏下三枚奧運獎牌(2008年和2012年各一枚金牌,以及2004年的一枚銅牌),並且被普遍認為今年也有望再次奪得金牌。因此,即使2028年奧運會將在一個非常熟悉的地點舉行,詹姆斯很可能也不想再次穿上球衣。 43歲的詹姆斯仍然比湯姆·布雷迪在他NFL生涯末期還要年輕。但到那時,詹姆斯很可能已經退出籃球生涯,甚至他的一個兒子也認為這可能會比2028年還要早。爆
[花邊] Curry列出了他心目中同一時代的前五球員Curry列出了他心目中同一時代的前五球員 Steph Curry lists his top 5 players in the league from his era in no particular order Curry列出了他心目中同一時代的前五球員(無排名順序) LeBron James爆
[花邊] Ariza表示哈登是他合作過的最強得分好手Theo Pinson:The best scorer you've played with…James(Harden) ? Pinson:你合作過最強的得分好手是....哈登? Ariza:For sure, James. Most he figured out how to scorer the basketball. He was doing it was just it was crazy . Being on the court sometimes you'd kinda like f all asleep just watching like, 'Damn, he really did that?爆
[花邊] Nick young:KD想讓FMVP給咖哩I remember, I remember they were neck and neck, KD and Steph. Then Steph had one bad game, and KD was hitting. In the locker room, Steph's head was down, damn n ear in tears after a win. He wanted to win that MVP, KD was trying to give it to him like he won the year before, so he was trying to give it to him. But Steph couldn't make a shot.爆
[外絮] Kidd:JB是賽提中最好的球員Kidd:JB是賽提中最好的球員 週六Kidd被問到如何應對JB時,Kidd宣稱JB是賽提中最好的球員。 JB是賽提中最好的球員。他在第一場比賽中做了所有事情,這就是你所期望的最佳球員該做 的。他在攻防兩端都表現得很出色。他是東區決賽的MVP,看起來他延續了之前的狀態。 JB在第一場比賽中確實表現出色,拿下全隊最高的22分,並成為第一個在總決賽中至少得到爆
[外絮] DDR:詹姆斯離開東區 再給一次機會吧DDR:詹姆斯離開東區 再給一次機會吧 在暴龍隊效力了將近十年後,當他看到前隊友贏得冠軍時,坦言這對他來說不是一個輕鬆的 經歷。 DDR:這對我打擊很大,因為我們當時就是贏不了一個人。我們贏不了詹姆斯。我被交易的那 年,詹姆斯走了。我更生氣的是我覺得,再給一次機會吧。在我心裡,我認為我們現在可以9
Re: R: [情報] 咒術261(文字翻譯)在249話 乙骨自責自己如果能一直呆在這個戰場,日車的處刑人之劍可能就能殺死宿儺,羂索那邊交給真希或許就行了,隨後馬上打槍這個想法 原因是 真希無法處理羂索的咒靈暴走,只有自己的老婆可以,然後又繼續自責現在這種情況都是自己搞的,是自己太想殺羂索才搞成這樣,然後 領域展開 真偽相愛!! 但隨著這261話的戰前計畫來看 不就是兵推後 一切照著計畫去執行嗎? 那為什麼乙骨在249話要說如果自己沒離開這個戰場就不會造成這個局面 這..殺小?57
[外絮] 鵜鶘中鋒Valanciunas可能不會以自由球鵜鶘中鋒Valanciunas可能不會以自由球員身份回歸鵜鶘 Scotto: There’s a sense Jonas Valanciunas won’t return as a Pelican this offse ason in free agency, I’m told. Valanciunas essentially split center minutes wit h Larry Nance Jr. this season and was benched often to close games. When Zion is爆
[花邊] 鵜鶘沒有打算在休賽季向IG提供續約鵜鶘沒有打算在休賽季向IG提供續約 The Pelicans are not expected to offer Brandon Ingram a contract extension this offseason. Ingram is eligible to sign a four-year, $208 million deal, but New Orleans will be going in another direction.爆
[花邊] KI談落選美國隊KI談落選美國隊 Team USA announced its basketball roster for the Olympics think a lot of us were surprised you weren't on it. Did you want to play? 美國男籃隊宣布了參加奧運的陣容,我想很多人都對你沒有入選感到驚訝。你有想要參加嗎 ?爆
