[外絮] Aldridge談當年 Pop不讓他在第四節上場

看板NBA標題[外絮] Aldridge談當年 Pop不讓他在第四節上場作者
時間推噓44 推:46 噓:2 →:31 by Jeff Garcia

SAN ANTONIO — Despite bringing wins to San Antonio, an All-Star, and leading
the Spurs to the playoffs, it still wasn't enough for former Spur LaMarcus
Aldridge to get fourth-quarter playing time under Gregg Popovich's watch whenthe team was throttling teams on the court.

Aldridge was a guest on the "Oddball Hoops" show and was discussing why he
couldn't see himself becoming a coach now that he is retired.

儘管LaMarcus Aldridge 為聖安東尼奧帶來了不少勝利,成為了全明星,還帶領馬刺進入到季後賽,但 Popovich 在比賽大幅領先情況下,卻不讓Aldridge 在第四節上場。

Aldridge 在《Oddball Hoops》節目中作為來賓,談到了為什麼他退休後,無法想像自己成為一名教練,因為他作為球員非常難相處。

He pointed to the fact that he could not see himself coaching because of how
difficult he was as a player.

Case in point: His time in San Antonio and clashing with Popovich about
late-game minutes.

Specifically, how the long-time San Antonio coach would not play him in the
fourth period when the team was up big on the scoreboard.

However, that didn't matter to Aldridge who said he wanted to play to
maintain his rhythm but Pop refused on the basis of resting him for the long

一個例子是他在馬刺時,與Popovich 在針對第四節上場時間起了爭執。具體來說,就是Popovich 在球隊大比分領先時,不讓Aldridge 在第四節上場。然而,Aldridge 表示他希望能上場去維持比賽節奏,但Popovich拒絕了,理由是要讓他休息以應對漫長的賽季。

"That's when I got to San Antonio and we were winning 60 games that first
year," Aldridge said. "And we were up 30 (points) at halftime every time and
I wanted to play the fourth (period). Pop would fight me and be like 'No, youcan't play the fourth.'

"I'm just like, 'I need my rhythm,' so like I want to go back in the game in
the fourth."


Popovich 總是反對,說「不,你不准打第四節。」


However, looking back at Pop's decision to sit him in the final frame now
makes sense to the former Spurs big man.

"You know that was the right way. To risk injury wouldn't have been smart butI would be so frustrated," he said. "We would kind of butt heads a little bitabout wanting to go in for like two more minutes but you know it would never

Said Aldridge: "I understand the big picture now."

回顧 Popovich 當時的決定,現在對Aldridge來說,就合理的多了。


Resting players, minimizing the risk of injury, and preserving their bodies
for the long term are staples of Popovich's coaching style.

That approach allowed players to prolong their careers such as Tim Duncan andManu Ginobili.

It also is a credit to Popovich and why he is considered the best NBA coach
in history.

讓球員休息去減少受傷風險,並保持長期健康是Popovich的執教風格。而他也用這種方法,讓球員的職業生涯得以延長下去,例如 Tim Duncan和 Manu Ginobili。

這也是為什麼 Popovich 被認為是歷史上最偉大的教練之一。

As for Aldridge, there was an adjustment period when he joined the Spurs in

He requested a trade from the Spurs in 2017 before Popovich spoke with him tohave a better understanding of his role and how to be coached.

After that, the pair enjoyed success.


He'd become a three-time NBA All-Star as a Spur and lead the team to
four-straight playoff appearances (2016-19) before leaving San Antonio in

He can also add a lesson learned about player management from Popovich to hisNBA resume should he ever change his mind and get into coaching basketball.

Aldridge在馬刺入選了三次全明星,並帶領球隊連續四次闖進季後賽(2016年至2019年),然後在2021年離開馬刺。如果Aldridge 改變主意,決定成為教練,他還是可以把

I haven't played for 3 days Pop, I'm 29 years old! - Tony Parker


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※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2023 09:46:18

JerrySloan 09/15 09:45是球員自己要上的

ABiao0220 09/15 09:45反觀

roger262390009/15 09:48結果大家都抄那套馬刺負載管理

ymsc30102 09/15 09:50DNP-too old

a12349743 09/15 09:52輪休始祖

Aretimis734509/15 09:59負載管理對球員長遠來說有好處 但是聯盟不樂見

Aretimis734509/15 09:59畢竟球星才是收視率保證 現場球迷也想要看球星

Aether13 09/15 10:07球員要負載管理一大部分就是聯盟賽程害的阿

YMOLE 09/15 10:07球員想上場也有可能是合約有激勵條款,有達到特定上

YMOLE 09/15 10:08場時間或數據會有高額獎金

heyjude1118 09/15 10:18LBJ:垃圾時間不能上嗎

ioioioaoaoao09/15 10:24所以這樣有冠軍嗎?

tmac0818 09/15 10:31沒冠軍 但至少aldridge在馬刺都還算健康阿

tmac0818 09/15 10:32冠軍是衡量一切標準是不是

tmac0818 09/15 10:32還是要像勇士那樣把人操到阿基里斯腱斷掉你覺得最棒

clotha52181 09/15 10:34樓上太粗暴==

PanaS0Nic 09/15 10:34上面某樓是不是覺得老史老馬的成就都不怎麼樣

liusim 09/15 10:37POPO不是說過 對AGG也蠻抱歉的?

