[外絮] Keyontae Johnson獲准參加NBA選秀
Keyontae Johnson cleared to be selected in NBA draft, agents say
經紀人表示Keyontae Johnson已獲准參加NBA選秀
The NBA's Fitness to Play panel has cleared Kansas State guard/forward
Keyontae Johnson, allowing for him to be selected in the June NBA draft, his
agents Mark Bartelstein and Ross Aroyo of Priority Sports told ESPN on Friday.
NBA的體適能評估小組已經批准Kansas Stata的G/F Keyontae Johnson的資格,允許他在六月的NBA選秀中有資格獲選,他的經紀人,來自Priority Sports的Mark Bartelstein和Ross Aroyo在週五告知ESPN。
NBA teams were informed of Johnson's clearance in a memo shared from the
league office on Friday afternoon. Johnson, considered a potential late
first-round pick, will now be eligible to start traveling and working out forprospective teams, Bartelstein said.
Johnson had conducted interviews with teams at the NBA draft combine in
Chicago last week.
As a member of the Florida Gators, Johnson, 23, collapsed on the court
against Florida State in December 2020 and spent three days in a medically
induced coma. He was diagnosed with a heart condition, but he eventually was
cleared to play again and landed at Kansas State, where he was voted the 2023Big 12 Newcomer of the Year.
作為Florida Gators的隊員,現在23歲的Johnson在2020年12月對陣Florida State的比賽中倒地不起,度過了三天的醫學誘導昏迷狀態。後來被診斷出心臟問題,但最終有被允許重返球場並轉學到了Kansas State,在那裡獲選為2023 Big 12 Newcomer of the Year。
Fifteen months after collapsing, Johnson made one last ceremonious appearancefor the Gators in March 2022 before entering the transfer portal and getting
medical clearance to play at Kansas State this past season.
在倒地後的15個月後,Johnson於2022年3月為Gators做出最後一次榮譽性的上場,然後進入轉學程序,並獲得在上個賽季為Kansas State出賽的醫學許可。
Johnson averaged 17.4 points, 6.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists on a team that
advanced to the Elite Eight of the NCAA tournament.
Johnson在球隊晉級NCAA錦標賽Elite Eight的過程中場均17.4分、6.8個籃板和2.1次助攻。
大四賽季的最後一場象徵性地上場過後決定進入轉學程序,最後去了Kansas State。
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