[花邊] 追夢:明天將終結火箭進入季後賽的機會追夢:明天將終結火箭進入季後賽的機會 They have lost a couple in a row and, three games behind with seven games left a nd you’re losing the tiebreaker. So four games behind in a sense. With seven to go, uh, my math serves me correctly. Tomorrow will be an opportunity to end the ir season…their playoff hopes. If my math serves me correctly, maybe there will6
[龍珠] 大特會死於西魯 是另一個宇宙的大特吧?西魯1因為17、18號死光了 才殺了大特搶時光機 那被殺的大特 是不同宇宙的大特吧? 不然有進去精神時光屋修煉過的大特怎麼可能會死於西魯1? --76
[咒術] 乙骨是怎麼中斬擊的?雷 雷 最新話表示 宿儺為了要對五條悟釋放空間斬 給未來之後的發動條件進行了束縛後換來了53
[花邊] Shams:火箭面臨一個問題Sengun和GreenShams:火箭面臨一個問題Sengun和Green能共存嗎? Taking us back two months ago, the Rockets called the Nets on Mikal Bridges and I’m told they discussed a concept around Jalen Green and multiple first round p icks. That deal was not accepted by the Brooklyn Nets. 讓我回溯到兩個月前,火箭曾致電籃網詢價 Mikal Bridges,他們用Jalen Green 以及多個19
[花邊] Curry談勇士如何應對餘下的五場客場之旅Curry談勇士如何應對餘下的五場客場之旅 Warriors on NBCS Steph on how the Warriors are approaching the rest of their five-game road trip Curry談勇士如何應對餘下的五場客場之旅 Where you had to try to beat Miami. We got embarrassed against Indiana and didn4
Re: [問卦] 欸靠30歲就有飛蚊症很正常嗎年紀差不多但比你更慘 不只有飛蚊症 我還能看到鋸齒狀 大概就像這樣 真的跟圖片上畫的一樣5
[咒術] 獨眼貓毀了五條 到現在卻在吹五條的用獨眼貓賦予了五條是現代最強術師的形象,並以「會贏」自居 然而故事之後的發展卻把他變成了2.5小丑,之後觀眾開始解析獨眼貓過去的訪問內容 推測出獨眼貓很厭惡五條,但編輯卻喜歡他,所以他被迫繼續描繪這個角色 打到最高潮的時候 獨眼貓毫不留情賜死五條,並撰寫了一套五條體機場情節讓五條徹底變 成小丑3
[討論] 宿儺可以在魔虛羅之間切換?哭啊 這個作者解釋了宿儺使用雙開的方式 在魔虛羅之間切換跟五條戰鬥 以為借鑒都在亂改設定 但其實是宿儺是在卡bug以及隱藏自己能在雙開的方式在影子中詠唱 最後我還是有個疑惑 魔虛羅到底是死透了沒?48
[問題] 南港輪胎還是奪命胎嗎?公司的公務車 輪胎是225/40/18 昨天我看到輪胎已經磨到安全線 通知老闆後 他跑去換了輪胎 回來後才發現 哭啊 是南港輪胎 我之前就只聽過南港奪命胎8
[問卦] 機車行的老闆娘是不是都長得不錯?我因工作而居住於許多不同的縣市過 也光顧過各地的機車行保養服務 但我發現機車行老闆娘都算是長得不錯 儘管老闆的外貌可能一般般 是我湊巧都遇到好看的 還是真的機車行老闆娘普遍都算好看?12
[閒聊] 夜神月最後為何被降智?今天總算跟老婆把死亡筆記本動畫追完 但看到結局我依然很然相信夜神月會輸 就拿最簡單的例子就是 夜神月要魅上在現場動手這點真的很怪 還有N最後有用筆記本嗎?不然怎麼那麼篤定魅上那本是假的,不怕他寫上全部人的名字1
[閒聊] 請問瑩子上救護車的片段是刪減掉了?剛剛看了大家討論已久的真人版 但瑩子上救護車的片段怎麼消失了? 話說 牡丹不錯吧 --93
[花邊] 嘴綠談哈登到快艇後的陣容嘴綠在 The Steam Room播客上被主持人Ernie Johnson問到哈登去快艇一事 主持人:James Harden's a clipper, Now, so what your view of LA as a rival in the Western Conference? 哈登現在是快艇隊的一員了,作為同區的競爭對手,你對此有什麼看法? 嘴綠:When you put those names on paper, they'll be as good as any names you can7
[閒聊] 龍珠超 扎馬斯篇 很驚悚看了全部所有七龍珠所有影集 從來都沒有扎馬斯這篇那麼令人感到不舒服 整個宇宙都是怨靈扎馬斯 看起來除了不舒服還有點驚悚28
[問題] 幽遊白書有誰能跟宿儺一戰?依照幽遊白書的世界觀來看 有哪個妖怪能跟宿儺來上一戰 還是基本上都沒有勝算? --82
[外絮] Curry:第一位全票MVP本該是Shaq在2016年,Curry創造了歷史,贏得了NBA歷史上第一位全票MVP的獎項。 Curry幫助勇士隊 取得了聯盟歷史上最佳例行賽的戰績,達到73勝9敗。 Curry那個賽季場均得分30.1分,籃板5.4個,助攻6.7次。 他的數據令人難以置信,但他自 己也認為Shaq才是應該在2000年成為聯盟歷史上第一位全票MVP的球員。 是選擇全票MVP還是創造歷史的最佳三分射手?爆