rrrReshar 09/15 10:38現在球星最大 也只有Pop有資格這樣 其他教練敢讓隊

rrrReshar 09/15 10:38上球星上不了場 明天就不用來上班了

yeustream 09/15 10:39不要硬搶板凳球員的表現時間

hanhan5566 09/15 10:39馬後炮回頭看的話 LBJ的確有資格要求垃圾時間刷分

a11011788 09/15 10:39輪休就從波波開始

e8e88 09/15 10:47波波:噓......低調點

GeeBen 09/15 10:49冠軍隨緣 健康出場可以拿錢

Amilous 09/15 10:49看起來是想上去刷數據吧

rgo 09/15 11:00不刷分怎當球星啦...

acac6655 09/15 11:01第四節大幅領先保持比賽手感還是刷?

sam188321 09/15 11:01可惜Rose當年不是在馬刺,不然就不會搞到受大傷

rgo 09/15 11:01以前場均30分和25分 在全明星投票時天差地遠

chrispipi 09/15 11:17提勇士操KD的人跟認同的,腦子都被操壞了?

cv120345 09/15 11:41簽名檔有聲音XD

BadGame 09/15 11:42 那... 可愛 是 .. ?

tjtsyhssy 09/15 11:51可愛不是操壞的啊

taiwanesgoi 09/15 11:51可愛是被墊爛的

bores 09/15 11:52LBJ:垃圾時間讓我刷分一下

m122e 09/15 11:57皇叔: 怎麼沒人跟錫箔提過這件事?

Predrag2667109/15 12:00某樓是想酸LMA想上場沒冠軍 還是老波沒冠軍

Predrag2667109/15 12:02可愛從生涯初期開始就各個部位小傷不斷了

taruru 09/15 12:06可愛在馬刺時期就有傷, 但跟後來幾隊比保護的算很好

gn00324893 09/15 12:29可愛那年沒被墊的話 那輪還很有得打咧 那季馬刺跟

gn00324893 09/15 12:29勇士強到靠北 例行賽有次對戰兩隊戰績綜合還破勝率

gn00324893 09/15 12:29紀錄

BlackCatXI 09/15 12:31可愛被墊下場前馬刺領先20分….

BlackCatXI 09/15 12:31垃圾ZAZA

clotha52181 09/15 12:31可愛被墊之前贏了KD勇2x分吧好像

rex03187 09/15 12:33可愛被搞下場前的那年馬刺整合完成

rex03187 09/15 12:34勇士隊打不贏就自己製造有利局面

zero549893 09/15 12:39輪休始祖就馬刺

Aminoacid 09/15 13:06明星球員其實都有刷數據需求 POP這點可能不是人人愛

gotohikaru 09/15 13:08可愛新人時期輪休在這邊被酸爆啊

gotohikaru 09/15 13:08但即使扣掉輪休 可愛也從沒健康完整出賽過

gotohikaru 09/15 13:10有保護都這樣了 沒保護怕是早操爆早走人了

gotohikaru 09/15 13:11馬刺輪休背景是 TD生涯前期就大傷 07奪冠後狀態下滑

gotohikaru 09/15 13:11各界都說馬刺將迎來後TD時代 講得他馬上要退休一樣

gotohikaru 09/15 13:12MANU、TP則完美呈現國際球員優缺點

gotohikaru 09/15 13:13好管理 但常常帶傷打國際賽 正式賽季再來養傷XD

gotohikaru 09/15 13:14所以你說是要給他休還不給他休?

eric660314 09/15 13:45在那個位子上才知道

qq0526 09/15 14:16他來台灣會四節都在場上不讓他下來

ooxxman 09/15 14:23斑馬也一樣吧

bnn 09/15 14:31馬刺這樣有練到綠葉 整體戰力板凳堪用 球星也保養好

eddie0729 09/15 14:40可愛又不是操壞的 是墊壞的啊~~

carter7013 09/15 15:03所以他是最偉大教練啊其他人只是鍵盤俠而已

sunti0519 09/15 15:16可愛說被zaza墊的,然後舅傷復發

dindaofay 09/15 16:3217年馬刺真滴強

dindaofay 09/15 16:34每次勇士想提速追分,馬刺就會把節奏穩下來

leo755269 09/15 16:46POP跟Aldridge的爭執 主要是打法上的使用方式

leo755269 09/15 16:47上場時間應該沒什麼問題

leo755269 09/15 16:48我覺得AGG自己很清楚就是要冠軍 數據不重要

s8900117 09/15 20:57popo這樣才好 不然像rose那樣 popo會很自責吧

hsienhao 09/15 22:04AGG本來就沒辦法複製TD,愛投中遠距離不愛禁區就該

hsienhao 09/15 22:04去小犢複製司機

peter78963 09/15 23:06S大的舅傷復發形容的有夠到位QQ

LENMAN 09/15 23:53NBA改60場合理,季後賽全部3戰2勝,反正球員不耐操

kattte 09/16 11:21你有心臟疾病,很可怕啊

j5zzzzz 09/16 11:48想當年輪休還被聯盟罰款,結果現在一堆人都在負重管

j5zzzzz 09/16 11:48理,pop是先知啊

FadOut 09/16 12:12反觀台籃…