[外絮] 勇士青賽以及一些隊伍用IQ測驗評估選秀

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來源: ClutchPoints

REPORT: Warriors, Celtics among handful of teams using IQ tests to evaluate
draft prospects

Teams around the NBA are at a bit of a loss when it comes to scouting draft

Plenty of scouts rely on postseason play — including the NCAA conference and
national tournaments — to help inform their opinions of players and draw up
draft boards.

However, with those tournaments canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic,NBA front offices are being forced to adjust. One of the ways they appear to
be adjusting is by using IQ tests to evaluate draft prospects.

Bleacher Report’s Jonathan Wasserman reported that numerous NBA teams,
including the Golden State Warriors and Boston Celtics, are administering
these “tests” via Zoom interviews.
Bleacher Report記者Jonathan Wasserman報導很多NBA球隊,包括勇士跟賽提,在利用

"Hearing certain teams giving prospects some form of "IQ Tests" during Zoom
interviews. Timed exercises involving shapes, numbers, memory, matching. Haveheard Warriors, Wolves, Hornets, Raptors, Celtics use these."

Testing for cognition and basketball knowledge is about all teams can do
outside of re-watching available game tapes.

Private workouts and the draft combine are other crucial parts of the draft
process, but workouts are unlikely due to travel restrictions and it is
unknown whether holding a combine is even possible.

Both the NBA lottery and the combine were postponed due to COVID-19, and the
general expectation was the combine would be canceled.

CBS記者Jon Rothstein推特:
"Sources: Several NBA teams are preparing to make their selections for the
2020 NBA Draft based on Skype interviews and prior in-person scouting. Many
are moving forward with the expectation of no combine, no workouts, and no
in-person interviews."

It would make sense for the Warriors and Celtics to be as thorough as

Golden State will have a top-three pick in the draft as things currently
stand, and that will be clinched if the NBA advances directly to a postseasonformat in the event a return-to-play plan is finalized.

The Celtics, meanwhile, are slated to have a trio of first-round picks, with
the opportunity to add young talent at multiple positions of need.



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ZaneTrout 06/01 11:03滿合理

vincent1985 06/01 11:04Zaza到今年來選秀,應該進不了勇士。

Kazmier 06/01 11:08Zaza很聰明吧

vincent1985 06/01 11:08他老是很「笨拙」啊!被隊友教練認證的

newtypeL9 06/01 11:11大智若愚的Zaza,不笨則已,一笨驚人

Angel0724 06/01 11:22Zaza智將好嗎 還懷疑啊

kimo6414 06/01 11:24還有人在那邊質疑zaza智商,我也是很佩服

SULAjardin 06/01 11:25

RINsanity 06/01 11:27普通球員閱讀防守 Zaza直接閱讀一個系列賽 怎比

SULAjardin 06/01 11:27讓數一數二聰明的老江湖失控,zaza肯定是更加聰明

vincent1985 06/01 11:27所以你沒看到想要表達什麼啊?Zaza笨拙可是被隊友教

vincent1985 06/01 11:27練說過的

vincent1985 06/01 11:29KD on the Zaza-Russ play:

vincent1985 06/01 11:29"I don't think Zaza is trying to hurt anybody. H

vincent1985 06/01 11:29e is clumsy."

ODFans 06/01 11:49笨拙指的是不靈活吧 又不是指IQ低 中英文都有待加強

ODFans 06/01 11:50clumsy的英文解釋是awkward in movement or action

ODFans 06/01 11:50指的是拙於行動 而不是指智商問題

micbrimac 06/01 11:55樓上太認真了 酸民只是想超譯拿來酸而已XDD

icou 06/01 11:59zaza的笨拙正是大智若愚的表現,你們都還沒參透嗎?

jerrywin 06/01 11:59你確定只是想酸而不是智商問題?

ChowDerLu 06/01 12:00怎麼會有認真魔人在那邊解釋名詞

jokerxl 06/01 12:02因為解釋名詞可以打臉酸民啊

Gentile 06/01 12:04Zaza:感謝有人親身說明啥叫笨拙

Kidd0502 06/01 12:05不認真解釋 有些人看不懂文章吧

lovela33 06/01 12:09用頭腦打球加天賦 合理

sunnyyoung 06/01 12:12測戰術理解能力 比測IQ更好吧

hodsala 06/01 12:14防JR

plokmion 06/01 12:15想玩不通順的爛哽被打臉然後說正義魔人XD這板的素

plokmion 06/01 12:15質真的丟人現眼

rogerccyi 06/01 12:17笑死有人連笨拙跟IQ都分不出來

Kidd0502 06/01 12:19因為測IQ可以在線上進行吧

f77928 06/01 12:20這年頭當NBA球員也要智力測驗了嗎

a894392000 06/01 12:22二樓高級酸 可惜有人看不懂

DerLuna 06/01 12:22LBJ IQ不知道多少

SmartEric 06/01 12:25wiswman表示: 看我名字就知道F

steven24205 06/01 12:26zaza只是笨拙而已

ABOQQ 06/01 12:33說不定在埋伏的智慧超強啊

ccl007 06/01 12:38ZAZA是閱讀你的整個人生!

bleach2142 06/01 12:402樓高級酸?廢到笑

shiauyeu 06/01 12:45二樓中文梗我覺得很好笑啊 給推

NowLoading 06/01 12:48JR QQQ

gginin007 06/01 13:04zaza比你們想得更有料

justice0926 06/01 13:06再測EQ吧 養不養的起來 搞不好比較相關

mscmobitai 06/01 13:14乾脆把三角戰術列考題好了 不是公認很難?

ILLwill 06/01 13:17大巧若拙

plokmion 06/01 13:32想玩梗還要[ ]起來 看起來超尷尬 可惜對某些人來說

plokmion 06/01 13:32夠高級了

sept9048 06/01 13:37傻B別來 謝謝

cookie1125 06/01 13:55好的 新冠肺炎

qpqp7788 06/01 13:582樓的酸讓人覺得好笑

ahsoo 06/01 14:06Zaza是笨,結果拙的是馬刺隊

dndqjsmp 06/01 14:17Zaza是拙而不笨吧^_^

grayoasis 06/01 14:23梗還要框起來真的好蠢

aspired 06/01 14:46JR:你確定沒有針對任何人

vincent1985 06/01 16:22某樓是真蠢啊 看你過往推文好意思說別人

vincent1985 06/01 16:27自以為打臉 沒想過替他解釋的才蠢吧...故意成這樣當

vincent1985 06/01 16:27大家沒在看球?

nuggets0916 06/01 16:55JR:

cyttaro 06/01 17:02好想知道哪些是87喔XD

Tonyx599026 06/01 18:01結果沒人在注意原文xd 不過對18 19歲的人測iQ是準的

Tonyx599026 06/01 18:01

vincent1985 06/01 18:03測IQ是種參照值 也會根據同年齡的數據調整 不過我覺

vincent1985 06/01 18:03得他們是不是真的測IQ 我也很疑惑

mygoing 06/01 18:28書豪有考慮重反nba嗎? 哈佛畢業+上帝保佑應該不會

mygoing 06/01 18:28太差吧

s5167267 06/01 19:20怕選到JR這種的

ethel7669 06/01 20:54重劍無鋒 大巧不工-- Zaza

lwei781 06/02 00:45戰術很複雜

wsldh 06/02 07:27高級酸在哪@@.... 勇黑取暖

wayne291291 06/02 13:56當初不就因為富兒子聽不懂戰術 我賽才放棄他的

terrykoc 06/03 03:19當初JR有被好好測出的話