[外絮] Curry鼓勵年輕球員重視溝通作為這代球員中的重要人物之一,Stephen Curry 對籃球成功具有豐富的經驗。作為 2 次 MVP、4 次冠軍和 9 次全明星球員,Curry 在這項運動中幾乎完成了所有可以達成的成就, 現在他正將他的智慧傳授給下一代。 上週六,這位勇士隊的球星因在他的訓練營中發表關於團隊間溝通重要性的演講而在網上瘋 傳。91
[花邊] Teague解釋為何把哈登排在韋德前面起因在上個月底的時候Jeff Teague在《The Bradeaux&Will Show》的一次採訪中表示哈登 絕對是有史以來前五名的得分後衛。 然後,他更進一步的暗示哈登比韋德更優秀。 Jeff Teague: I got him over Wade but I’m outta pocket, Wade had Shaq then he had Bron. He ai n’t never really been by himself. When he was by himself, the Heat were trash.爆
[花邊] Ja團隊聲稱直播中的槍是玩具槍REPORT: Ja Morant’s camp claims the gun in recent IG Live was a toy, via @break fastclubam. “Adam Silver is still going to go through with the suspension, looking like it should be 30-games even though the [NBA] knows it was a toy gun.” 據@breakfastclubam報導,Ja Morant的團隊聲稱最近在IG直播中的槍是玩具槍。1
Re: [爆卦] 手遊天堂W台灣最強玩家公開刪除帳號為什麼巴哈那些人要擔心星星和百鬼不先刪除裝備呢?原因就是一個字 「怕 」 百鬼的分身小號被官方封號是因為被官方稱為觸發了bug,並且官方自己定義了這種行為為 「惡意」使用,導致該小號被永久封禁。 (然而,所謂的「惡意」是指什麼呢?例如,因為韓國遊戲伺服器不穩,VPN重複斷線 上線 ,然後就被判定為惡意利用bug)爆
[花邊] 追夢:有3-0逆轉我就不用再聽到3-1這件Can they close the deal? I don't know, man. That's an interesting one. The first team to come back from a 3-0 defecit. We would love to see it wouldn't we? May be I won't have to hear about 3-1 anymore, if this team comes back from 3-0, lik e you can throw the 3-1 in the dirt. I'm sick of it, would a much better story, for me personally.爆
[花邊] 從未進過總決賽球隊:黃蜂 快艇 灰狼The only teams to never reach the NBA Finals: Hornets Clippers Timberwolves Grizzlies81
[花邊] AD今夏有資格續約三年1.67億的延長合約AD今夏有資格續約三年1.67億的延長合約 Anthony Davis will become extension-eligible this offseason. When he signed his five-year, $189.9 million maximum contract in 2020, some thought he was potentia lly leaving money on the table by signing such a long deal. He could’ve signed a two-year contract, then hit free agency again and signed another maximum contr爆
[花邊] Woj:湖人已經與DLo初步談過續約事項McMenamin: “And that’s why, no matter what happens from here on out for the re st of the Lakers’ postseason run, they’ve identified these two players in part icular, you have to imagine Rui Hachimura and Austin Reaves will be part of thei r future going forward.” McMenamin:無論湖人在季後賽之後的比賽進展如何,我們可預見八村壘和AR將在未來成為爆
[花邊] Brown:球隊計畫就是打點DLoBruce Brown said the Nuggets’ goal was to attack D’Angelo Russell defensively on every possession. “He’s not the best defender, so we wanted to make it tough on him” Bruce Brown: we got out in transition. We attacked them, we got D’Angelo Russel l out of the game. We played really well in the first half11
