[花邊] NBA官方:季後賽對陣圖
Lakers win moves them into 3rd in the West
Suns win moves them into 10th, the last spot in the #SoFiPlayIn
West 2-5 is decided by just 2 games
湖人隊獲勝,升至西區第 3 名
太陽隊獲勝,升至第 10 名拿下最後一個名額
西區第 2 至第 5 名之間僅2 場勝差
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[情報] 尼克獨行俠黃金交叉來源: The Knicks have clinched a playoff spot. The Mavs are currently the 11 seed. 尼克本季打入季後賽 而獨行俠現在為西區第11名爆
[花邊] Nurkic生涯季後賽勝率15% 歷史最低Jusuf Nurkic is 3-17 in the playoffs. That's the worst win percentage (.150) by any player in NBA playoff history with at least 20 games. Nurkic生涯季後賽戰績為3勝17敗。爆
[花邊] 老巴:湖人進不了西區4強老巴:湖人進不了西區4強 "They're not even on the same planet with the #Suns and the Warriors." Charles Barkley as he said Lakers won't be top 4 seed in the West. Shaquille O'Neal says Lakers will be 4 or 5 to avoid Phoenix and Golden State. "They don't want that 7th or 8th spot come playoff time."爆
[討論] 湖人要闖進季後賽的X因子是誰?大家好,昨天洛杉磯湖人隊靠著AD戴維斯之神獸級的表現 30得分+20籃板硬是拿下了近況不安定的曼菲斯灰熊隊 也因為這一場,湖人從西區第11名前進到西區第9名 到目前為止,是勒布朗詹姆斯加入洛杉磯湖人隊以來 而勒布朗詹姆斯缺陣期間,洛杉磯湖人隊唯一勝率超過五成爆
[外絮] 記者:龜龜不再是超級球星,在防守端他記者:龜龜不再是超級球星,在防守端他就是場災難 All things taken into account along with the Lakers' 17-19 record, has seen West brook come in for quite a bit of criticism. Zach Lowe of ESPN has been the lates t to call him out, declaring that the 33-year-old is simply no longer a supersta r on his The Lowe Post podcast.爆
[花邊] Devin Booker : 湖人隊加油!消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: "Go Lakers." Devin Booker cracks smile as Suns need to win at Minnesota Sunday and have the78
[花邊] LBJ談本季剩餘23場比賽:生涯最重要的季賽LeBron on the remaining schedule for the Lakers with the playoffs approaching: “23 of the most important games of my career - regular season.” (via @Rachel__Nichols) LeBron James 今天談到湖人隊本季剩下23場比賽的狀況61
[情報] 拓荒者鎖定西區第8,將與灰熊進行附加賽拓荒者鎖定西區第8,將與灰熊進行附加賽決出季後賽名額 虎撲8月14日訊 今日NBA常規賽繼續進行,今日的比賽中,拓荒者戰勝籃網。 此役過後,拓荒者正式鎖定西區第8名,將與灰熊進行附加賽決出西區第8個季後賽名額。 根據之前NBA官方給出的附加賽規則,第一場附加賽將於本週日舉行,具體是北京時間8月60
[情報] 太陽季後賽連8場FG%至少五成 歷史第二長The Suns have now shot 50%+ from the field in each of their last eight Playoff games, passing the 1986 Los Angeles Lakers for the 2nd-longest such streak in a single postseason during the shot-clock era (since 1954-1955). The Suns trail only the 1984 Lakers,
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[情報] 本季各獎項目前賠率29
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[外絮] Devin Booker:天賦打球終究有其上限17
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