Re: [花邊] D-Lo賽後留下來和Christie 練三分→ Chanlin01 : 梯子出動 -------------- Not gonna lie, this is mad impressive 不得不說,這真的有令人驚艷到爆
[花邊] Shams:AR可能會得到一份遠遠高於5000Shams:AR可能會得到一份遠遠高於5000萬美元的報價 At this point, there is no doubt that the Los Angeles Lakers will do everything they can to sign Austin Reaves to an extension this summer. The 24-year-old has emerged as perhaps the biggest bargain in the NBA right now, with Reaves set to pocket just $1.6 million this season. Well, thanks to his breakout campaign with爆
[花邊] Ja Morant 在直播中似乎拿著一把槍Ja Morant appears to be holding a gun at the 13-second mark of this IG Live Ja Morant在這段IG直播中的13秒處似乎拿著一把槍 NMg&s=19爆
[花邊] 咖哩:1-3落後情況下把矛頭都指向普洱是毫咖哩:1-3落後情況下把矛頭都指向普洱是毫無意義的,我們需要共同努力 Jordan pool is obviously a really big part of last year's title run in this post season he's kind of just struggled with consistency and stuff. I mean what you g uys need him to be successful. So what are you seeing from him? And maybe what's your message to him?爆
[花邊] 追夢:咖哩想弄清楚詹姆斯在搞什麼追夢:咖哩想弄清楚詹姆斯在搞什麼 It seemed as though LeBron was in full mind games mode in Game 3 as he didn’t a ttempt a single shot in the first quarter and his game plan left Steph Curry sea rching for answers. 第三場比賽中,詹姆斯似乎採取了不同的策略,因為他在第一節沒有嘗試任何投籃,而是專爆
[花邊] 追夢:他們肯定會被犯規,他們進攻方式追夢:他們肯定會被犯規,他們進攻方式主攻籃下 Jarred Vanderbilt did a really good job defending. You have to give him a lot of credit Schroder also did a good job defending have to give him some credit as w ell. But I think there are some things that we can get to the free stuff up a li ttle bit more and especially with me when I'm on the floor. Gotta stay out of fo82
[外絮] 湖人對陣勇士:球探們對這系列賽的預期The Times spoke with three NBA insiders — one Western Conference executive, one Western Conference scout and one Eastern Conference scout — to get their initi al reactions on the matchup and which team has the edge. They spoke on condition of anonymity since they are not authorized to speak publicly on such matters. 紐約時報訪問了三位NBA內部人士——一位西區球隊的高層、一位西區球隊的球探、以及另64
[花邊] Ham:詹姆斯賽後提醒隊友這只是第一關Darvin Ham said LeBron James spoke to the team after the game and reminded them that "this is just level one." Darvin Ham說,比賽結束後詹姆斯與其他球員交談,並提醒他們,這只是第一關而已。 LzmrNA&s=1958
[花邊] 每個種子排名都有晉級希望,可能出現罕每個種子排名都有晉級希望,可能出現罕見現象 Assuming there’s no blown 3-1 leads, and the Warriors beat Kings, a team from e very seed will advance. No. 1 seed Nuggets No. 2 seed Celtics40
[外絮] KD對於可愛受傷的看法Kevin Durant’s honest take on Kawhi Leonard injury 當被問及關於可愛的傷勢時,杜蘭特給出了自己的看法 I’m more disappointed that Kawhi is injured again moreso than the matchup,” Ke vin Durant said of Kawhi Leonard. “Obviously, that’s always fun playing agains72
[花邊] Phil Jackson:人們想看的是沒有政治色Phil Jackson says he hasn’t watched the NBA since the Bubble: Phil Jackson說自從園區複賽後就沒再看NBA比賽了 “They even had slogans on the floor and the baseline. It was trying… to bring a certain audience to the game, and they didn't know it was turning other people off. People want to see sports as non-political.”32
[花邊] 伊隆馬斯克親自掏錢幫詹姆斯付認證費用伊隆馬斯克親自掏錢幫詹姆斯付認證費用 Elon Musk confirms he’s paying for LeBron James’ verification check mark 伊隆馬斯克證實要親自掏錢幫詹姆斯付認證勾勾的費用 --爆
[情報] 可愛因膝傷缺席今晚的比賽BREAKING: Kawhi Leonard is OUT tonight due to a knee sprain 可愛因膝傷缺席今晚的比賽 龜龜加油了 --6
Re: [問卦] 館長:我們進豬肉打掉整隻只留五花一隻豬肉呢,現在整隻豬批發來說是一百多塊斤,一百多塊一斤他們的批價是整隻豬的價錢 ,那當然館長(我)現在想說,我昨天講了嗎,頭尾(他在用滑鼠指著五花肉圖案部位)弄不到 ,只能用中間這一段,這整隻豬那麼大一隻牠就只有這麼一塊(五花肉)的部分,而且太油的 我們也不能用,什麼叫前後段不能用,就是比較偏油的前後段我們不能用,現在問題出在哪 裡,出在豬肉很貴,豬商跟我們講:整隻豬都要的話相對會便宜很多,你不要挑(部位)嘛,62
[外絮] Vogel給火箭留下深刻印象,將進行第二Report: Veteran coach Frank Vogel impresses Rockets, second interview upcoming 報導:資深教練Frank Vogel給休士頓火箭留下深刻印象,將進行第二次面試。 Frank Vogel, a veteran NBA head coach known best for teaching defense, will be t he first candidate for the 2023 Houston Rockets to receive a second interview, p er Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN.爆
[花邊] Woj:KT期望今夏能得到頂薪級別的提前Woj:KT期望今夏能得到頂薪級別的提前續約合約 Thompson who I'm told has an expectation that that he would be rewarded with a n ew Max level contract extension this off season. He's got a year left on his dea l at 43 million dollars next year you know he's come back this year and it's cer tainly helped the team to a championship last year. Had a historic offensive sea爆
[花邊] Snoop Dogg:現今最接近Kobe的是CurryESPN的Stephen A's World節目中SAS提問了Snoop Dogg現今誰最接近Kobe Who reminds you most of Kobe Bryant in today’s game? 在現今的比賽中,有哪位球員讓你想起Kobe Bryant? That’s a hard question because I don’t really see nobody with that killer inst inct. The closest that I’ll say would be Steph Curry because Steph Curry got th爆
[花邊]KD本季進入180俱樂部,KD:不算 沒打65場標題:[花邊]KD本季進入180俱樂部,KD:不算 沒打65場 時間: Fri Apr 7 20:36:05 2023 Kevin Durant is now averaging 29.1 points on 61.7%-40.4%-91.9% shooting splits f or the entire season (47 games) 凱文· 杜蘭特本賽季(47場比賽)的平均得分為29.1分,命中率為61.7%,三分命中率為40.